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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Boring,” said Aaron with a small yawn as he sat down once his luggage was taken care of and under the seat. “Being at Hogwarts has made me realize just how boring the muggle world really is,” he chuckled. “I am quite looking forward to classes this year though,” he said with a smile. The students all boarded the train and before they knew it, they were off any running again. The Hogwarts Express was once again rolling along the tracks on its way to the greatest magical school in the world.
Xavier couldn't help but nod with a laugh. "It's definitely different. I like the quiet, but being out in the countryside, sometimes its too quiet" He said. "The birds are only so helpful in creating noise" Xaie added with a grin. During his walks, he'd often wished he could share his piece of woods with Aaron. He'd explored a lot of it, but like everything, as time goes on things change and grow. "I really can't wait for Care of Magical Creatures. I've been thinking about that class a lot" Xavier added with a smile on his face. "Are you ready to work on winning the Quidditch cup for Gryffindor this year?" He asked, remembering that was something he'd heard Aaron talking about at the end of last year.
“Maybe some day you’ll take me there, to the countryside,” he said. Aaron lived in boring old muggle suburbia. Aaron smiled hearing how excited Xavier seemed for this next year. It was very nice to hear this considering what an up and down year they had gone through prior. “I bet you’ll do just smashingly in that class!” he said. His face then lit up and visibly brightened at the mention of Quidditch. “Oh yea! Oliver Wood- that’s our captain- is going to be working us extra hard this year! But I can’t wait- I’m ready for the challenge! We’re really gonna win it this year! I’m confident of it! We’ve got a great roster and everyone has supposedly been training really hard over the summer,” he rambled on. Spirits were certainly high in that little compartment and even throughout the whole train as they often were at the start of a new year at Hogwarts.
Xavier felt his face tinge pink as he listened to how excited his friend was. It was amazing at how well he could brighten up any room. "Definitely! I have so many trails out behind my house. We could walk for hours out there. It's so peaceful" He really did love where he lived, he'd gotten very lucky in that aspect. "I hope so! It's supposed to be hands on so I can't wait." As long as no flying was involved Xavier felt he'd do great. He watched how the lad visibly brightened at the mention of Quidditch. "I bet you'll get it this year! You did so well last year. Even if your ego got out of control" He said with a playful grin on his face. He knew that Aaron wouldn't take offense to that, he'd been teasing him for the last three years on it. It was the kind of friendship they had. As the train steadily clacked along, Xavier felt a chill in his bones. The compartment had dropped 5 degrees and seemed to still be dropping. "Is it c-cold in here?" Xavier asked, wrapping his arms around himself.
Aaron laughed and the two boys chattered about various things, including Quidditch and their general excitement for the upcoming school semester. Suddenly, a very sharp chill filled the room. Aaron quickly hugged himself to attempt to keep warm as the temperature dropped so swiftly. It seemed to be getting colder too. It was a very odd feeling- a sensation that Aaron had never felt before. “Y- yea, I think so,” he replied, “That’s weird…. It’s not snowing outside or anything. It just got bloody cold out of nowhere!” Aaron remarked. Suddenly, the train slowed down and came to a halt on the tracks. Aaron widened his eyes and looked out the window, then over at Xavier nervously. “We’ve stopped….” he said quietly.
Xavier felt a bone chilling cold as the train stopped. He saw frost creep on the window and he looked back at Aaron, his own nervous energy showing in his wide eyes. He moved over to Aaron's seat automatically, seeking some kind of comfort because all he could feel was fear in his very core. Something was coming down the hall, something dark. His eyes glanced at the compartment door to see a black thing floating there, it looked like a ghost but it was solid. Xavier shook his head. Don't come in here, don't come in here He pleaded in his thoughts. When he'd moved over beside Aaron, he wanted to comfort, but now he wanted to protect the lad behind him. He moved his body sideways to act as a shield.
“Blimey,” said Aaron with a shiver. The temperature continued to drop and it became even colder. The two boys were now very under dressed just being in their robes. Not only was Aaron freezing now, but he was scared. He was glad that Xavier came over to the bench with him and sat right next to him, but it was still cold. He looked at the compartment door and the window to the train and saw that they were frosting over. Aaron didn’t know what was going on and saw Xavier move his body sideways. As terrified as he was now, he was curious. The Gryffindor boy leaned forward to try and look at what was happening on the other side of the door to their compartment. He saw a dark and shadowy figure moving outside. “What on Earth is going on?” asked Aaron.
Xavier looked behind him to see that Aaron had leaned forward. He moved so Aaron could see but if he had to, he could move right back. The compartment door opened on its own. The thing had made its way in. “I don’t know” Xavier said, “but I don’t like it” he added. The thing drew closer, and it got way too close. Xavier felt awful, negative feelings and thoughts filled him. The loudest ones were that Aaron would eventually decide not to be his friend and that he’d never live up to his parents expectations. He tried to pull away but it held him like a vice.
Aaron became colder and colder and more terrified as he saw the dark figure moving outside of their compartment door. He then felt an overwhelming feeling of dread, despair, and terror. Weird feelings began to seep into his mind. Feelings about Jacob ditching him. Feelings about losing Xavier to someone else. Fears of being hurt or even killed because of his status as a half blood. Fears of not living up to expectations and not being good enough to be a true wizard. Terrifying thoughts of Hogwarts being brutally attacked and more half blood and muggle born students being harmed. He was enveloped in these awful feelings and couldn’t escape.
Xavier’s body shook as his mind whirled. His thoughts changing as what Jacob had said before he’d left the boy alone came true. He could picture it in his mind, Aaron laying on the ground, Death Eaters over him. Xavier rushing in to help only to find him gone. What seemed like an hour lasted ten minutes. The creature left the compartment and Xaie felt himself come back. His entire body was shaking, and the teen tried to stop the tears from trickling as those negative emotions and deep seated fears still had a hold on him.
It was the most unpleasant experience that Aaron had ever faced. Even worse thoughts began to come to him. He pictured his own mother and father dead and even Xavier dead, all because he had tried to defend him. Guilt overcame him as he suddenly felt responsible for being the reason why Xavier would get killed. Soon, the dark creature left the compartment and the thoughts stopped. Aaron was left shuddering, deeply disturbed by what he had seen.
Xavier felt himself come to a few moments later. He shook his head still trying to clear the thoughts out. He turned to Aaron, noticing the boy was just upset. Xavier completely shifted his body and took Aaron in his arms. It was the only way he knew how to comfort the other teen. The thoughts would haunt his dreams for a while. But right now, he needed to convince himself that Aaron was here and alive. That he wasn’t dead because Xavier had gotten him killed while trying to protect him.
The two boys were silent for a while, trying to reel themselves in and recover from their horrifying thoughts. Soon, the temperature rose again and returned back to a comfortable normal. The dark presence was gone. The Hogwarts Express began to slowly accelerate and go back on its way.
Xavier felt the train begin to accelerate once more. He realized what he was doing and a blush crossed his face as he muttered an apology and moved back to the other side. “I think those were dementors but I didn’t think they left Azkaban.” While he had been trying to recover, his brain was going a mile a minute to explain just what had happened. He remembered his parents mentioning them once when they’d told him about the Patronus charm. What were they doing on a train full of students? He didn’t know much about them other than his dad explaining that they drained the positives from a person, leaving them with negative thoughts and emotions.
“Dementors?” Aaron asked, looking very confused. His father had never told him about dementors, but then again, his dad didn’t tell him much about the wizarding world and he had to wonder why that was. “What the hell are those?” Aaron asked. He didn’t want to tell Xavier what he had seen in his thoughts. “I’ve never felt anything like that before…” he said softly.
Xavier nodded. “They are supposed to be the guards of Azkaban. It’s considered our world’s strongest prison for those that are dangerous. Dementors feed on happiness, which explains the feelings we both had, since they generate negative feelings in place of the happiness. My dad talked about them once but he didn’t like it. I don’t know why they’re here on the train though.” He knew he had to be truthful with his friend. He didn’t want what he saw happening. He also realized his biggest negative thought was losing Aaron which didn’t surprise Xavier, but it did make his heart rate increase.
Aaron had never heard of these dementors before or even this wizard prison called Azkaban. “That was terrifying…” he said softly. “W- why do you think they were here and not at Alakazam or whatever that place is called?” Aaron asked. He was never going to reveal what he had seen.
Xavier looked at his friend before leaning forward and took his friends hands. “I’m sure it was. That’s why they were chosen for guards. My only guess would be someone escaped but why they’d be looking on our train I don’t know” He said. He’d never ask what Aaron felt, just like he wouldn’t let anyone know what he’d felt. It was too scary and too personal. He hoped the contact of their hands might put the boy a little at ease.
“So you’re telling me someone escaped from supposedly the wizarding world’s strongest prison?” Aaron asked, his eyes widening with terror. “Bloody hell…” he said quietly as he gently squeezed Xavier’s hands, just glad for the boy’s comforting touch.
Xavier didn’t want to confirm it, especially seeing the boys eyes widening. “It’s the only thing I can think of. But they’ll find whoever it was.” He returned the squeeze he’d received from Aaron. He couldn’t even promise that Hogwarts was safe anymore. He just had to be there for his best friend. They’d made it through last year, they can make it through this year.
“You really think so?” Aaron asked softly, looking into Xavier’s brown eyes with his own hazel ones. He held onto Xavier’s hands, not wanting to ever let go.
He looked at the boy, a small smile on his face as their eyes locked. “I really do” His voice was quiet and he was quite content at the moment. He could look at those hazel eyes all the time. His own chocolate brown ones weren’t nearly as nice as the hazel ones he was looking at.
Aaron nodded, believing Xavier. He remained silent for most of the rest of the ride to Hogwarts. He wanted to put the unpleasant experience with the dementors on the train behind him.
Xavier was headed to the Great Hall to meet Aaron for breakfast then they would have their first Defense Against the Dark Arts with the newest professor. Maybe this one will stay longer than a year. He entered the Great Hall, splitting away from Ryan as the red head went to his little brother. Xaie sat at the table, waiting for Aaron while filling his plate. He’d missed the food that they serve here a lot.
Despite the little hiccup with the dementor encounter, the start of the semester went on without anything unusual happening. There was a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor (as there was every year now it seemed) named Professor Lupin, and Aaron quite liked him. As for Quidditch, the season was going quite well. Gryffindor captain Oliver Wood was working the team hard and Aaron had to admit he was a bit exhausted with the increased practices. Today though, Professor Lupin had said that the DADA lesson would be a very special one. Aaron went down to the Great Hall with Jacob for breakfast that morning, parting ways as they usually did as Jacob went over to the Gryffindor table and Aaron went over to the Hufflepuff table to sit with Xavier.

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