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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Cocking his head, Reaver kept his smile as he looked to him. Laughing gently as he replied, "I can certainly try."

"It would mean the world to me. . . life is so very strange. Such a crazy rollercoaster. But, i'm glad that it happened this way. Ready to go and do . . . whatever?"
As the absolutely tiny frame of what he guessed was a young nobleman came striding over, Owen pressed his lips together so tightly he thought they would burst to keep himself from either chuckling or going, what the hell? He couldn't tell which urge was greater. Nevertheless, he prevented both from escaping him as he watched the short gent draw closer, eventually opening his mouth to draw in some of the crisp morning air in reply. "Er, hi there," Owen greeted with a dip of his head, looking at the small individual as he arched one auburn brow slightly higher than the other. His own voice had more of a Scottish ring to it, though he perked up a little at this stranger's familiar accent. "I was just wondering if you could lend me a hand. I'm new around here, and we've been travelling for awhile, me horse and I," He added, gesturing to the lovely old granny horse lingering behind him. "If you could point me in the direction of the nearest town I'd be thankful. I feel like my arse is about to freeze off out here." He added with a breathy chuckle, bouncing some on the balls of his feet in an attempt to warm his body up as he waited.

@xXLittleLokiXx figured out how to do it screams
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"Yes sometimes, but I stocked up before I came here. And this is just my journal where the ideas go. I've written countless books on various subjects, past wars, ancient monsters, heroes of the past. I've scattered them across the world as a way to leave a legacy. You'll know you found one by the Lion Symbol on the cover. Kinda my family crest." He said with a nostalgic look in his eyes as he showed her the crest. 

"You might have heard the legend of the Traveling Lion? Maybe not. I've tried starting rumors and telling tales, but I'm not sure people have caught on." 

(Jarho Family Crest) 


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"I'm glad, too." Reaver agreed as he gave a wag of his tail. His ears giving a twitch before he'd then nod once more. "Whenever yer ready, we can head back out. But, we're gonna have t' loosen the embrace." he snickered. "That is, unless we're planning to move like we're physically stuck or tied together?"

@Forever J


Dei-Loki took this time to briefly look the male over with curiosity, his gaze soon glancing back to the horse behind him as he'd kept his hands pocketed. It was almost as if he'd been taking an analysis of the situation. Well... actually, he was, and that's what caused that slight delay in the wolf-eared individual's reply. "... Ya know what? We've got room here." His simple reply was heard being directed at the male, straightening himself. "The nearest Inn located here in Falador, Fórrelden, is currently closed off t' the public due to a recent incident. Here at the Alaois palace (Well known name and place thought this world. It is their King's home, after all. xD)[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)], we've got plenty of space. That is, provided I am given my father's approval t' make such decisions."[/COLOR]

(XD Yay!)



Malvo took pause following the release of the label, her brows slowly having risen as she watched the Inventor beside her. "No way... You?" She questioned. True surprise in her tone.

"One could imagine." Malvo replied to that last bit, soon laughing gently as she brought a hand up and rubbed her face. "Of all the people I'd ever thought I'd meet..." she'd then lower her hand. [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"Maker's breath, I used t' love reading about yer quests when I was younger! Drove my father crazy when it came t' requesting ta find yer other books so I could have them t' read."[/COLOR]

It was up until now that Owen hadn't noticed the small man's twitching ears, which had previously blending with his dark hair. His eyes widened considerably as he took them in, almost forgetting to listen to whatever this finely dressed gent was going on about. Of course, he'd heard of the animal-like people from Falador, but he'd never seen them before. At least, he didn't think so. Owen's jaw had popped open for a couple moments, but it would snap shut again as he watched the wolf-guy shift his position a little and his words came flooding back to him now. "Oh," He mused, blinking rapidly a few times as his gaze remained on the bloke's odd ears, before shifting it back to his face as he looked at him. Alaois Palace... It sounded familiar, but he'd never tarried too much in Falador geography. Or royalty, for that matter. He just kind of went where his feet took him, winging it all the while and that was precisely why he didn't immediately realize who he was talking to, and why they were so important. "Oh, er," He added, a bit dumbly, as he looked around. "That would be nice. You, ah, look a little, like..." The young man trailed off, pursing his lips as he thought of a better word. "You look rather well off, don't you? Are you a noble?" He added, a tad bluntly, before he blinked and drew his brows together again at himself. "Like I said, I'm not from around these parts. Forgive me." He lifted a hand to shove back a few of his auburn curls as he sucked in a breath. "I don't need long, I was just wishing to defrost my horse and my arse and carry on my way." He added.

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"I'm glad, too." Reaver agreed as he gave a wag of his tail. His ears giving a twitch before he'd then nod once more. "Whenever yer ready, we can head back out. But, we're gonna have t' loosen the embrace." he snickered. "That is, unless we're planning to move like we're physically stuck or tied together?"

@Forever J

Graham sighed. "Yeaaaaaaaaaah. You're right. Let's go." He let go with a small smile and opened the door. "After you, Rea." 
Reaver would give a firm nod of agreement, once again looking to him as he chuckled, as well. A smile remaining in place on his face as he closed his eyes and added in the lisp to confirm the fact. "I promife, fellow fpace buddy." 

"It is." Alistair had grinned and helped her put on her coat.

Malvo grinned a bit wider. Her tail having curled as she looked the blades over - sheathing them directly above her swords, just as they always were. "That should aid the Royal Guardsmen here fairly well!"

Dei-Loki let loose a huff, the cold air causing his breath to be seen as he started in the direction of the stables. "Been a while since I've been able t' see Tromluí." The short, royal wolfish male's Makrish tone would sound as he wore a smile on his face, reminiscing the time he spent with his horse. Hell, they practically grew up together. Though, as Dei-Loki wandered in the direction of the stables reserved for the royal horses, he'd slow to a stop and look in the direction of the south gate. Curiosity washing over him as he'd flick an ear, he wandered over and looked out to spot the newcomer, catching him just as he dismounted his horse, thinking with a cocked brow. 'Well, what do we have here?' 

Shai giggled happily as she stuffed her arms into her big coat then hugged her daddy happily as she watched forward eager to play in the snow
Dei-Loki watched and listened as the male before him made an effort to force his words into an answerable question. And, closing his emerald gaze, he would bring his hands out of his pockets before then folding them behind his back. "As a matter of fact, I am." he'd rock on his feet. A rather bored expression on his face. "Prince Dei-Loki S. Alaois, youngest son to the King."



Still, Reaver held onto his smile. Finding that it brightened Graham's mood made him wish to wear it a lot more often. And, loosening the embrace, he'd set foot out of the room as he glanced about.

@Forever J


Putting his coat on soon soon after aiding Shai, Alistair had grinned and put their boots and gloves on before heading out to the door.

@Daniel reaving
He couldn't help but laugh in delight at her words. "Haha! Well maybe one of these days we can take some adventurers and go on a quest to find them. It would also help me, since I've many more books to place. After of course, you read them. If you're still interested in my work that is." His eyes settled on some far away picture as he recalled his adventures. "Ah! I'm reminded of so many quests. The Spider Queens of the Dark Forest. Making deals with Giants. Adventures with beautiful tribal women haha." His eyes suddenly looked far older than his appearance. He remembered, of course, the stories that didn't have a happy ending. The ones where the good guys don't win. He wrote those to immortalize them in legends and song. They were usually his friends. 

Oh. Owen nearly choked on the frosty air he had been drawing in through his mouth as he heard the short 'noble' reply with that air of dignity and grace that they typically carried, the kind that put Owen to shame. He was in shambles; he wore a torn, dirty jacket that clung around his frame like it was holding on for dear life, inches from death. His pants were torn and bloodstained, and his daggers sat crooked on his hips. His hair was like a poofy flame of curls. He probably looked like this guy's worst nightmare. "The King?" The man questioned with a highness to his voice that only broadcasted his sudden nerves, and seemed to backpedal a step or two. "Like, the ruler of these lands?" he added, frowning as he glanced up and down the road, the gates, and then the area behind his little noble friend here. "Are you sure you should be talking to me, erm... your grace?" He added the last title reluctantly, as he was unsure of what to call this polished, dog-eared fellow.

Dei-Loki watched and listened as the male before him made an effort to force his words into an answerable question. And, closing his emerald gaze, he would bring his hands out of his pockets before then folding them behind his back. "As a matter of fact, I am." he'd rock on his feet. A rather bored expression on his face. "Prince Dei-Loki S. Alaois, youngest son to the King."



Still, Reaver held onto his smile. Finding that it brightened Graham's mood made him wish to wear it a lot more often. And, loosening the embrace, he'd set foot out of the room as he glanced about.

@Forever J


Putting his coat on soon soon after aiding Shai, Alistair had grinned and put their boots and gloves on before heading out to the door.

@Daniel reaving

She giggled happily as she clapped her hands tpgether as they got outside. Gasping happily at all the snow she squealed with delight dying to go play in the snow
Still, Reaver held onto his smile. Finding that it brightened Graham's mood made him wish to wear it a lot more often. And, loosening the embrace, he'd set foot out of the room as he glanced about.

Graham followed behind Reaver, searching for anyone. He spotted Malvo and waved to her, not really wanting to disturb the conversation.

Dei-Loki, whom kept his eyes closed while the bored, small frown still held a place on the lad's face. "That is precisely who I'm speaking of." however, he'd soon turn around and began slowly walking back in the direction of the palace. "Take or leave the offer, I wouldn't be speaking with ya if I didn't deem it appropriate. But, if you'd much rather freeze out here in the cold, so be it."



Once outside, Alistair set Shai down with a deep chuckle. "Be sure to stay close by."

@Daniel reaving, @DrBezendrine (Whenever you're free.)


(We can say they're close by. It's fine. Lol.)

Reaver kept his eyes ahead, also spotting Malvo as he lifted a brow.

"One day, perhaps." Malvo agreed to Buh'roham with a smile, soon turning her attention over to Graham and Reaver as she lifted her brows and returned the wave - her smile widening as she hadn't felt the previous tension between the two. Unable to resist, she commented. "Y' both seem happy."

@Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior
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Dei-Loki, whom kept his eyes closed while the bored, small frown still held a place on the lad's face. "That is precisely who I'm speaking of." however, he'd soon turn around and began slowly walking back in the direction of the palace. "Take or leave the offer, but I wouldn't be speaking with ya if I didn't deem it appropriate. But, if you'd much rather freeze out here in the cold, so be it."



Once outside, Alistair set Shai down with a deep chuckle. "Be sure to stay close by."

@Daniel reaving, @DrBezendrine (Whenever you're free.)


(We can say they're close by. It's fine. Lol.)

Reaver kept his eyes ahead, also spotting Malvo as he lifted a brow.

"One day, perhaps." Malvo agreed to Buh'roham with a smile, soon turning her attention over to Graham and Reaver as she lifted her brows and returned the wave - her smile widening as she hadn't felt the previous tension between the two. Unable to resist, she commented. "Y' both seem happy."

@Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior

Graham nodded, "you wouldn't believe it. Apparently, Reaver has loved me from a lo-. . . you already know this, don't you? How many people have know and never tell me!? I mean, come on, do i look like a big, giant, grizzly bear with metal for teeth or somethin'?"
Dei-Loki, whom kept his eyes closed while the bored, small frown still held a place on the lad's face. "That is precisely who I'm speaking of." however, he'd soon turn around and began slowly walking back in the direction of the palace. "Take or leave the offer, but I wouldn't be speaking with ya if I didn't deem it appropriate. But, if you'd much rather freeze out here in the cold, so be it."



Once outside, Alistair set Shai down with a deep chuckle. "Be sure to stay close by."

@Daniel reaving, @DrBezendrine (Whenever you're free.)


(We can say they're close by. It's fine. Lol.)

Reaver kept his eyes ahead, also spotting Malvo as he lifted a brow.

"One day, perhaps." Malvo agreed to Buh'roham with a smile, soon turning her attention over to Graham and Reaver as she lifted her brows and returned the wave - her smile widening as she hadn't felt the previous tension between the two. Unable to resist, she commented. "Y' both seem happy."

@Forever J, @TheCountryWarrior

""Yes papa!" She said quickly as she ran off into the snow laughing happily as she jumped and bounded cutely through the snow enjoying this more than anything
Buh'roham chuckled at Malvo and the two lovers. "I got here like yesterday and I figured it out." 


@Forever J

"It was pretty obvious." Malvo snickered.

Reaver rubbed the back of his head, looking to Graham as he'd blink from the last bit. "T' anyone ya get angry at, anyway. But yer more of an, uh... let's see..." he thought for a moment and, though he couldn't remember why the nickname came to mind, he continued to speak. "You're more of a sugar bear, if anything."

@Forever J

""Yes papa!" She said quickly as she ran off into the snow laughing happily as she jumped and bounded cutely through the snow enjoying this more than anything

Alistair watched her go. A wide smile on his proud face as he'd cross his arms. Being sure to keep her in his sight as he looked around.
"It was pretty obvious." Malvo snickered.

Reaver rubbed the back of his head, looking to Graham as he'd blink from the last bit. "T' anyone ya get angry at, anyway. But yer more of an, uh... let's see..." he thought for a moment and, though he couldn't remember why the nickname came to mind, he continued to speak. "You're more of a sugar bear, if anything."

@Forever J

Graham nodded to Buh'roham's statement. "I am a teddy bear." He then blushed when Sugar bear was mentioned. "My, is that my new nickname from you? You called me that when you were drunk last night. I mean, not that i mind. It has a endearing ring to it." Graham chuckled. "So, what are you two doing?"
"It was pretty obvious." Malvo snickered.

Reaver rubbed the back of his head, looking to Graham as he'd blink from the last bit. "T' anyone ya get angry at, anyway. But yer more of an, uh... let's see..." he thought for a moment and, though he couldn't remember why the nickname came to mind, he continued to speak. "You're more of a sugar bear, if anything."

@Forever J

Alistair watched her go. A wide smile on his proud face as he'd cross his arms. Being sure to keep her in his sight as he looked around.

Shai squealed happily as she climbed a log covered in snow then jumped off into another big pile of snow it nearly engulfing her as she giggled and laughed with delight before taking a small ball of snow and eating it before calling to her father. "Papa! Come play!" She yelled at him
Buh'roham facepalmed again and tried to not laugh. He cleared his throat. "Merely a few upgrades." He gestured towards his machine. "This is my crafting machine: the Manipulater! It allows me to create and improve weapons and other equipment." 


@Forever J

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