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Fantasy The war

Section after section and coffin after coffin provided nothing of value for Arcturus as he searched mostly in vain. As he made his way to the back he felt that feeling of being watched get stronger. He had to be close at this rate. As he finally reached it he found a door with several magical scrolls over it, acting as some kind of seal. He couldn't help but wonder whether it was to keep someone out or something in. He was confident enough to think that it really didn't matter since he had backup with him. He spends several minutes reading over all the magic writings. It was definitely a warning not to open the door and other parts of a sealing ritual. With hardly even a second thought he ripped each scroll off of the door, then flinging the door open with a loud bang. Despite the age and obvious signs of being abandoned several lit torches hung on both sides of this long room, ending with a sarcophagus at the end of the room. As he looked around he saw what looked like several bodies thrown about on the floor, still equipped with aged armor and weapons. The atmosphere seemed a bit more oppressive now that the door was opened. Arcturus was almost positive whatever trap awaited him was going to activate after he claimed his prize. He wills two of his marionettes to guard the door while he and the remaining three went further in.
Ruxx would send a glare over to the guy standing near the wall and headed over to the girl, seemingly asleep on the ground, mumbling to himself as he did so.

"Ooooh, look at me, I've been gone for nine hundred years and that makes me cool....blegh."

He knelt down by the girls side, finally getting a good look at her. He was impressed with how she looked, but he couldn't tell if she was sleeping or...dead. He used his index finger to poke her lightly in her face.

"Is she dead?"
"don't touch her! " Leos growled at him "she is asleep it rude to wake a lady" as he said this a little smoke came from his mouth .
Ruxx would cough, waving the smoke away.

"Don't you know this is a no-smoking zone?"

Bearington, who is still sitting near the entrance, would let out a tiny growl, almost sounding like a laugh.
Leos leaned back agents the wall "and this is a no touching zone so keep your hands to your self" he said blowing the rest of the smoke out of his mouth.

Salem woke up with a start and looked around "i could of swore i felt an angel" she could not tell if it was a archangel or a regular one so she stood up keeping her guard up wile holding her scythe.
Ruxx would raise his hand in fake surrender, stepping away from the girl and walking back over to Bearington.

"Alright, fine. I've waited two hundred years, I can wait a little bit longer."
He shook his head "kids" he got up "I'm going to get something to eat" he said Willi g to the door "rich her wile I'm gone I'll take you apart" he said giving him a death glare before leaveing
Ruxx watched him leave, then as soon as he was out of sight, he immediately walked back over to the sleeping girl.

"Pfft. Ooh, I'm a dragon, and I'm gonna hurt you if you touch her, bleh. What's the big deal?"

He would stare down at the girl, his thoughts racing as he watched her chest move up and down in a rythym with her breathing.

"Just what IS so important about her, Bearington? She doesn't look much different than any other girl I've seen."

Bearington would let out another low roar, and lie down on the ground, in a way that showed he didn't have a clue either.
Going into the forest after switching to his dragon form he felt uneasy as he caught a boar and gutted it. Flying up into the air he looked around then started to fly back.
As Arcturus made his way to the sarcophagus he looked about the room. It had clearly been well decorated in its time if the remaining parts and bits of tapestry indicated anything. But he couldn't help but wonder what the point of having coffins along the walls was. Some kind of odd design? Maybe some kind of burial rites? As he looked upon the ornate sarcophagus he almost wondered just how both item and person were to use this much security. On the bright side, it all but confirmed there some things of value. The lid housing its designated body was about as heavy as expected but still no match for the lich and his puppets. As he gazed down he took note of the fact that was remarkably preserved. His thoughts didn't have time to linger for at that moment he heard the sounds of the other coffin lids shoot off and onto the ground. As he turned around he saw their occupant; warriors armed with ornate armor and weaponry, step out ready to kill him. Alongside them rose the bodies found on the ground. As he heard the distant sounds of the crypt's other occupants rising he quickly turned and found himself staring into the faintly glowing white eyes the dead noble risen from the crypt, now seeming to float a couple inches off the ground from magical power.

The lich's thin, parchment-like lips curled up into an understanding smile. This was definitely an ingenious trap. Use the "resting" dead as guards, then curse the corpses of those foolish enough to come unprepared to also rise to corner and kill any grave robbers. As the marionettes that followed him this far took an awkward, swaying jump and landed at his side he knew he was in for an interesting time exiting. As he began channeling arcane energies through his hands his marionettes began their assault on some of the nearby guardians.
Abaddon finally tore through the barrier enough to step through and see the girl now standing with a scythe, her energy is demonic and with that he unsheathed his sword. " young one step down and I will not fight you, I know what you are but my mission is not with you. " he stated while checking out the encampment with his eyes. There lay a bow not ten feet away from him, lowering his sword he went over to the weapon and picked it up. Angelic power is within this weapon, I must find the fallen..., he thought while keeping a hold of the bow. " demon who owns this weapon? And where did they go? " he asked.
Ruxx sighed again, still staring down at the girl. His eyes drifted towards her face, and he took a minute to study it.

"You know, now that I stop to look at her, she's actually really pretty, isn't she, Bearington?"

Bearington would nod from his position on the ground next to the fire, his mere presence boosting the flames a bit.

"Makes you wonder what she's doing with Gloomy-pants. Methinks Mr. Gloomy wants her all to himself, and doesn't want me even touching her, eh Bearington? Heheh."

Bearington would laugh his roar like laugh again, nodding his head.
Leos grabbed the back of the Phoenix's shirt and picked him up off the ground "I'm not grumpy and I gust don't want a pervert like you to touch her" he looked irritated.

Salem held her scythe to her she was scared but she figured that this archangel was not looking just talk with someone " I.... I... I don't know" she said holding her scythe closer to her.
Ruxx would stare at the dragon man with an annoyed look in his eyes, despite him being lifted off the ground.

"That is a VERY bold assumption to make, sir. Why would I be a pervert when my only thoughts for the last two hundred years have been focused on getting out of a mountain? Huh? You ever think of that? You should be less worried of me trying to touch her and more concerned over the possibility of me harming her, yeah?"

Bearington, despite seeing his master being held in the air, nodded his head nonchalantly in agreement with his master.
He shrugged then dropped him, walking back over were he was sitting before he started to take apart the boar and putting it over the fire.
Ember awoke to an empty castle her wounds had healed at this point, getting up she realized that she was not alone. She went to unsheathe one of her swords but they were gone, out of nowhere archangels appeared out of the darkness; each carrying the one weapon that not only could kill her but them as well. A blade designed by the tyrant god himself to kill any angel so long as it pierced their heart, archangels included. They surrounded her and attacked all at once cutting her relentlessly aiming for her heart, she screamed but had no chance to get away. One blade had made its mark in her right shoulder, the angel brought her down to her knees and looked behind him. The destroyer came to light from behind him, Ember's eyes widened as she whispered " Abaddon " he unsheathed his blade and smiled as he pierced her heart. Ember began tossing and turning leading her to scream and grip her chest while she slept, rolling over to her side; the scar next to her left shoulder blade where her wing had been torn off long ago began to burn. Switching over to her right side, the right wing emerged from her body and covered her while she slept. A pentacle of protective energy appeared beneath her and made a perfect circle around her, it the expanded around the castle itself. A barrier erected just outside the castle's crumbling wall, the elements were conjured to create this perimeter barrier along with the barrier around the castle itself. Ember unknowingly did this in her sleep out of sheer instinct to survive, she moaned in her sleep and said " Abaddon ".
Leos jumped up "an angel?" he said the. Went over to her after her wing came out of her. He lightly shook her "hey Ember are you alright?" he said trying to wake her up.
Ruxx fell on his face when he was dropped, but recovered rather quickly, standing up and dusting himself off. His immediate attention, however, was drawn to the girl, twisting around violently in her sleep. He rushed to her side, kneeling down close to her, but was unsure of what to do to help her. He looked over at the dragon guy with wide eyes.

"What the heck is going on!? An angel? Nightmares? And who the heck is Abaddon?"
Abaddon raised his brow at her but could see no lie on her face, " very well then, I have no quarrel with you demon " he stated as he walked away without a second thought still holding onto the bow as he went. Soon a gift from his father will come and he must be ready for it.
Leos shrugged then shook ember agen "wake up Ember your having a nightmare" he said gently shaking her agen.

Salem sighed then fell to her knees as she watched the archangel leaving.
"She's still not waking up! What do we do? WHAT DO WE DO!?"

Bearington approached his master and tried to provide some comfort by nuzzling his master, but Ruxx began to pace the room very fast, still panicking.
As Arcturus put up a protective ward around himself one one of the crypt's guardian's slashed at him, only for his longsword to harmlessly deflect off of the lich's barrier. As he used one hand to keep the barrier sufficiently strong with magical power a few arcane words and gestures were done by him, sending a blast of force at the attacker and causing it to smack into the wall and the bones of the skeleton to scatter across the room. As he willed his marionettes to go fully on the offense he saw the undead noble open the magic book. Arcturus didn't intend to let him get any chances to use the knowledge that tome contained! Responding to his thoughts one of his puppets quickly leaped from the guardian and landed in a wobbly fashion in front of the noble, making several quick stabbing attacks at its target.He just needed to keep him on his toes until the lich could give his full attention to the thing clutching his prize. The seconds seemed to slow to a crawl as Arcturus spent the fight going between offense and defense, his marionettes more than a match for the lumbering oafs that were guarding this crypt. Attacking, defending, warding, spellslinging. t had its own type of rhythm, almost like a dance. Or more accurately, a duel.

Soon the noble's guards lie scattered in pieces on the floor. The satisfied lich willed his underlings to deal with the rest of the risen dead in the crypt, leaving the undead noble to him. As the glowing white the undead noble's eyes flared up he let forth a booming shot, moving Arcturus back a few feet. As it prepared to cast another spell the lich quickly lashed out with his own magic,concentrating on his necromantic power to form several spears made out of the former's guardians bones and launch them at his opponent, piercing into him and knocking him from his floating position. Undeterred but noticeably damaged, the two continued their magic fight. Lights flashed and incantations echoed loudly as the two fought until one of them met their second death.
A beam of holy light came from the darkened sky, Abaddon had seen this and ran in it's direction. When he had finally reached his destination, there before were two swords. One as black as night, this blade was designed to kill demons; the other looked normal but it was far from any sword that anyone can wield, born from holy silver and infused with the souls of great angels that have fallen in battle no one can wield it but an angel. If anyone dare try it would be similar to that of the sword in the stone. Abaddon smiled and graciously armed himself with his new weapons, now he can destroy the fallen one he's after. Abaddon seen a cemetery in the distance, he decided that he would start there and began walking to the cemetery.
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"she will be fine " Leos said gently shaking her agen he was starting to get a bit worried about her. "Ember" he said agen a bit louder.
Ruxx took a couple of deep breaths as he began to try and figure out the situation.

"Okay, so....this girl is having nightmares, moaning Abaddon, has half of a wing for some reason, and has now done some sort of magic in her sleep that I have no idea what it does. Am I missing something?"

Bearington shook his head, pretty sure that that was the gist of the situation.


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