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Fantasy The Wasteland

"Nice try, but this baby goes faster than it looks!" Mizu said quickly as he morphed the puddle into the shape of a surfboard and zoomed down the empty streets, not even daring to look back at Ian.

xD Don't worry about it!
"Not on my watch! My mind is faster!" Ian hollers, laughter dancing about his lips as he swerves and takes a short cut through a building, which he had fortunately remembered to make a clear way through and burst through. As he turned to boast to Mizu, he stopped in amazed horror.

His face immediately is filled with fear as he realizes what is speeding towards them. A rocket. Without a spare thought he holds up his hand and the rocket slows to a stop and then free falls to the ground. Ian shakes his head and grabs ahold of his wits, sending his convoy rushing after the explosive. He extends his hand and barely stops the metal canister from hitting the ground.


Mizu freezes as he watches Ian freeze the airborne explosive, then falls off of his water board. "You alrig-" He was cut short by a gunshot, and with instinct he covered the three in a shell of water. @SolisNighsun @xXMiaXx
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/keppeler-ks-v-sniper-rifle-in-338-lapua-magnum.jpg.61a4d13211a4836250689e9b47743a8c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83612" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/keppeler-ks-v-sniper-rifle-in-338-lapua-magnum.jpg.61a4d13211a4836250689e9b47743a8c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Ian barely blocked the bullet from entering his chest, even with Mizu's water shield. It was close enough to Ian he could even identify it, the bullet was a .338 Lapua Magnum, ammunition for a long-range sniper rifle, given to special forces in the military.

"Mizu, we have to take cover, they are intent on killing us all!" Ian shouts as he out maneuvers another bullet. Focusing on the iron content in Mizu's bloodstream, Ian sends him shooting downward to the ground, though stopping before he hit the pavement and gently letting him go.

In less than a minute, Carly, Ian and Mizu were on the ground. Ian quickly fashioned the flattened metal that had been his ride and made it into a shield to protect their backs.

"We should head to the subway!" he tells them, urging them down a set of stairs, the metal plate tinking as multiple gunfire rebounds off it.

"I can maintain a magnetic field to keep the bullets from hitting us, but I can't do it forever," Ian says as they reach the bottom of the steps.





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"Got it!" Mizu said quickly as he turned around and shot balls of acidic water at the directon of the bullets.

@SolisNighsun @xXMiaXx
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As Mizu took over, Ian dropped the magnetic field, the sound of bullets hitting the ground tinkled from their hiding place.

"Wait, Mizu, so you hear that?" Ian asked tilting his head. They sat in silence, holding their breath. But there was no sound not even a whisper.

"We must've made them think they lost us," he whispers, backing farther into the subway, "Come on, it'll be safe back here."


Mizu nodded. "Alright." He said with a calmer tone as he followed Ian.
The belly of the subway had a dank smell of mildew, though surprisingly no one was down here, nor any sign that people ever walked the concrete floor or waited for loved to disembark. There was a bullet train still down here as well. It has a long boat like front and painted blue and white. The glass had long been broken out of it and small weeds grew along all available cracks.

"No ones been down here in ages, I suggest we sleep here," Ian says gesturing towards the cushioned seats of the first class area of the train.


SolisNighsun said:
"I'm good, I can't have gluten, unfortunately, chips are an enemy," Ian says regretfully as he re-stashes his hoard of soups, "Though perhaps in another lifetime."
"that's okay" Smiled carly

"i guess we both have enemies!" She sighed looking around wondering when they would fix up the 'Wasteland' that once was a great city but now a wreckage of what's left.
"Yeah, we certainly do... well I guess I sleep on this seat here..." Ian says randomly plopping into a seat and reclining it as far as it is able to go. He sits back up and pulls a couple blankets and tosses one each to Mizu and Carly.

"Sleep tight buckos, it's going to be a long night," he says gently. And without another word, he leans back and within a minute, his breathing slows as he drifts to sleep.

(Notifications weren't working sorry)


Mizu smiled slightly as he slid his seat back and balled up his blanket, putting it under his head and covered himself in a thick water shell.
(I just realized Ian probably snores, and for whatever reason, I'm cracking up. *I may be changing his appearance*)
Carly turned her head to her back pack and opened it pulled out an inflatable bed then pressing a button and ina few seconds the bed was ready to be made. Carly took the blanket and made the bed "You okay Mizu?" Carly asked wondering if the accomidation she had would be shared with Mizu.
SolisNighsun said:
(I just realized Ian probably snores, and for whatever reason, I'm cracking up. *I may be changing his appearance*)
(Go ahead i'm not fased on what your character looks like and if you change it so...)
Mizu sat up and looked at her. "I could use a matress instead of this seat, so sure I'll join you." He said with a smile.

Mizu got up and grabbed his blanket, then layed down on the matress next to Carly and slowly closed his eyes after slipping under her blanket and placing his balled up blanket and placed it under his head.
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Carly slowly fell asleep with her black hair spread across most of the bed and almost going up Mizu's nose.
Carly woke sweating for some unkown reason she looked around Mizu was sleeping and so was Ian. Carly tried not to disturb them as she slowly slipped her shirt off and layed back down yawning. Carly closed her eyes then heard a hideous sound like a gun shot "Ah" Carly screamed as her face went bright red and she stared around her mind running wild she pushed a gust of wind down the hall in which she had heard the sound.

(I will be changing my pic to Anime)

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Ian jumped to his senses, " What is it Carly?" He had been pretending to sleep awhile, he couldn't, there was just too much going on in his head.

"Shh, calm down, it was just a bad dream, there's nothing out there," he says gently, rubbing her shoulder.

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But,uh..I...I swear..." Carly sighed looking around oh well she thought then laying back down. She couldn't sleep anymore after this, it was impossible for her, she kept thinking about the sound What was it? she asked her self. Carly put her shirt back on over her singlet and layed back down for a while.
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"I'll go check on it, you can at least try to sleep," Ian says, giving her a trusting smile. He pats her on the back and tips down the hallway.

The hallway was vacant, there didn't seem to be anything or anyone. As he neared the exit though, it told a different story. It was a mutant, bloated with disease and sickness. It looks up balefully and lets out a sigh.

"Just end the pain... please..." it mutters, bringing a machete up to its face. With a forceful stab, before Ian could stop it, the creature rams it through his own eye, killing it. Ian watches in horror as it falls over, quickly disintegrating into ash.

He chokes down a gag and turns around, heading back the way he came.

"Carly, it was just a stray dog, just get some sleep, m'kay?" Ian tells her, before curling up in his own designated spot.


OMG so sad!I feel bad for Ian now... :(

As Carly layed back down, Mizu leaned forward and wrapped his arm around her in his sleep.

Carly nods and waits till Ian is asleep then slips out from under Mizu's arms and heads the opposite way to the noise silently scanning the hall for anything suspicious. when she is to far away to see Ian and Mizu she starts running her feet making little clapping noises as she heads down the subway's Hall. Carly stopped and looked around slowly, she saw a figure in the shadows that was nearing her with every step "Your mine" it murmered as it pulled Carly away. Carly screamed but all that came out was an echo i shouldn't have left Carly thought as the persons hands wraped around her pulling her back.

@SolisNighsun (It was coming...it was coming)
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