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Fantasy The war

At the sound of another voice, the man in the jacket turned to face the newcomer, and shock fills his face as he quickly gathers more fire onto his arms.

"Gwah! A Demon! Begone, ye unholy spawn of SATAN!"

With that, he sends the collected fire on his arms at the newcomer, and two large pillars of flame are sent towards her.
Ember looked at Leos and nodded " I'm fine " she replied looking away from him, " my.. My bow.. I dropped it during the attack, I need it and to finish what I started " she said hoping to find a good area where she could jump and go back into battle. Just as she was to lose hope there not five feet away were some bushes, at the right opportunity she jumped out of his arms and landed directly in the bushes. Before Leos had the chance to stop her she had drawn both swords empowering the lighter one with the element of wind and the darker one with the element of fire. Ember charged at full speed releasing the swords with a slight gesture of her hands turning them into deadly whips, when returning to the scene she was baffled by anyone being there let alone three different people. The last giant that she intended on taking down had already been taken care of, heaving a heavy sigh; Ember then decided to make her way back to where they had made camp put out the fire and ran across the clearing. There is an old castle around here, it is in ruins but it'll provide better shelter for her and Leos from anything else that could possibly want to eat them. Exploring further into the woods beyond the clearing, a dark silhouette of a giant castle wall with guard towers could be seen; once she got closer to inspect it not only did she trip and fall over large fragments of the wall but it became very clear that this section had collapsed. Examining it further she then knew that it was caused by relentless catapulting long ago. Not intending on being caught off guard again she kept both swords drawn but had the lighter sword back in to it's normal state, while the other stayed extended; deeper and deeper she venture, going past the wall and looking for a way into the castle of old. Ember took no time to waste she ran along side the outer perimeter of the castle until the front doors came into her view, she quickly looked around before heading to the doors; this is it.. My body can handle battle but that fucker broke some of my ribs when squeezing me nearly to death... Luckily I heal faster than humans do, too bad I can't heal myself like I can others would make it so much easier, Ember thought before slowly opening the front doors hoping nothing lurked within. It was too dark inside, she put her hand in front of her face and still couldn't see it. Ember held up her right hand conjuring a small dragon made purely of flames, it is no bigger than a kitten but it's job is simple. " light every torch in the castle, leave no torch unlit little one " she said as the fire dragon flew off into the darkness it's little glow being the only light inside. Slowly but surely she could see light coming from different areas of the castle just from where she was standing, finally the little glow had made it's way back and there were glowing red streaks going in every direction. Torch upon torch lit up reveling the grand old stairs that were about ten feet or more in front of her, after the task had been completed the little flame came back to it's master. " gratitude " she said with a smile before it disappeared, now here is where the fun starts.. This castle has been abandoned for hundreds of years, after the kingdom had fallen they fled leaving everything behind but their lives.., she thought to herself before making another move.
"hey whats your probblem!" she yelled as the flames came twords her blocking it with her scythe. "iv done nothing wrong im not even in my deamon form!" she then put her scythe back on her back "see now im unarmed!" she held up her hands showing she was no threat to him.

Leos was confused at why she would jump out of his arms like that, but he just shrugged and fallowed her. After arriving a bit behind her at the castle he went back to his human form and sat out side of the castle waiting for Ember to come out.
The man would stop abruptly, confusion etched upon his face.

"Eh? What are you talking about? You're a Demon! Of course you mean harm! Everyone knows Demons aren't nice!"

He said this in a tone that made it seem like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
As Kaethel watched the giant go down he saw the newcomer waste no time in immediately picking an unprovoked fight with another person, claiming his reason to be based in race. As he lowered his crossbow and stepped from his hiding place he decided to speak up. "I'd like to debate that merit, given that angels and demons are prone to defecting from their sides." he remarks in a deadpan tone.
"see i can be nice" Salem crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at the phoenix. "you are a terrible person for picking on a girl" she said going more into the light of the giants bonfire.
The man would turn to the male newcomer, and look him up and down.

"You make a good point. Let me counter that with the following statement."

And with that, he pointed a finger at the males shoe, and promptly lit it on fire with a tiny burst of flame. He then turned back to the female and apologized.

Sorry about the whole 'Trying to turn you to ash' thing. I haven't met many demons, and the ones I have aren't nice."
Salem put on the cutest smile she could "it's alright I forgive you, besides I'm used to it" . she turned to the man that stood up for her "thank you not many would say something for a demon" she said smiling at him.
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The small plume was fire was quickly met with a couple of stomps into the dirt, putting it out in short order. This guy wasn't doing a whole lot to help his case. "Innocent until you're guilty, miss." he says with a nod of acknowledgement to her thanks. He then heads over to the giant's fire, taking out some of his earlier catch and beginning the process of cooking it.
The man would chuckle as he pointed to the male pulling out his meal from the bonfire.

"Check out Mr. Moody over there! He's so serious!"

He would then turn back to the female, narrowing his eyes as he looked at her face.

".....are you blushing?"
"no it's just the fire" she said touching her cheeks to make sure they weren't warm. After feeling a cold chill run down her back she walked over to the fire "it's really cold out here" she said sitting down she held out her hands to the fire almost putting them in it. The smell of cooking meet was making her hungry so she pulled out a piece of jerky out of a small bag attached to her hip, and started to nibble on it as she watched the fire.
The man looked at the tiny fire and scoffed.

"You call that a fire? THIS is a fire!"

Summoning more fire onto his arms, he shot the flames onto the ground in front of him, waving his arms about. After a few seconds of it, a bear made out of pure flame let out a loud roar, then sat down on the ground, watching the man, who turned his head to the two people, looking for their reactions.
A loud fit of coughing betrayed Horace's location. Hiding in the bush line he had not expected such a creature of flame to appear, not only causing said coughs, but causing him to jump back startled, trip over a log and collapse on the ground a small distance away from the group. He let out a soft groan.

"Please don't be carnivorous, please don't be carnivorous"
The tiefling didn't witness most of the other man's display except the end part, since he had been focusing more on his evening meal instead of the attention hungry person before him. It was quite the show, but the inquisitor would have been likely to say so had his mind not been made up about the performer. However, the sound of something else rustling about proved a welcome break for him. "Who's out there?" he called out, gambling on whether it was a person or otherwise. With the three of them there it's not anything would be stupid enough to be hostile.
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Palms raised, Horace stumbled out of the woods, surveying the strange group in front of him. He'd seen these people earlier obviously through scrying the battle. Now that he was here he realised he didn't actually know what he planned to do when he found them. The priority should probably be addressing the man who called him out.

It was the man who wielded the crossbow against the giants. He grinned, already liking this man for his courage

"My name is Horace Duvalier, pleased to make your acquaintance"
Watching the flame turn into a bare was interesting until it rawred witch made her jump and herring the other person did'int help ether, so she decided just sit back and watch them talk with her hand resting on her scythe for comfort.
As Kaethel watches the newcomer come out of hiding he examined him. Dark robes and a rather gaunt face made the inquisitor pretty sure they were dealing with a mage of some sort. In truth he knew he should at least be a little guarded, but this new person gave the impression there wouldn't be any problems. He stood up and walked over to Horace. "I'm Kaethel, pleased to meet you as well." he says, holding out a hand to shake hands.
Ember ran throughout the castle checking every room for anything, nothing turned up nor popped out. Seeing that there is a tower here she went back outside to give Leos a nod letting him know it is safe to go in, she then grabbed a branch that is sturdy enough to be a fighting staff to use as a light beacon; Ember then searched the castle grounds further and found a good sized quartz crystal that fit it perfectly. She ran back in the castle and went straight for the tower, placing the branch in the middle of the room and securing the crystal within it. Ember now used the power of earth and manipulated the branch by having it wrap around the crystal up top and slightly root itself in the the floor at the bottom; to power it she used her angelic light and infused it within the crystal. The is so bright that a mere human would go blind if looking at it for more than a few seconds, upon leaving the tower she then sat in the middle of the hallway leading away from the tower that lead to other various rooms. Ember closed her eyes and went into a trance like state, the trees had shown her more than three people now. Conjuring earth she had all the surrounding trees grow and their branches bind together, all nearby bushes did the same blending in with the trees around the encampment. Her intentions were to ensure safety from a anything that could bring harm, her light flowed through the trees and the bodies of the giants would now become part of the earth. The ground below the bodies slowly swallowed them whole and in their place grew two tree saplings. Pain had now begun to set in after exhausting herself and her abilities, Ember unknowingly passed out on the floor; her body can now heal properly.
Horace lowered his hands, realising he had nothing to fear from these people. He then shook Kaethels hand with a smile. A teifling at a guess, such an interesting species, or so he'd found in his travels. They're usually either murderous or lovely, and this one hadn't exactly tried to burn him to a crisp.

"So what brings you folk out to these parts? If you don't mind my asking"
Well, the handshake was good enough proof to Kaethel that he was in the company of another person that likely wouldn't try to stab him when his back was turned out here. "I'm passing through here on business. The Grand Maester of my order received orders to for us to track and kill a den of werewolves." the tielfing explains to Horace. "I followed them to here but they seemed to have their tracks covered."
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"I was bored of staying inside a mountain for so long."

The man stared at the new, strange looking male. Looked to be some sort of wizard to him, but that was just him taking a guess. He patted the head of the flame bear nonchalantly as he said this.
Leos seen her nod but still stayed out side he couldn't handle castles no mater how crumbled and decayed it was. feeling a strange presents and the sound of someone hitting the ground he quickly went in and seen ember on the floor. Taking off is coat he covered her up and went to start a fire so she didn't get cold.

Salem sensed no danger at the moment and turned back to the fire. Still listening in on there conversation she looked at the giants who were starting to disappear then out of no were trees. "an angels work? " she thought surprised that she didn't feel one around.
The man stretched, yawning as he did so.

"Say, you guys got any food on ya? Haven't eaten for a few days."
Salem reached into her small pack and took out some jerky "here you can have some of mine" she said quietly holding it out to the Phoenix.
The man quickly snatched it up and tore it in half, eating his piece as he fed the other to his flame bear.

"Thanks, Demon Lady!"

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