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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Well my dad’s a wizard, mum’s the muggle,” he corrected Xavier, “But I still don’t feel like I’m great at magic,” said Aaron. But Xavier’s words were touching and he felt that warm swelling feeling in his heart again. “Thank you Xavier but, I don’t feel very brave….” he said with a frown. “In fact- I feel scared. Scared that it’ll be me next. Scared that maybe the attacks will go beyond petrification. Scared that m- maybe- maybe I won’t see you, ever again…” he said, tears beginning to form.
Xavier shifted himself a little so he could bring Aaron closer to his chest. "Being brave isn't removing fear from your life. Its embracing it, and learning about it" Xavier's own heart was cracking each time he listened. "It's okay to be scared, but I won't let that happen. I'll hide us here for the rest of the semester. You are not getting petrified and you are not leaving this world yet. I'm here. I'll make sure that you make it to see next year." Xavier said, holding Aaron close.
“We can’t hide forever, Xavier,” said Aaron quietly. After that, he had nothing to say. He simply closed his eyes and tried to prevent the tears from flowing down his cheeks as he buried his head into Xavier’s chest. He placed an ear against the Hufflepuff boy’s chest. He needed to hear that comforting heart beat once more.
"Watch me" He was determined to keep his best friend safe. He felt his heart rate slow to normal as he held the boy to his chest. The room went quiet as they took a moment. They had about two months left of this year and he would keep them in here if he thought it made rational sense. Unfortunately. the only sense he was making was that he didn't want anything to happen to the light brown haired hazel eyed Gryffindor, that he may or may not have a crush on, in his arms at the moment.
Xavier’s response forced a chuckle out of Aaron. He couldn’t help but smile as the tears fell down his cheeks and he squeezed the Hufflepuff boy tightly. “Something tells me you’re serious about that,” he said lightly. He didn’t mind staying like this forever at all. At least here he felt safe. Here he felt like he’d never be petrified- or worse.
It had been a few weeks and finally Xavier had thrown the last of his things in his trunk. He was beyond ready to get out of Hogwarts for the summer. He didn't want to leave Aaron, just the castle. Sure, there were no more petrification's and the ones that were petrified had been healed. He needed out of this castle. Ryan had already headed out of the dorm room, he wanted to go find his brother. Xavier walked out of the dorm one more time. He hauled his trunk out and headed towards the castle doors, where the carriages were and Aaron were waiting.
The rest of the year went by painfully slow. No one was ever quite the same after Penelope and Hermione’s petrifications. Luckily, Madame Pomfrey in the hospital wing was able to treat and cure them, but the mental scars were still there. By the end of the year, unbeknownst to many, Harry Potter had managed to defeat the basilisk, free first year Ginny Weasley from possession, and defeat Tom Riddle. Hogwarts was once again safe, for now at least. Jacob was not his usual cheery self by the end of the year and solemnly packed his luggage. Aaron remained silent too as he put the rest of his things into his trunk. “Ready mate?” Jacob asked softly as he looked over to his roommate. Aaron nodded, “Ready,” he replied as he took his trunk and went out the door. The two Gryffindor boys eventually found themselves outside of the castle’s front doors waiting for a carriage. Jacob went over with Aaron to Xavier.
Xavier looked over at the two Gryffindor boys as they approached him. "Good morning mate" Xavier said to Aaron. Ever since the train ride home last summer, Xaie had a further dislike of Aaron's room mate. "I can't believe its summer vacation already" Xavier added. As much as he was ready to be home, he was still going to miss his best friend.
“Morning mate,” he replied, “I’m honestly glad for it. This year has been a bit much,” said Aaron as he greeted Xavier. “It’s a good thing summer vacation is here,” chimed in Jacob, “Aaron will be safe at home,” he said, his protective side coming out. Ever since the non pure blooded students had been under attack at Hogwarts, Jacob worried very much for Aaron and his safety and felt it was his duty to keep him safe. Aaron appreciated the gesture but it was sometimes a bit much, like right now. His protection wasn’t as sweet and kind as Xavier’s. “Thanks Jacob but I think I’d be fine on my own,” said Aaron. “Well mate, they’re going after a certain type of people you know. I’m just glad you’ll be safe at your home,” said Jacob, proud he hadn’t slipped up and called anyone a “mud blood” accidentally.
Xavier listened to Aaron, before rolling his eyes at Jacob. The boy was trying way to hard to be protective and Xavier finally realized why he didn't like Jacob. He was jealous, he knew that, but was it due to him trying to steal Aaron's friendship or Aaron himself? Xavier shook his head and released a deep breath. He wanted to punch Jacob for being overbearing to his friend. "I'm definitely ready to be back home." Xavier interrupted this annoying conversation and on cue, here came a carriage for them. "Come on Aaron" Xavier said with a smile as he headed to the carriage.
Aaron shrugged off Jacob’s comments and followed Xavier to the carriage. Uninvited, Jacob trailed the both of them and hopped into the carriage as well, sitting down right next to Aaron. “You know Aaron, it would be wise to practice what we learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts this year back at home. You never know when you could use it,” said Jacob. Aaron sighed, “Thanks, Jacob, but I think I’ll be alright,” he said. “Just saying. You truly never know when you could use it. Like who knows what’s going to happen at school next year?” Jacob asked. “Jacob…” said Aaron, a little bit more firmly, growing irritated at the boy’s over protectiveness. “I’ll be fine, thanks,” said Aaron.
Xavier had huffed when Jacob sat beside Aaron, but dealt with it. Now he was driving Xaie nuts with his over protective stuff. "Okay, Let's leave the magic talk at school. We all have parents who know what they're doing magic wise while we don't" Xavier sent that last little bit towards Jacob. Xavier wanted really badly to hit Jacob, but he didn't. He just ignored him, unless he made Aaron upset, then Xaie would let him have it.
“Well, at least one of us is concerned with Aaron’s safety…” muttered Jacob in one of the most snobbiest British accents that Aaron had ever heard. “Drop it,” said Aaron, his accent much rougher than the sophisticated British English of Jacob. The carriage couldn’t get to the train sooner, he thought.
Xavier rolled his eyes at the boy. Oh it was taking everything in him not to hit him. Xavier listened to Aaron telling Jacob to leave it alone. Xaie looked out the window of the carriage trying to hid the smirk on his face. He could see the outline of the train coming into view and smiled to himself. Finally.
Jacob glared over at Xavier. The Hufflepuff boy got on his nerves and of course, stood in the way of him and Aaron. He felt as if the Hufflepuff didn’t even care about Aaron’s safety and worse- was a bad influence on him. Aaron was a Gryffindor so Jacob felt he should only be hanging out with and associating himself with other Gryffindors. At long last, the carriage had stopped as the reached the train and all three boys got out and took their luggage with them.
Xavier could match any glare, unfortunately he hadn't see the one Jacob sent him. He took his trunk with him, and headed towards the train. He stopped and waited for Aaron, wanting a compartment with hopefully just the two of them. He didn't think he could survive a train ride with Jacob in the same compartment.
Jacob made sure to stand close behind Aaron so that it would be very difficult for Xavier to get rid of him if he tried. As Aaron found a compartment, he shoved his way past Xavier and entered. He quickly settled his luggage down and was sure to sit right next to Aaron as he did the same.
Xavier swallowed the frustrated growl he wanted to make as the boy shoved past him into the compartment to sit beside Aaron. This was going to be a long train ride. He entered the compartment, setting his trunk underneath and settled across from Aaron. He sent a death glare to Jacob before turning to look out the window.
Jacob was sitting a bit close to Aaron, but Aaron didn’t seem to mind at all. “So, have you got any plans for the summer, Aaron?” Jacob asked, a bit too quick and eager to make some sort of conversation. “Not really. Just going to practice Quidditch so I can get even better for next year,” he replied. “Captain Wood is hoping we can make a run for the Quidditch Cup,” he said. Oliver Wood and the whole Gryffindor team was rather distraught after losing the Cup to Ravenclaw again.
Xavier could be petty when he wants to be. And so he was. He pointedly turned his body sideways, effectively keeping his gaze out the window. Those two want to talk, fine. Jacob wants Aaron, and Aaron doesn't seem to notice, or mind, fine. He'd rather watch the countryside at this point.
“How about you, Xavier?” Aaron asked as the train began to move and pull away from the platform, leaving the station. “Have you got any summer plans, mate?” Aaron asked, offering his best friend a little grin. Jacob just gritted his teeth. The fact that Aaron hadn’t asked him about his summer plans irritated Jacob, even though he had no answer to that question if it were to be asked. It still didn’t sit right with Jacob.
Xavier shifted himself a little at Aaron's question. "Not really. I'm don't have any plans at the moment" Xavier responded. He wasn't sure if he even wanted to go to the quidditch match this summer. He just wanted to spend it out in the woods like he always did. His family lived out in the countryside, so he usually took walks during the summer.
“Well, I for one am probably going to see France with my family,” chimed in Jacob, despite not being asked. Aaron had never noticed such snobbishness in Jacob’s British accent before. He had always sounded high class, but now more than ever it was showing. “That’s pretty neat, Jacob,” replied Aaron with a soft and polite smile. “My mum and dad had their honeymoon in Paris,” Jacob went on. “They were both magical, you know. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you,” said Jacob as he looked to Aaron. Aaron nodded, “I think you have mate,” he replied with a shrug. “My mum was a Slytherin and my dad a Ravenclaw,” went on Jacob, seemingly just to hear his own voice. “My dad was a Slytherin,” said Aaron. “Funny how you ended up a Gryffindor, eh?” Jacob said, “And me too. Typically us pure bloods aren’t sorted into Gryffindor,” shrugged Jacob casually. Aaron wondered what did it matter about blood status. Xavier had said he didn’t think anyone’s blood mattered at all when it came to magic.
Xavier rolled his eyes at Jacob. He had always found him annoying, but this was getting ridiculous. He'd just told Aaron that year that blood status doesn't matter and here goes Jacob with his pure blood stuff again. "I think we should try the quiet game" Xavier suggested with a snort of laughter. He'd give anything for Jacob to shut up. He didn't mind listening to Aaron, but he couldn't stand Jacob talking.
Jacob scoffed as he turned over to look and glare at Xavier. “Well you’ve been doing a very good job of that, haven’t you? Why don’t you go back to doing that,” spat Jacob condescendingly. Aaron gulped and nervously shifted in his seat, sensing the tension between his two friends.

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