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Fantasy The Wasteland

Something was off she felt weird she heard it say you must dire for the circle to get in motion you must die she let out a scream before she got up and said don't fallow me this time please as she ran deeper into the town.she really needed to see a grave a grave that no one should know we're it is but she does.
Carly looked at Mizu and Ian "am i disturbing you?" she asked as she looked at a dead tree.

(Short post)
She walked over to a grave stone of a sister of hers.

"Lilly is it true."

"Yes little winter you and snow do have to die to set this world in motion. I am sorry."

She turns to snow who takes a arow and aims it at his heart she takes out her sword and aims it for her chest.

"1 2 3." They both stab the blade into them.winter feels the world go black the last thing she says is "I am sorry ash."
Snowy saw a dude cast fire every were then a girl run off.

"Who the hell are you!" She yelled at the boy who had cast the fire.she took out her shotgun and loaded it just in case things got ungly. @ChaoticWarrior
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I turn to her still in my rage mode. " Who the hell are you." I say as smoke and fire swirl behind me like looking into the eye of a tornado. My eyes are crimson red and My hair is floating, and there is magma at my feet. " All I was doing was protecting my friend. So don't go getting a jumpy finger." I say as I stare at her.
She felt a swell of anger run through her veins she looked down at the gun she was holding the part were her hand is was covered in frost.

"Dam it." She whispered under her breath.she felt a swell of wind hit her feet.

"Well your friend is dead." She said
Well that means I failed to protect her. And I know you are a supernatural becasue of the frost on your gun. So do you think we could team up. I know are powers contradict each other, but we can still be a team." I say as I look at you and realize that my only friend died and I start to cry as the magma puddle feet got bigger.
She hated even being near any one and now he wants to team up?!? He is fire I am ice why?!!!?!!?she just looks at him simply just stares.

"I can't be around people I am sorry do you not have friends any were no ugly nice snoty ones?" She asked she felt very uncomfortable talking to this boy.

So it doesn't matter if your ice and I am fire, as to why you can't be around people you just choose not to be able around people. You really can and I trust you team with me and we can survive. Trust me I am willing to trust you can't you just do the same? " I ask as I tilt my head to the side a little widen my eyes and pout my lip.
Because I can't control my magic every time I get scared agry or just spooked I freeze things I can't trust my self to even go to sleep I have not sleped in 4 days I am tired every time I sleep I have night mares I can not be around you so just stop asking my life is a mess I can not even eat or drink enless I am calm!why should I have to live like this just because I woke up alone by my self I can't OK I just can't! She yelled as she teloported useing ice magic to the old amusement park near the center of town and his inside the ticket both and trys to fall asleep.
I follow the signature and look silently over the ticket booth counter. i think of the best way to help her and I try to give her hope through heat. (think of hestia and the hearth.) I surround you in a ball of warm heat and pass on the emotions of happiness and hope. And I pray to whatever god there is that this will help.
She is sitting on a bed the walls are covered in blood and on the ground there is a baby with blond hair next to it there is a mom useing its blood to write the mesige

It is your fault.


The ticket both botem starts to freeze


Then it flashes to a feld full of flowers then to a dark room then to a pool then to a crowded room.

________she wakes up screaming half the ticket both is frozen.at lest it is better then last time.she wipes the sweat of her forehead and said

"I have no happy memories so stop trying."

As she again used her ice magic to teloport to a empt barn.she tries to fall asleep but what the woman wrote on the wall keepdd piping up in her mind.
'Damn it, Mizu, Carz (Carly's new nickname). Any idea where the kid, er, Ash, went? He was standing right here less that a second ago and poof, he's gone. Like a freaking fairy," Ian mutters, obviously discontent.



I remembered the people I was with and I S.T. back to them dressed in an black leather jacket with red trimming, a red t-shirt, blacked ripped jeans, and combat boots. Sorry guys I'm back what did I miss?
Carly like the nickname she had been given "So my nickname's Carz?" she asked looking at Ian "Nice" she exclaimed. Carly wasn't sure if she knew where Ash was but she was quite tired. Carly looked at the ground after a few seconds she had almost fallen asleep.
Snowy woke up she looked around nothing seamed to be frozen but she felt weird like a empty feeling. She got up and picked up her gun.she twirled it around her finger as she checked the barn for any suplise.
The only thing that's snowy found in the barn was a empty water bottle. After she finished checking the barn she went into the city looking for a store were she could get some food water or blankets.
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"Well, if you're just gonna stand there, Miku, looking like a angry teenager, I'm gonna go shopping for some steel toes. Maybe I could fly? Heh, maybe on my way I could get you some stilettos," Ian teases, putting a hand on his hip and waving his hand, proceeding to sashay down the aisle of attire.


Vallerie Called out for help near the shops. She had recently heard voices and thought they could help her find some food, even if it ment asking for help. "Help!" she called "Anybody?" She asked.


Carly slowly turned her head to Mizu, Of course, yes, looking like an angry teen about to have a hissy fit "Oh you" she sighed with a giggle.
Mizu sighed and walked into the stores, wiping any expressions off his face as he skims the Men's T-Shirt isle. He continued until he found a shirt that he thought was suitable. He then picked it up and went to the pants, finding a pair of nice looking jeans. Then, he stopped by the beanies to find something that would match the shirt and pants. Finally, he stopped by the glasses and picked out some nice shades before heading into the dressing room to change. @SolisNighsun

"Ahhhh. Here we go, some old fashion blazers," Ian comments, a slight smile splitting his face. This simple article of clothing.... reminded him more about the past than what he wanted to, but he grabs the dirty brown thing anyway, wrapping it tightly around himself. He sits for a moment, relishing its gradually warmth, and then grabs his packs and shotgun, heading towards the women's shoes. He was rather serious about getting Miku a pair of stilettos.... only which ones? After five minutes of tedious observing, he grabs a pair of pale pink retros with 4 inch heels. Yep, these shoes had enough sass to kill grumpy cat.


Carly had ended up following Ian. Why would he be in the women's shoes department? Carly observed him as he chose a pair of pale pink stilettos "Thank's" she said taking the pink shoes jokingly and hiding then behind her back "Got a girlfriend" she teased then looked at the pink heels then ran off and waited for the call Ian would make. She then ran back and gave the heel's do him "but seriously" she said looking into Ian's eyes "Who are these for" she put the heels back into his hands and taking a pair of converse runners then taking her current shoes off and swapping.

@SolisNighsun @Drako909

(sorry for my 'no grammer')
"What?! How could you forget? I was gonna give them to my lady friend Mizu remember? Every sassy teenager needs a pair," Ian gasps with mock surprise, chuckling to himself .
"yup. As i suspected" she laughed with surprise. "so. Our sassy teen really needs em ey?" she asked giving him a smirk then taking the shoes off and grabbing another pair of runners and putting them on then standing. Carly looked at Ian "Mizu,Mizu,Mizu" she smirked again then standing. Carly ran to the bags and grabbed the biggest bag and ran back shoving an extra pair of clothes then a pale pink skirt and a nice blowse. "what do you think?' she asked showng Ian "He'll like it right?" She then got a ring that had the words Lover on it. "sorry She'll Love it!" she laughed histericly and hung it on the rim of the back and kept looking for shoes, Clothes, Jewellry and make-up for herself.
"Oooooh that pink will re go well with his complexion, but you have to watch out what lipsticks you get, some of the older ones were made of bat poop, ya know," Ian replies with a finger wag. He looks through the some of the windbreakers and grabs a couple of the lager ones, shoving them into his backpack.

"Hey guys! I'm heading to the food aisles and then we should make like a bandit, m'kay?" he calls to the others, skimming the empty aisles with false hope. Wait... right there. Lots of the more hated vegetables like artichokes, collard greens and asparagus and a couple other had been left behind along with some canned soups.

"Mizu, Carz, come look at this!" he hollers toward their general vicinity.



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