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Fantasy The Wasteland

He had woken up three times tonight, perhaps he'd get a charm. Ian sighs and looks up, however, Carly is nowhere to be seen.

"Carly?! Mizu, wake up! Where's Carly?!" Ian panics, looking around wildly. He realizes something and sprints down the hall, his crazed emotions making his powers rip up metal out of there places to follow him.


By now the man had dragged carly into a dark and spaceless room "Stay here" he grudged closing the door and locking it. Carly looked around she had been locked in a room with boxes with more boxes inside them "Ugh" she sighed. The man entered back in and locked her in an even smaller room with a cell, Carly was locked in the cell and knocked out with duck tape around her hands feet and over her mouth the room with the box's door handle had been pulled off and the door was locked.

@SolisNighsun @Drako909
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"Isn't she right- ...here?" He looked in confusion, rubbing his eyes. "Shit, I just had had her under my arm!"

ikr? xD
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But Ian was already running, and Mizu was riding on the floating mattress.... which Ian had remembered to wrap in wire and take with him.

"CARLEY WHERE ARE YOU?" Ian shouts, only hearing the echoes of his own words. "Dam*** this whole thing must be a trap!"


Carly woke in fear and tried screaming but no sound came. she kicked the walls as hard as she could but then the man walked in and kicked her in the back as hard as he could "Shut it" she yelled then moving her into a sound proof room with electric walls so she couldn't kick. Carly struggled then realised it was electric because she kicked and was now almost dead. she tried to push a gust of wind onto the door but she got moved again. The room they were currently in had straps that he wrapped around Carly's wrists and ankles then he ripped off the duck tape and carly succesfully screamed but it was shattered by another sound proof room. Carly scanned the room but only saw dead bodies of different people.

the room looked like this except they are ment to be wearing different clothes (from carly's view)

Mizu looked to see how high off of the ground he was and froze. "Ugh.. I... erm..." He couldn't talk. He was speachless, for his Acrophobia got the best of him.

That is how I sleep irl... @xXMiaXx
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"Carly! Where are you!" Ian calls again, his voice cracking. He slowly to a stop, his body shaking with effort from the running. He pants heavily as he reaches his powers with his hands and proceed to take his anger on the bullet train, save for the care with their stuff in it, and proceeded to make it into junk pile.


Carly pushed a gust of wind at the man then froze him with no hesitation. She pulled free of the cords and ran for the door but soon the man freed himself and put his hand on her dragging Carly into the hall in which Ian and Mizu was in. He pulled a gun out and faced it at carly's head His hand was stubborn against her shoulder and his arm was around carly's neck as if she was a hostage.

Omg that's hilarious! @SolisNighsun @Drako909
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"You really know how to piss a man off," Ian snarls, a feral anger contorting his face. He points at the man and within a second a rail spike was just rammed through his hand, along with an identical one through his shoulder. As the man collapses and cries out in pain, Ian rushes forward and calls three other spikes to his aid, throughly pinning him to the floor by his clothes.

"Why did you kidnap her?" he interrogates, "Answer me!"

(Who wants to be her kidnapper?)


The man cried out in pain then reached his voice and siad "P-P" he got no further his heart beat stopped leaving Carly still in his grasp.

(Honestly i dunno i wanted to make it interesting...)
"Damnit!" Ian opens the man's mouth carefully and lifts his tongue, there a still disintegrating tablet lies.

"Cyanide pills, he committed suicide so he couldn't tell us, but what was that he was trying to say? P? This doesn't make any since," Ian says frustratedly. He sighs and turns to Carly, " Are you okay?"


Carly nods too scared to talk she stood from the mans grip and walked over to IAn hugging him "thankyou" she whispered into his ear.

(he has a character so go check it out)
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Jordan accepted took the bandanges and treated herself. After she covered up her arms, she looked at the two guys. They were probably brothers, seeing how similar they were.

-Do you know where the rain comes from? she asked them, curious to know.

I ran towards the city using my smoke manipulation to go faster while I coated my self in fire to keep the ran off of me. I then heard multiple gun shots and looked around to locate them. They were coming from the middle of town. So I started running again, but I felt like someone was watching us, but I just ignored it and kept running towards the gun shots. When I got there I found a flattened out dumpster, and I though only a person with powers could of done this. So I yelled, " If anyone can here me I am a friend not an enemy. So I just want to help. So if you here this just reply." I said this as it echoed around the city.
"Your welcome," Ian whispers into her ear, embracing her back. He rubs her shoulder and freezes, He could hear a voice on the main road echoing down into their safe place. They call out, declaring that they were a friend, but were they really?

"Stay close, we'll investigate this together," He says to Carly and Mizu, Ian gestures to the mattress and slow it lowers to the ground along with all the various metal pieces flying in the air clattering to the ground. He does however, rip six other railroad spikes up and they float to him eagerly with a mind of their own, but of coarse, it was just Ian.

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Mizu nodded and crept around a different corner to get behind the man that was calling out to them. when he was close enough, he silently morphed himself into a figure of water vapor and humidity. He crept up to right behind the man, waiting for Carly and Ian to give him a signal to attack.

@SolisNighsun @ChaoticWarrior
Ian slowly crept up the steps, a single man stood there. No.. it was a teen.

"Who are you to say that you are a friend?" he calls out to the boy, his entourage railroads spike flaring angrily. He had manipulated them so they looked like fine needles, incredibly sharp and incredibly thin.



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Mizu then left his vapor form and grabbed the boy's shoulders tightly. "Answer him, or you may lose what little you still have." Mizu was only picking up the 'New guys are evil' vibe from Ian.
As Mizu took the boy into his grip, Ian noticed something. The boy carried no weapons, and had just the clothes on his back.

"Mizu, release him, he is a friend here," Ian says with renewed vigor.



Mizu nodded and let him go, then turned in to vapor and walked through the new kid. he then turned back to his human form and turned to face the kid. "So... what are your powers...?" Mizu said almost ploitely.
Oh my powers. Here they are." I said, as I stared swirling fire and smoke around me making it bigger and bigger, but making it confined so it doesn't burn them. "My powers are smoke and fire creation and manipulation. I then dissipated the smoke and fire and said What are your guys powers." I asked as brushed my hair to the side.
"Mine's a tad obvious," Ian replies, crushing a nearby car into a perfect cube, "But perhaps not." The metal spikes swirl around their master. Ian holds out a hand and they fall gently into his open palm, clanking into one another.



Thats a cool power. Mine is not that cool at all. All it causes is pain and destruction. I wish I could help people with it though.

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