Quiet Oblivion
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Full agree with everything there and previously said by everybody. Having two weeks of free back and forth should be more than enough, especially with the third used to bring everyone back on track. The mention of specific moments where we can first evolve and end up in unwinnable fights makes perfect sense, and I think we can all trust Azure to be fair and have it make sense for characters...
Much appreciated lol. I do agree to peeps will still be expected to post unless they opt to skip.
So at this time, I think I will do two weeks for the free period and that third week ill run as a free, but plot-driven movement(in other words make sure they start traveling lol) piece so we can haggle a week extra but keep moving forward into the next act.
Fair enough though do remember if you have a digi egg champion that will be story scripted to how you gain the digi egg which I think your second evolution uses right?
Full agree with everything there and previously said by everybody. Having two weeks of free back and forth should be more than enough, especially with the third used to bring everyone back on track. The mention of specific moments where we can first evolve and end up in unwinnable fights makes perfect sense, and I think we can all trust Azure to be fair and have it make sense for characters...