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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier looked up as he saw Aaron coming over. He was rather excited for this DADA lesson and he had quite a tale for Aaron about his first CoMC class. He had Hagrid for his professor and he thought the half giant was doing great at it for never teaching before. “Good morning mate!” Xavier said looking at his friend with a smile. “Ready for our DADA lesson?” He asked with a grin.
“Morning Xavier!” Aaron said cheerily as he sat down for breakfast with the Hufflepuff boy. “Yea! Professor Lupin said it’s going to be very important!” he said as he grabbed a plate and put some food onto it. The semester had been going quite well so far and despite how hard he was being worked by Oliver Wood, Quidditch was very fun and enjoyable.
Xavier smiled as he took a bite of his food. “I wonder what we’re gonna be learning” Xavier mused as he looked over at Aaron. “How’s Quidditch training going?” He asked, he didn’t know how his house was doing but in his mind, he cheered for Gryffindor when it came to Quidditch because he wanted to cheer on his best friend.
“Not bad, not bad,” said Aaron as he munched on some bacon. “Wood’s running us through drill after drill- practices are hell. But it’s all going to be worth it when we’re hoisting the Quidditch Cup above our heads at the end of the year!” Aaron claimed with a big grin.
Xavier could picture it now and smiled. “I think you guys have it in the bag” Xavier told him, munching on his waffles. “So, you know Malfoy right?” Xavier asked, talking of course about the obnoxious Slytherin Draco.
Aaron scoffed and rolled his eyes at the mention of Draco Malfoy, Slytherin’s insufferable seeker. “Yea, I do,” he huffed, “What about him?” he asked. Draco Malfoy was a nasty boy who was particularly mean to Gryffindors and even worse to Harry Potter.
“He’s in my care of magical creatures class and we were learning about how to properly approach Hippogriffs and he refused to listen and got scratched by Buckbeak who is Hagrids favorite.” He laughed as he retold the adventure that was class yesterday. Xavier usually didn’t laugh when others got hurt, but Draco had it coming.
Aaron couldn’t hold back a laugh at learning that Draco Malfoy had been injured by Hagrid’s hippogriff Buckbeak for provoking him. “Good! That arse deserves some sense knocked into him!” Aaron said. “He’s nothing but a spoiled little brat,” he scoffed. “Did you know his rich dad bought the whole Slytherin team new brooms?” he told him. “So bloody unfair!” he pouted.
Xavier laughed again. “I just feel bad that Buckbeak touched him.” He snorted a laugh before frowning. He wasn’t surprised. “That’s so unfair! Just because they can’t play well doesn’t mean new brooms will help.” Xavier huffed. “You’ll just have to put them in their place, new brooms or not” He said with a grin.
“Believe me, we will!” Aaron claimed confidently. He soon finished his breakfast and looked to Xavier. “We’d better get going,” he said, getting up.
“Good” Xavier grinned before he nodded as he finished his own food. He stood from the table and looked at his friend. “Let’s go see what great lesson the Professor has today” Xavier said, turning towards the Great Hall’s entrance.
Aaron nodded and walked with Xavier out of the Great Hall. The two boys then came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom where Professor Lupin was already there waiting for them. The students filed in. Aaron saw Jacob and smiled over at him, waving. Jacob returned the smile and wave as well.
Xavier stood beside Aaron, his gaze catching on anything other than Jacob. He was still against the lad. He looked up at the professor who was standing by a tall wardrobe. He was confused but he was also fascinated. As all the students entered the room, Professor Lupin cleared his throat before he explained they’d be learning the Patronus Charm. “This charm is powerful, but if conjured it provides a shield for the wizard, allowing dementors to feed off it instead of the person.”

Lupin explained. “To activate it, you need to think of a happy memory, a very powerful happy memory.” He explained. “When you face this, remember to hold tight to that happy memory and use the incantation ‘Expecto Patronum’ now, who wants to go first?” He finished.
Aaron looked over curiously at a rather large wardrobe that Professor Lupin was standing by. He listened closely as the professor explained what they would be learning today. Then as Professor Lupin asked for volunteers, Aaron decided he’d be bold. He was a Gryffindor after all, he told himself. Aaron raised his hand and grinned excitedly as he looked over at Lupin.
Professor Lupin looked around and noticed Aaron was the first volunteer. “Alright, step up here Mr. Hoskins. I am going to release the charmed Boggart. They will act like a dementor and I want you to try and produce your Patronus. Remember, happy powerful memories produce the Patronus.” And with that Lupin flicked open the wardrobe.
Aaron smiled and nodded as he stepped forward towards Professor Lupin. He drew his wand from his robes and took a deep breath, steeling himself as he prepared himself. “Ready, sir,” he said, trying to jog his mind for a particularly happy memory.
As the wardrobe flew open, the ‘dementor’ focused its attack by heading towards Aaron. “Alright Aaron, let ‘em have it. Happy memory!” He encouraged as the creature came closer to Aaron.
Aaron’s boggart was his biggest fear since childhood. It was a bit silly and certainly cliche, but it was a spider. But it wasn’t just any spider- it was a giant arachnid. The huge spider crawled out of the wardrobe, initially terrifying Aaron. The Gryffindor didn’t feel so brave and took a step back, trembling a bit in fear. He couldn’t think of anything happy right now, but suddenly he heard the encouraging voice of Xavier in the background. Then, the happy memories came flooding through. He thought back to where he was at his happiest- the summer of 1992 when he had gone to see a professional Quidditch game with Xavier and his dad. It was there that he was truly happy and at a state of pure bliss. He had enjoyed his time there with Xavier being so close to him and the memory from when he was eleven stuck with him. He quickly pointed his wand at the boggart and out from it came a wispy white fox, galloping gracefully and scaring the giant spider back into the wardrobe. Aaron panted as the fox slowly faded away as the boggart was forced back to where it came from. He had done it.
Xavier had watched the entire thing and he smiled at how Aaron had managed to defeat the boggart and send it back. His patronus was a beautiful fox and he was proud he’d been able to do it.

Lupin clapped his hands with a grin. “Great job Mr. Hoskins! Who’s next?” He asked. Xavier raised his hand and Lupin nodded. “Alright Mr. Collins! Come on up” He said as Xavier made his way up. A few moments later the wardrobe opened up, revealing his biggest fear, being alone. The creature was him, no one around. He could feel the negative emotions of being alone and he swallowed hard. He tried to recall his happiest memory, and it took form in the memories of Aaron bringing him to safety after the fight, him and Aaron in their room, the quidditch match in 1992 and several other memories created that happiness. He pointed his wand and he produced a white unicorn that sent the boggart back into the wardrobe.

“Excellent job Mr. Collins! Alright next up!” Xavier returned to his spot, a wide grin on his face.
Aaron grinned with pride as Professor Lupin had complimented him on his great work on defeating the boggart and casting his Patronus successfully. He quickly went back into the crowd of students. He grinned and watched on as Xavier went up next. Aaron observed as his friend managed to successfully fight back his boggart and push it into the wardrobe once more. Xavier’s patronus was a beautiful and majestic white unicorn and Aaron was in awe. He had to stop himself from breaking out into applause and tackling Xavier with a hug. Instead he grinned and gave Xavier a proud look. They had both managed to cast their Patronuses.
Xavier looked at Aaron with a grin and an equally proud look. He wished they weren’t in class. He didn’t have a class this afternoon but he didn’t know if Aaron had one. He wanted to celebrate getting their patronus’ and they hadn’t been in their secret room yet this year. He watched others go through, some couldn’t get theirs to appear and Professor Lupin would help them. Eventually class was over.

“Great job everyone. See you all next class!” He dismissed the students and Xavier went right to Aaron excitedly.
“Good job, mate,” whispered Aaron to Xavier as he came back. He then watched the rest of the class go, some students successfully fighting back the boggart and casting their Patronus, others struggling and needing Professor Lupin to step in before things got ugly. All in all, it was a productive lesson and Aaron walked with Xavier out of the classroom as Lupin dismissed them.
Xavier had entered their secret room an hour ago. He was currently sprawled on the ground with his Ancient Runes textbook in front of him. He was having a hard time focusing on the chapter at the moment. A certain hazel eyed light brown haired boy had captured his thoughts again. He had realized earlier this semester that he had a crush on his best friend.

His fears on the train were of losing him and his happiest memories were ones they’d shared. His friend had also grown more attractive to Xaiver. His hair had gotten rougher and it suited him well. Xaie’s favorite moments always included him, the quidditch matches both professional one and the school ones, but Xavier figured that Aaron didn’t like him that way. He hadn’t even realized he liked other boys that way until this fall when it all clicked into place.

He sighed as he tried to refocus on the text in front of him, blowing a piece of hair out of his face. Looking between the book and his notes he huffed. This studying wasn’t going well at all. Again his thoughts drifted as he wondered what Aaron was up to.
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It was October 31st, 1993, and Aaron found himself relaxing in the Gryffindor common room with his roommate and buddy, Jacob. By now he had gotten used to the fact that wizards didn’t celebrate the muggle holiday of Halloween and they didn’t engage in any of the festivities surrounding the day. Jacob was playing a round of wizard chess with a boy named Dean Thomas, and winning. Aaron found himself day dreaming. A certain brown eyed Hufflepuff boy had been the subject of his thoughts. While he still found Jacob secretly very attractive, he had to admit that there was something about Xavier that he found so capturing. He’d grown out his hair over the summer and had an adorable set of bangs forming. To Aaron, it was a good look for him- one that suited him. How he wished he could be running his fingers through the boy’s hair. Perhaps that was a bit odd to think of though, so he quickly tried to shoo those thoughts away.
Xavier shut his textbook with a sigh. His head dropped onto the leather bound book. Once again, he’d tried to study and once again his thoughts had wandered to Aaron. He was thinking about those times they’d shared hugs, and how easily he could talk about anything to Aaron and know he’d listen and not judge. He remembered when he’d apologized and explained his outburst during their first school Quidditch match. Aaron had listened to him and he had forgiven him much to Xavier’s surprise. He sat up, gathering his stuff and setting it aside. He pushed the small bangs off to one side, trying to sort through the confusing feelings in his mind and heart.

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