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Fantasy Annihilus Storm OOC


“Here, whatever happens, happens.” - Willa Cather
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
Planning, schedule, announcements, etc.

I’ll just give a bit of my style and schedule to start:

- I’m in school and work part-time during the week as well, so at present most of my responses will be on weekends and Mondays but I’ll try to check in other days as well.
- I can echo my partner as far as length but short and powerful/layered/whatever is my natural inclination haha. Basically a couple paragraphs but plenty to work with.
- I don’t write much romance but I’m not opposed
Hey!!! Ill do the same I suppose loll

I'm also in school but my responses tend to be a bit quicker, though sometimes when I have a lot of exams or assignements my activity will drop a bit. Though, unless stated otherwise you can usually expect a response from me within the day or the day after.

I am still breaking back into roleplay but I'm open to any types of character interactions (even romance), and will match my partner(s)'s length as best as I can.
So, I may be putting the cart before the horse here a bit we don't have everyone's characters up, but any ideas about how we want to meet up and eventually form a cohesive group? The one who turns into animals seems to have a powerful reason to go wandering. My character's reasons aren't much differant, so they could easily could have already left and run into someone else. I would think either of us, once we learned there was an expert in history, might have cause to seek out that expert. That might give one or both of us a reason to seek Alana out.

The squire also seems like they would be sort of looking to fall in with some folk, so is easy enough to meet in wandering. The assassin, I am seeing a less obvious reason they would want to join up, but presumably jobs/justice can bring them into contact with any of our characters to start getting folks together.

The demi-dragon also seems like a good potential person to be on the move and pick folks up. Searching out emotions would seem like a thing that could potentially have one ranging far and wide and folks chasing down mythical artifacts and vague stories would also be the sort of folk that might stumble on to new feelings or real emotion in ways that don't exist elsewhere since they're looking places others don't.

I'm just throwing out ideas and trying to get the ball rolling on the thought process for folks. Maybe some of these work. Maybe none of them do. Maybe they spark ideas. Maybe they don't. Only way I know is to engage in conversation and find out.
Also, the Lore thread says that we should feel free to throw stuff up there. Since I was asked about earth elementals before, and I am the one playing one, I might enjoy expanding on their ecology and putting up that stuff in the lore channel if I may. I do have some thoughts on it, and while some of those are incorporated into my character sheet, it might be useful for others to also have the lore on them. I imagine others will do that for things like the demi-dragons (if there is more than one) and the things related to their characters.

Also, you mentioned steampunk stuff. Might enjoy more on that topic even if my character might not use a lot of it. It's still cool setting stuff that might show up in my writing and what not. I am not sure if discussion of lore should be here or there. I can see an argument for keeping the lore thread tidy with it only having the actual lore rather than the discussions, but I can also see the idea that that is indeed the place for lore discussions.

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