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Fantasy The war

"I have a name" she whispered turning away from him then stared back into the fire. the only reason why she was really there was because she hated the dark well and being alone. " I guess the company is not that bad" she thought bringing her knees closer to her chest.
"Hey, I've got a name too! We all have names! Mine's Ruxx. What's yours, Demon Lady?"

He plopped himself down next to the girl, his fire bear laying down next to him, and he subconsciously rubs it's head.
Salem moved over as the guy sat down next to her, she really didn't know she felt about him yet. "Salem" she said still looking into the fire.
Was this the place? As Arcturus looked at the imposing gate surrounding the old, dilapidated cemetery he was somewhat doubtful until his eyes met the steel sign located at the top of the front gate. "Briarthorn Cemetery." he quietly reads, more to himself than anything. Considering all the good things he used to hear of this place, it was odd seeing it in such a state of disrepair. Granted, that had been a century or two ago. As he walked up and gently pushed the iron gates open several of his marionettes followed suit. Their exaggerated, swaying motions would be comical were their faces not something out a disturbed man's mind. Of course, their various weapons didn't help the cause any. From what some of his underlings had told them there was rumors of a magic tome deep within what used to be a noble's crypt. Of course, the rumors also stated it would be heavily guarded. What better way to keep his skills sharp than by doing the occasional dungeon delve himself? The dark sky and low-clinging mist only gave the place a more haunted look than it would have in the daytime. Now to find his destination.
"Salem? That's a strange name, but good on you for sticking with it!"

He turned his around as he looked around the area again.

"Hey, wasn't there some dragon thing and another girl around here?"
"it's not strange" she pouted then turned around "ya but I think they ran off somewhere there is an old castle around here maybe they went there"
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"Oooh, a dragon in a castle? Like something straight outta a storybook!"

Ruxx stood up from the forest floor and dusted himself off, looking in the direction the dragon flew in. The flame bear rose from its laying position and nudged Ruxx's hand. In turn, Ruxx patted his head and pointed in the dragons flight direction.

"Come, Sir Bearington! We have a castle to find!"

And with that, they both ran into the woods I the direction of the castle.
Abaddon appeared in the woods, his father's orders were clear find and destroy any who have fallen but more importantly his mission is to seek Ember out. Though there stood a problem, his angelic form needed a human body for him to remain on this planet long enough to do his duty; not five feet in front of him a warrior lay dying. His sword not of bad size and his body had been conditioned by many battles, Abaddon approached the dying man. " You are dying and I can help you continue to fight but you must first allow me to help you " he explained to him, clearly the man could tell that Abaddon was not of this world. Unable to speak he nodded to let him know that he had permission to help, little did he realize that his body would soon host an archangel. Abaddon gave the man comfort and before the man realized what was happening he became unconscious, Abaddon then took over his body healing it as it he did so. " when I'm done this will all be a dream for you " he said whilst standing up in his new body. The blood that had stained the armor was no more nor is there any sign that this body had sustained any damage, now to continue his mission. The smell of fire from a far caught his attention, so he headed in the direction of the smell making sure to grab the warrior's sword as he did so.
It didn't take long for Arcturus to find the noble's crypt, considering higher class peoples' taste for large, outstanding structures. The castle he could faintly make out in the distance was proof enough of that. The small metal door that marked the entrance was rusted, even the hinges and padlock would be weak. As he tried to pull the door open the lock was barely holding out from breaking as the door made a loud creaking noise and a clang when the door hit the maximum space allowed by the the lock's chain. "Begone, damnable lock!" he lich says in partial annoyance as he takes out a small vial of acid and pours it over one of chain's links. He watched as the sizzling green liquid worked its wonder as it ate through the link and eventually causing the chain and lock to fall to the ground. With a rough, forceful yank he pulled the entrance open and peered inside the old tomb. Despite how empty it was, Arcturus felt as if something inside had stopped whatever it was doing and focusing on him. Some sort of guardian wouldn't be unheard of. Undeterred by the this he steps inside, closing the door behind him as the marionettes scrambled inside to keep up with their master.
Leos watched the fire as ember slept close by he could since others coming towards the castle hoping they would pass by.

Salem watched Ruxx run off to the castle. Shrugging she turned back to the fire as she started to doze off.
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After around around fifteen minutes of sprinting nonstop through the forest, Ruxx and Bearington arrived at the front of the castle, where Ruxx promptly fell over onto the ground, gasping for breath.

"Ah...oh, Gods....Cant...breathe....never again....never...why didn't I just....fly here?"

Bearington, being made of fire and having no need to breathe, simply sat beside his master as Ruxx caught his breath. After a minute of deep breathing, Ruxx eventually stood up and took a look at the ancient building. As magnificent it was, he didn't have time to admire. He walked up the stone path to the front door, but paused around fifty feet away from it, for he spotted another figure entering the doorway with...

"Dolls? Great. I hate dolls. Those eyes are just....creepy."

He continued on the path, but silently, so as not to attract the person's attention, Bearington following close behind. When he reached the doorway, he peeked inside, and seeing no one, went inside, the door still left wide open.
As Ruxx entered the castle and looked around, he spotted the figure he saw before; and was surprised to see it was just a simple merchant.

"Ah, good day sire, and...bear? Interested in buying a doll?"

Ruxx stared at the man for a few seconds. What in the....who was this guy? Walking into castles, trying to sell dolls?

"...get out of here."

The merchant shrugged, walking by him and out the door again.

"Works for me. I got lost on my way home anyway. Gotta sell when you can right?"

And with that, the man is gone. Ruxx and Bearington both looked at each other and shrugged, choosing instead to search the castle, trying to find the two missing people here.
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Abaddon got closer to the smell of fire and though he knew that he was getting close, Abaddon could not find its source. Then he noticed that the trees and surrounding bushes looked different, he approached the nearest one and examined it closely. Now he understood, the trees and bushes were manipulated to serve as a barrier to protect those in the encampment. What exactly is being protected? Better yet who is being protected, he thought before unsheathing the sword from his back. Using his holy power he not only charged the old blade but blessed it in the process, between his brute strength and a fully charged holy blade hacking this makeshift barrier would be easy. The blade was glowing a bright white, after admiring it's new found beauty he then began hacking away at the bound tree branches and bushes.
After about twenty minutes of wandering around the castle and not finding anything, Ruxx started to get annoyed. This castle was too big! Bearington nudged his hand again and let out a low growl, looking up at him with his big round eyes.

"Huh? Sense for fire? Why would I do that?"

Bearington let out another wail.

"Hmmm....you're right. It was pretty cold outside, and this castle is pretty decrepit, so it probably wouldn't hold much warmth. Well, besides those lit torches of course. Let's sense for something a little bit bigger..."

Ruxx held his arm out and closed his eyes, stretching out with his instinct and looking for a larger amount of fire. After he found what he assumed to be a regular man made fire in his mind, he opened his eyes.

"Ha! You were right, Bearington! Come on, they're this way!"
Feeling the presidents of the Phoenix Leos still up and turn into a human form and walk down the hall after checking on Ember. "maybe I should give him a fright" he thought to himself then shook his head "thous days are over".
As Ruxx ran down the hallways, he could feel the fires presence growing closer and closer, and he grew more and more excited by the second. He rounded the corner and was forced to stop himself rather suddenly, for if he hadnt, he would have ran face first into who he assumed to be one of the people he was looking for.

"Well, hello there! Say, would you happen to be a dragon of some kind?"
Leos crossed his arms and looked down at the guy in front of him "who wants to know and why?" he asked with a flat tone.

With an uneasy feeling Salem watched the flames dance until she fell asleep.
"A big ol' bird that's on fire, that's who! I saw a dragon fly this way and I'll be dam-, uh, I mean darned, if I don't find it!"

Bearington let out a short roar as well next to his master, sitting next to him and watching the other man.
Abaddon continued to hack away the barrier section that he was at, after so many layers the smell of fire became more prominent and he could barely feel a presence somewhere beyond the barrier. Now there is more motivation, he once again started hacking away at the barrier. Soon his father would send him a gift from the heavens to aid him in his mission.
"Uh....well, I don't know. You guys seemed like you were headed off to do something fun and I wanted to join you. Can you blame me? I've been stuck inside a mountain for about two hundred years."
"just sleeping" he turned around and started to walk back to were Ember was sleeping. "that's not long" he thought thinking about how long he was gone.
Ruxx looked down to Bearington with a raised eyebrow, then back to the man, following after him with Bearington.

"I'm sorry, did you say two hundred years isn't a long time? Because you might not know to math well, because that's one heck of a long time, especially when you spend most of it awake, staring at the inside of a mountain."
After making it back into the room he put some wood on the fire then sat down leaning agents the wall. "try 900 then you can complain" he said putting his arms behind his head.
" well, well " Abaddon said as he casually poked his head through the hole that he had hacked through the barrier, he spotted a girl laying by the fire. Closing his eyes he took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, clearing all of his senses to find anything that would lead him to any fallen. A faint trace of angelic power pulsed through the branches and bushes that made the barrier, another item also possessed a faint trace of angelic power but it lie within the confines of the encampment surrounded by this barrier. No more of this swordplay, I'll tear this barrier apart with my hands alone. A fallen one has been here and all that are fallen must be annihilated., his thoughts raced as he began tearing the hole apart in the barrier. The bound branches snapping like twigs under the weight of his strength, in no time he will have successfully broken through one entire section of this barrier. Then he will find the object that obtained what he was looking for.

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