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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

As Dumbledore took care of Jacob, Xavier stepped up beside Aaron. He gently took the boy into his arms, giving him a hug. It wasn’t too tight, but the comfort was there. “Come on. He’s in the best possible hands now. Let’s go somewhere quiet” He said gently. Getting Aaron somewhere else theoretically should give him the chance to begin the long process of grieving. And Xavier would be beside him for as long as Aaron wanted him there.
Tears continued to fall down Aaron’s cheeks as he looked at Dumbledore kneeling down beside poor Jacob and his cold dead corpse. He whimpered as Xavier pulled him away from the scene. It would be the last time he ever saw Jacob. He hoped that Jacob’s parents were ok. Surely they’d be devastated once they learned the news of their only son’s brutal murder in the one place he was supposed to be safe. He just sobbed as he walked away with Xavier.
Xavier heard the whimper and gripped the poor boys shoulders tighter. He led them away, through the halls until they reached the safest place Xavier could think of. Their secret room. He opened the door, led Aaron in, leaving him long enough to shut the door and whisper a silencing charm so no one could hear what was happening. He walked towards the desk and grabbed his spare black jacket. The biggest change Xavier had this summer was his chest had broadened which increased his clothing sizes. He brought it over to Aaron, wrapped it over his shoulders like a big cloak and wrapped him in a hug. He wanted to wipe those tears away, but he didn't want to make his best friend uncomfortable along with his grief.
Aaron leaned into Xavier as they walked. He could barely stay on his feet on his own and felt like he had lost all strength in his legs and knees. The image of poor Jacob’s terrified pale face, the blood dripping from the young boy’s mouth, the cold lifeless body on the floor, stained Aaron’s memories. The writing on the wall in Jacob’s blood was clear as day- “blood traitor.” Tears didn’t stop falling as Xavier guided them to their secret room. This was where he needed to be right now- out of sight of anyone else and alone with Xavier. He had just lost one of his closest friends. Aaron began to break down and cry once they had reached the room.
Xavier held on tight to his friend. He led them over to the wall, gently bringing the pair of them into a sitting position. "Let it out, I'm right here." Xavier said softly, holding his friend close to his chest. He hoped that his calm heart beat would help him like his had helped Xavier before. "Shh, its okay" His voice was soft and gentle. He rubbed Aaron's back with one free hand while the other kept the firm hug.
Although Xavier’s touch and words were comforting, it didn’t stop the waterworks. Aaron’s heart hurt badly as he cried out with grief over his lost friend. He sobbed loudly and buried his head into Xavier’s shoulders, stationing the Hufflepuff’s robes with his tears. “I can’t believe he’s gone! H- he was my roommate- my friend! H- he’s gone! Gone forever now!” he cried.
Xavier's hand went to the back of Aaron's head and the other continued to rub his back gently. "I know, I know. Let it all out, yell, sob, scream." He encouraged, sometimes just doing that can help. "I wish I could bring him back for you" He said, resting his head on Aaron's as it was buried in his chest. He would be here for as long as Aaron wanted him to be.
“But you can’t! No one can!” he wailed. “I- I’ll never see him again in his bed! He’ll never wake me up again with that cute smiling face of his,” he sobbed, truly letting it all out. “It’s all my fault!” he cried. “If I was by him I could’ve stopped this! I could have stopped who ever did this!” Aaron said through tears of pain and suffering.
Xavier could understand a lot. "I know I can't, but if I could I would." He said softly. He ran a hand through Aaron's hair before gently bringing his face out of Xavier's chest. "Listen to me, don't blame yourself. The ones to blame are the ones who decided to take his life away. Its not your fault." He used a thumb to wipe away the tears, even as they kept coming. He rested his forehead to Aaron's. "If you had be there, they would've g-gotten you too" His voice was quiet now. There wasn't much he could say but he'd talk about anything if it would help.
As Xavier wiped his tears away, new ones quickly flowed down to replace them. His cheeks were wet with his tears and Aaron just couldn’t stop crying. He was very vulnerable in this moment, but felt comfortable enough to be so in front of Xavier. “I would’ve defended him with my life,” he said softly with a sniffle. “He didn’t deserve this,” he whimpered. “Y- you saw that writing on the wall. W- with his own blood…” he said, blinking hard. “Th- they called him a blood traitor!” Aaron said, distressed.
Xavier kept his forehead on Aarons. "I know you would have, because you're a brave soul." He said gently, he wiped the new set of tears away. "No, no he did not." He agreed, for all Jacob's flaws and the anger he'd had for him, the boy did not need this. He should've lived a long life. "I saw what they called him, but those words are just that. Jacob was a kind boy, willing to stand up for everyone." He added. He'd wipe away every single tear he saw. "He was very lucky to have such an amazing person care about him." Xavier said gently.
Aaron sniffled and looked up at Xavier, wiping some tears away from his own eyes. “You really mean all that, Xavier?” he asked softly in a shaky voice. His words touched him and he was honored to be seen as brave and an amazing person in Xavier’s eyes. That’s all he could’ve asked for. “You’re my best friend- you always will be,” he said as he quickly buried his head into Xavier’s chest and held him tightly.
Xavier remembered telling Aaron that he'd never lie to him. He remembered holding him tight and they had stayed there for a long time. Time flew by, the pain of the loss of a student had covered the halls for weeks. May was fast approaching and then it arrived. Today was the match that determined the Quidditch cup winner. It was Gryffindor versus Slytherin and the entire castle as excited about it. Xavier sat at his table, worried for Aaron still, the poor boy had been devastated and he didn't know what he could do to help him, so he just stayed beside him in their shared classes and at breakfast and lunch.
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It was a long and hard grieving process but with Xavier by his side, he was able to slowly cope with the death of Jacob Cromwell. The school had managed to keep Jacob’s death under wraps and covered up so that the only two souls that knew of it were Aaron and Xavier. Aaron had managed to get though his classes and even Quidditch. Quidditch helped to keep his mind off of things. But worst of all was that oppressive absence of Jacob in their dorm room. Aaron had cried himself to sleep for months as he looked over at Jacob’s empty spot, his trunk and clothes still there. Clothes that would never be worn again. At some point during the year, someone had come to take all of Jacob’s things. He knew Jacob’s poor parents knew of their one and only son’s untimely death. He hoped that Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell would be ok, because he knew as much as the death hurt him, it hurt them a thousand times more.

For the first time since that fateful January day when Jacob was killed, Aaron was happy and excited. It was finally May and the weather outside was nice and warm. It was a beautiful day today and it worked out perfectly, for today was the final match of the season. The winner of today’s Quidditch match would be the winner of the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup. How cinematic that it would be hated rivals, Slytherin and Gryffindor, playing for the Cup. Aaron sat at the Gryffindor table with his teammates that morning, a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach had him barely even picking at his food.

“You should eat, mate. It’ll help,” said a soft voice as Aaron felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to his side and saw that it was a boy with stunning green eyes, jet black hair, and circular glasses. It was Harry Potter, the team’s seeker, who Aaron was quite friendly with. “I’ll try my best,” he said quietly to Harry as he ate a piece of bacon. Aaron looked over to Xavier all the way at the Hufflepuff table and gave him a nervous smile.
Xavier looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw Aaron smile at him. Xavier smiled and gave a small wave back followed by a thumbs up. He had been trying his best over the last five months to be there for Aaron as much as he could. He saw Harry talking to Aaron and nodded. The boy had been nice to Aaron and Xavier was grateful that Aaron had good teammates to help him where Xaie couldn't. He knew the importance of todays match, and he was going to cheer as loud as he could for his best friend. Xavier finished the toast he'd picked up before he got to his feet. Everyone was slowly making their way to the pitch for todays game. Ryan followed Xavier out of the Great Hall. The sun shone down on the grounds, promising a warm spring day and hopefully a wonderful game.
Aaron looked over at Xavier and saw him giving him a little wave and thumbs up. It made the Gryffindor boy giggle and he waved back, winking. The Gryffindor team made a quick and early exit from the Great Hall, along with the Slytherin team, to get ready for the big match. It had been years since Slytherin and Gryffindor had met in the finals but finally, the heated rivalry was renewed in a whole new way with much higher stakes than before. Aaron quickly got changed into his scarlet Gryffindor Quidditch robes and grabbed his trusty Nimbus 2001 broom. Oliver Wood gave a quick inspirational speech and went over their strategy on a whiteboard. It wasn’t too long until they were off and running on the pitch.

The game was as intense as advertised. It was a back and forth affair, Slytherin scoring and then quickly followed up by a response from Gryffindor. Aaron was one of the star performers of the game, having a few goals himself. It all came down to the final dramatic seconds when Oliver Wood, the keeper, blocked a quaffle and a Gryffindor player managed to take it and score, extending the Gryffindor lead. By then, it was too late for Slytherin to respond. Gryffindor had won the match, and with it, the Quidditch Cup. As soon as the match ended, a loud roar of cheers could be heard from the Gryffindor student section that could be heard for miles. Aaron lit up, the happiest he had been since the summer of ‘92. He threw his hands up in the air triumphantly and joined a big group hug of all the victorious Gryffindor players. The Gryffindor students stormed the field to join their team in celebration. The Slytherin players remained in the air on the pitch, stunned at their defeat. The entire Slytherin section looked shocked.
Xavier had watched the match with rapt attention the whole way through. He couldn't help his focus always landed on Aaron though. As one team scored the other followed and so it went back and forth. Eventually Gryffindor pulled it out and the cheering from the Gryffindor stands was loud, with Xavier leading the loud cheering for his own house. Gryffindor had won the Quidditch cup and Xavier had never been more proud of Aaron and his team. He had definitely cheered every time Gryffindor got a goal. He sat down in the stands, just enjoying the celebrations below. Aaron had deserved this victory and then some.
The Slytherin players flew off of the field on their brooms, dejected, their heads hanging low. Draco Malfoy looked to be seething in rage as he glared at Harry Potter jumping up and down in the Gryffindor celebration circle. Eventually the circle broke and the players celebrated on the field with their friends. Aaron looked around for Xavier and saw that he was one of the only few people still sitting in the stands. He wore a grin from ear to ear and gestured for him to come on down so he could celebrate with him. Even though he was a Hufflepuff, that didn’t mean he couldn’t celebrate. He wanted Xavier to partake in the festivities too. He also just wanted so badly to hug Xavier. This was the happiest Aaron had been in a very long time.
Xavier looked down at the pitch to see Aaron gesturing for him to come down. And so he did, stepping out of the stands and crossed the field. He made it to Aaron and gave him a big hug. "Congratulations mate! You did great out there!" He said with a smile, taking a step back. He had a proud smile on his face as he looked at the boy. He seemed to be in a great mood today and that made Xavier all the happier for him.
Aaron’s face brightened as Xavier made his way down to the pitch to come be with him. As the two met, Xavier gave him a big hug and Aaron squeezed him back, laughing as he lifted the boy up and off of his feet for a short moment. He then squeezed Xavier tightly, filled with joy. “Thanks lad! I can’t believe it! We’ve bloody won! Gryffindor is the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup champion!” Aaron shouted happily. “We beat those sniveling Slytherins!” he giggled.
Xavier laughed as Aaron picked him up off his feet before setting him back down. His hair had fallen in his face when that happened but before he could put in place, he got a tightly squeezed hug. "You and your teammates did great out there! You definitely deserve this!" Xavier said with a smile. His heart swelled in happiness at how Aaron seemed like his normal self. "Yeah you did, teach them to try and mess with you huh?" He said with a wide grin, managing to free a hand to swipe his bangs back into place before putting the hand back.
Aaron finally mercilessly let go of Xavier and they broke their very tight hug. Aaron hugged a little too tightly and didn’t know when to stop, especially when he was excited like he was now. He smiled and found himself staring into Xavier’s brown eyes. There was something so attractive to him about the Hufflepuff. His bangs made Aaron’s heart flutter. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew Xavier’s bangs right back into his face. Aaron raised a hand to the boys face and gently adjusted the locks of hairs so he could see Xavier’s eyes fully, smiling and blushing ever so slightly as he did so.
Xavier didn't mind the hug, it felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket. He suddenly found himself looking into Aaron's hazel eyes. He could feel his heart rate increase. Aaron was attractive to him, and Xavier could spend hours looking into those hazel eyes. What he wasn't expecting was a gust of wind to blow the bangs he'd so carefully fixed right back into his face. He went to fix it but before he could, Aaron had raised his hand and adjusted his bangs back for him. Xavier looked at the boy with a blush and a smile on his face as he looked at the teen in front of him. "T-Thanks" He said softly.
Aaron’s blush became more pronounced as he smiled sheepishly. “Erm, of course,” he replied quietly. The wind gently blew in his light brown hair, which was rather messy and wind swept from the match. “Oi Hoskins! Get over here and pose for the picture! The team’s taking one with the cup!” the voice of his captain and keeper, Oliver Wood said. Aaron turned around to look at Oliver and then back at Xavier. “S- sorry…. I’ll be right back, okay?” he asked the Hufflepuff, wanting to make sure it was ok if he could go take the picture with the team and the cup. This would no doubt be going in the school paper and perhaps the Daily Prophet.
Xavier smiled at Aaron with a blush of his own before he noticed how messy his hair was and how it made him even more attractive in Xavier's eyes. "Go get your picture taken big shot" He laughed, pushing him gently towards them. "I'll be right here" He added. His eyes sparkled as he watched Aaron go get his picture taken. He'd have get a copy of whatever it goes in and get it signed by his best friend. The moment set into permanent paper.

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