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*~*~*The Willow Maid*~*~* [Closed]

Then, and suddenly...

A beautiful, hypnotic voice began singing.

A womanly voice.

"See me now, a ray of light in the moondance... See me now, I cannot leave this place... Hear me now, a strain of song in the forest... Don't ask me, to follow where you lead..."

The maiden's voice was so beautiful the forest around her seemed to sway to the rhythm and melody of her entrancing song. The wind whirled in strange ways, swirling about, laughter whispering in its wake. It was a breath of life.
"That voice..... Why is it so familiar...?" He soon picked up his pace, following the beautiful sound. It seemed as though he had almost been entranced by the voice.

Soon he came up to a clearing, finding a large Weeping Willow Tree in the middle of the clearing. He glanced around, his gaze soon falling on a girl.

"Hey! Um, Miss!" He called to her, soon tripping over a ring of toadstools. "Damn," he cursed to himself as he stood, dusting himself off. "Um, Excuse me! Will you... Will you come over here?"
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A sudden hushed silence fell upon the forest and the light seemed to dim.

Then, a tree branch attached to the Willow snagged the Prince by his coat and hoisted him up into the air.
"Agh!" Reagan exclaimed as he struggled to free his coat from the tree. One thing he didnt like, heights. It was one of his worst fears. "C-Could you let me down? Please?" He squeaked at the end of his sentence.

She appeared.

Her hair was long and passionately red, ribbons of fire. It was intertwined with the tree branches, so long and wild. She peeked out from behind the section of tree trunk she hid behind, her eyes an emerald sheen. So full of life and energy...

So beautiful.

She tilted her head serenely and blinked, simply watching him.
"S-So the legends were true... You do exist...." He breathed with awe, a small blush painting his face. He almost seemed entranced by her beauty. "...whoa...."
She then narrowed her eyes and ducked back behind the tree trunk.

"Leave, now. Youre not welcome here," she suddenly barked.
The maiden flipped forward and landed skillfully on the tree branch that held him. She stood slowly and glares at him. She was not clothed, but her hair covered her bare areas. She tilted her head.

"I want to know why you came to my forest," she said, curling a fist against her hip. Her hair stretched out and whipped about him tauntingly.
"M-My father sent me... I know his intentions arent good but if you let me go.. I-I promise that I will protect this forest.... After all... I habe been captivated by your legend since I was little. My mother told me your legend every night.... Just please! I mean no harm!" He whimpered and squirmed from the branch. "Honest!"
The maiden narrowed her eyes at him, his hair whipping around her tauntingly. She straightened.

"Your soldiers have been terrorizing my woods. Frightening my animals, disturbing the peace. If your father sent you, I assume he is the King, and you are the Prince. You must be the ones sending those soldiers in here. I want to know why. And you will not be let down until you tell me everything." She crouched down, grabbing the branch she stood on with both hands, a knee pressed down to keep her balance. Her hair lunged at him like ropes.
Reagan winced when her hair secured him more, he looked to her, "It wasnt me whonhas been sending the soldiers. It was my father! Please, All that My father wants is to expand his kingdom. Im the one who wants to protect the forest, The forest used to be my playground when I was younger. I loved exploring these woods." His pleas were all truth bearing. He looked to her hoping she would let him down.
The maiden narrowed her eyes. She was getting tired of the Prince, and she had things to do.

She released him, flinging him back down to the ground.

"Leave at once and don't return," she snapped before turning and leaping down from her tree branch. Then she faced him and watched him until he would leave.
"If you say so...." Reagan sighed. "But If I do return, It wont be on my own accord. My father is a very demanding man, fair Maiden. Im sorry for the intrusion..." He then looked over to a flowerbed, picking up a yellow blooming flower, he brought it to his nose. "Then again... I may come on my own accord. You may never know." He flashed her a smile of adoration.
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The maiden sneered and glared hard. "You WILL NOT return. Or I will... I will..." She glanced about for an answer. When she had it, she glared back at him. "I will make sure you never step outside these woods again!" Her face flushed red with anger and her hair whipped about her wildly.
"I honestly wouldnt mind that. I dont really like the castle life. I feel the forest is more my home." He smiled at her before walking off without another second to lose. That much was true, Reagan never liked the Castle life after his mother had past.
The Willow Maiden growled. "That wasn't what I meant! I meant that I would kill you!" she called after him angrily, clenching her fists tightly. "You won't return... I'll make sure of it!" She shook her fist in the air, her eyes gleaming with hatred. "I hate ALL humans!"
"Look, theres no need to kill me. I want to protect this forest as much as you do. My Mother... Soairse, loved this forest when she was younger. But Im sure you already know." And with that he walked off to return home, back to the Castle that didnt feel much like home.
The Maiden watched him leave, steaming. She growled. How dare he try and guilt trip me? Doesn't the fool know that things like that don't sway me? She grunted and flipped her hair as she turned and began ascending into Great Willow Tree.

No matter. I'm sure he will visit again. And when he does... I'll be sure to end his miserable life. Men are monsters.
Soon enough Reagan mounted his horse, taking the reins in hand and urging his horse back to the castle. He glanced back at the forest one last time as it disappeared from his view. *Someday... I'll make her understand.* Turning back he then prodded his horse to carry him back to the castle.
King Olc awaited the return of his young Prince son.

As he waited for the report he had been longing to hear since he sent his son off on his mission to find the Willow Maiden, Guardian of the Forest, he couldn't help but to think of how much Reagan reminded him of his deceased wife. He had the same grey hair and grey eyes his beautiful mother had had. He smiled lovingly at the thoughts, leaning back in his throne with a sigh through his nostrils.

"My Son, you radiate your mother's beauty and passion," he murmured aloud.
Stepping inside the castle, Reagan hummed the old folk song his mother had sang to him about the willow maid. He wondered why ot captivated him so much as a child. He looked to the portraits that have been on the walls for nearly centuries.
"Did you hear me, Child?" King Olc spoke with a slight chuckle. He fixed a loving gaze upon his young son.
"Hmm?" Reagan looked to his father, " Oh, Erm.... I dont think I did... I guess my mind wandered.... again.... Apologies father."

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