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Fantasy The war

As much he loved a good mage fight this would eventually need to come to an end. As some of the marionettes returned from their fighting Arcturus willed them into helping him, send them out as a distraction. Now, the undead noble had three of them as a lich to contend with. Taking the opportunity from the distraction they provided he spent a few moments using his magical power to use the right spell to end this. With a long incantation the bones scattered about start slowly pulling to Arcturus, then rising up into the air as each one was charged with necromantic energy. As he thrust both hands out towards his opponent, all the bones shot forwards at their intended target. As each one hit either the noble or something else they exploded from the stored energy, causing damage from both from bone fragments and the force from the spell. It was a matter of moments before his opponent hit the ground, the marionettes descending on him to finish their gruesome task. After a few moments, Arcturus walked over to the corpse and pried the book from its grasp. Without giving the scenery much thought after that the lich ascended from the crypt. It was a shame really, had that noble been more focused on useful abilities instead of being flashy he probably could have won. "Nobles. The one thing that will never change." he says, chuckling a little to himself as he left the crypt's door wide open as he departed. The grave robbers could take what was left, for he had the real treasure of this place.
Ember's eyes shot open and bolted up her right wing retreating back inside her, Ember's body is mostly healed other than her ribs still being tender. She looked around a bit confused about the situation, tilting her head as she was trying to figure out the other man and a bear made of flames. " who are you? " she asked her hand already on her sword, that dream meant that she is being hunted by more than angels like herself. Ember's swords can kill an angel like her but not an archangel, it would merely wound but not enough to kill just enough to slow an archangel down. " who do you work for? Did abaddon send you here?! " she asked, her sword still firmly in her hand.
Bearington would let out a roar and stand in front of his master, staring down the girl who now had a sword in her hand. Ruxx gently patted Bearington on the head.

"Easy, Bearington. She's just confused."

He would bow slightly as he turned his attention to the girl.

"Good to see you're finally awake and not thrashing about. My name is Ruxx, and this guy here is Sir Bearington. We haven't come to harm you. In fact, I'm still not sure why I came here.....but it wasn't to harm you, that's for sure! By the way, who's Abaddon?"

Abaddon entered the cemetery gates and seen a man emerge from one of the tombs. He quickened his pace and yelled at him, " you there! What do you know of this place?! Have you seen a fallen one recently?! " he yelled while trying to catch up and question him. He could feel his energy and power from where he is, he knew that he wasn't a mere human. He stopped in his tracks and looked at him hoping for an answer.
With a sigh of relief she took her hand off of her sword, " he was my superior and my older brother before... Anyway he's known as the destroyer, he is very loyal to our father and will follow commands without question. If he is in fact here then he has come to kill me and others like me... If it's nessessary he will kill anyone that gets in his way, if that's the case then I must leave and continue my journey alone like I have been. " she explained to Ruxx.
As Arcturus looked to face whoever was yelling in his direction his emerging marionette mimicked the gesture as well. He seemed normal enough from a distance, but he got the feeling this wasn't some average thug out for easy money. The question only confirmed that. A fallen one? One of those defecting angels? The lich bristled some at the thought. He never really trusted angels nor demons. "Fortunately, I haven't." he replied. He figured he would take a gamble and ask a question of his own. "Why? Has there been one spotted nearby?"
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Ember looked away from Ruxx, " I was... Technically still am but I can not fly, thankfully mother earth and the deities of old took me in after I was damned to die here. Now I can use the elements to fight, I rarely use my other abilities... But sometimes I have no choice. " she replied, still looking away hoping that no one would catch her eyes.
Abaddon approached the man to answer his question without having to yell, " if there is I have not seen one, but I found a weapon infused with angelic power not far from here. Unfortunately there are many fallen that roam this world, they are a plague that must be dealt with. Since you have seen none, I bid you farewell on your endeavors. " he replied, Abaddon then continued to search for clues within the cemetery hoping to find something that would lead him to the owner of the bow.
Ruxx scratched his head, obviously confused by the situation at hand.

"So, this Abaddon guy, the one who wants to kill you? Is he going to want to kill me? Or Mr. Moody-Dragon over there?"

He would gesture to the other male in the room.
Ember looked at him her sky blue eyes meeting his, " if you stood in the way of his mission then yes, that's why I have always traveled alone. No need in taking a chance of anyone dying because of me.. When an archangel is sent on a mission they do not fail and they never stop until they have completed their task. " she replied, her eyes now beseeching him to understand her plight.
Ruxx stood there for a second, his pale gold eyes reflecting off of the girls' sky blue ones, seemingly enraptured by her, before he snaps himself out of his reverie and takes a few steps back.

"Oh boy, would you look at the time! I need to go do.....a thing."

With that, he turned to run down the hallway and out of the castle, but tripped on a piece of debris and fell, for the second time in a thirty minute span, flat on his face, and decided to not get up this time.
Abaddon continued his search but found nothing of use, looking at the bow he knew the owner had to be close by. Looking up he noticed a bright light in the distance, it came on and went off; a beacon.. Not of human origin either, I'll check it out. Abaddon made his way out of the cemetery to find the source of the light, it may lead him to find the one he is looking for.
Ember began to get this searing pain within her scar, she knew that that is not a good sign at all. Looking at Leos she quickly got up without a word, and frantically searched the castle for anything that resembles a body. Ember found various suits of armor and one by one she infused them with the elements and angelic power, they stood still awaiting her command. Ember counted them and was somewhat satisfied with the number, she enchanted ten suits of armor that would be enough to slow him down and throw him off. Ember sent eight out of the ten to patrol the perimeter outside and kept the last two inside, she then infused them with more angelic energy. To do this successfully he had to believe that she was inside the castle, once she was done she ordered them to go to opposite sides of the castle and wait. After completing that she went to the back of the castle in hopes of finding a back door to slip out of but it was in vain. Ember then felt around on the wall, looking for anything out of place but found nothing when she was about to give up a click came from under her right foot. The floor to her left collapsed reveling a hidden escape route out of the castle, looking around she quickly descend the stairs closing the hidden door behind her. It was dark so Ember lit a fire within her right hand so she could see, the stairs seemed endless but she had no time to linger anymore; he was coming and she refused to put the lives of Ruxx and Leos in danger.
Ruxx, after about five minutes on the floor, decided that it was now the time to get up, and did just that, brushing off all the dirt on his clothes as he did so.

"I'm surprised that the floor is that comfortable. I should figure out what it's made of if I ever get a castle."

He stopped dusting himself and looked around, seeing only the Dragon man, but the girl was nowhere to be found.

"Hey, where did the heck did she go?"
Abaddon came to a crumbling wall with a castle just beyond it's once protective walls, when he attempted to go in through the collapsed part of the wall on the other hand; he is repelled by magic. Looking up he had seen the beacon and became infuriated, " I have found you!!!! You can not escape me!!! This pagan magic may hold me back but it won't be for long!!! I know you are hiding in there fallen one and I shall have your life!!! " he yelled at the top of his lungs, Abaddon's voice rang loud and clear piercing through the darkness and echoing in the night. Now to break this barrier and finally find out who owns the bow.
"out I guess" Leos said after watching all what happened he really didn't know what to think. Then agen he wasn't one to let a lady fight by herself, getting up he walked past the Phoenix with his hands in his pockets. The boar was done cooking so he decided to go look for Ember "she had really pretty eyes" he thought turning down a hall.
Ruxx watched the man go before looking at the boar, then shaking his head, motioning for Bearington to follow as he ran after the other male.

"Hey, wait up! Don't leave me here when there's some sort of angel guy out on the prowl!"
Leos kept walking "your be fine if you stay out of the way" there was a strange feeling about the Air but it could just be the castle. He put his hand on his sword as he walked on.
Cathrina stood a distance away, her stature seemed quite calm, her arms down at her side, and her face was straight, although it would be hard to tell from a distance. She watched Abbandon scream and yell. She walked forward calms until she stood by him. "I wonder if your just all talk." She said calmly to him, stareing at the barrier he obviously wished to break. Her synth was hosted onto her back, and her arms were still peacefully at her side.
Ruxx stood there, obviously taken aback from the man's comment.

"Stay out of the way? Are you crazy!? People are gonna start dying if this guy is left alone, and he's gonna start with that girl, whatever her name was! Doesn't that bother you even slightly?!"
Abaddon looked at the woman or what looked like a woman, " and you are? You are not human, regardless I have a job to do " he replied, he then closed his eyes and regained his composure. Abaddon then focused energy in to his fist and began hammering away on the barrier, not holding back any strength as he did so. The barrier made a sound almost like it was screaming before the crack formed in the area he is focusing on, knowing this continued on but put more force behind his punches.
It wasn't long before the Lich had starting leafing through the contents of his prize. It held many useful things inside if his quick glances were any indication, but he would need somewhere more safe before he begin any serous studying of it. His mind wandered back a few moments ago to the supposed nearby fallen angel. He supposed the castle would be as good a place as any to hide if they were still here. Maybe he would go pay it a visit. If nothing else, if the angel is dead he would have little trouble making use of the remains. As he approached he heard the man from earlier loudly talking. When he got close enough for a detailed view, he saw what looked like a magic barrier being cracked and hammered at. His marionettes eagerly followed as he approached the archangel and the other individual. "Well, looks like you found your mark." he comments to make his presence known. "I don't suppose you would consider taking reinforcements in with you?"
Ember continued going on the stairs finally ended into a hallway leading to a few good sized rooms and a single door at the very end of this hallway. Ember wasted no time and ran to the door, opening it and seeing that she is now in a tunnel; she ran as fast as she could to get to the end of it. Upon doing so, she had reached an old trap door; when she pushed it open the smell of woods and earth filled her with joy. Ember then climbed out of the tunnel not even worried about closing the trap door and she ran not even caring what direction she went in so long as the castle is behind her.

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