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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

The students began leaving the stands and the celebration continued on the field, but soon, Gryffindor’s celebration was cut short. Whispering of Colin Creevey’s petrification had reached the pitch. A few Gryffindor students looked panicked as they whispered to some of the players. Instantly, the smiles began washing off of the Gryffindor players’ faces. When the news had reached Aaron, the smile wiped clean off of his face. Colin Creevey had been petrified- one of their own. Colin was a first year Gryffindor and one of the photographers- the very ones Aaron had pointed to as he scored one of his goals. Suddenly, the Gryffindors weren’t so happy anymore. One of their own, and someone as cute and innocent as young eleven year old first year Colin Creevey had been attacked.
Xavier didn’t know how long he’d been sitting on that bench. Ryan was rubbing circles on his back. He may not have known Colin well, but he was confused and unsure. Then his mind realized that Colin was in the Gryffindor house. He’d remembered the sorting because the boy had been so excited to meet Harry, and he carried that camera with him everywhere.

Then his thoughts fell to Aaron. What if it was targeting Gryffindor’s whatever this was. His mind started overworking and his breathing had picked up in speed. “Xaie? Xavier?” Ryan was trying to break through the thoughts that had frozen Xavier to the spot, the thoughts that had caused this panic.
The mood around the castle was solemn and quiet. Everyone was stunned to learn that the little first year who carried his faithful camera everywhere around with him had been petrified. There was shock throughout all four houses. Usually the castle was loud, especially after a Gryffindor win. This was certainly not the case now. Not only did Aaron feel bad for poor Colin Creevey, but he also felt scared. Who was doing this, and who could be next? It could be anyone- even him. That scared him to the core. Aaron was terrified, and he wanted Xavier. The Gryffindor locker room was quiet as everyone hurried to change out of their Quidditch gear and get back to the castle.
Xavier had managed to bring his breathing a little under control. He was still in a mild panic, Ryan’s hand rubbing his back was helpful but he wanted Aaron. There was one place he could go that he knew Aaron would find him. “I’m okay Ryan. I’ll see you at dinner.” Ryan looked at him but he knew that Xavier wanted to find Aaron. “Okay. Be safe” he said as he headed towards the Great Hall.

Xavier got up slowly, making his way to their secret room. He opened the door, his hand shaking as he shut it. The boy went to the desk, sitting on the floor and leaning against it. His legs came up to his chest, arms locked around his knees and head rested against the desk. His thoughts were still running out of control and his nerves were on fire, his breathing still considered too fast for normal.
By this point in the year, Aaron and Xavier didn’t even need to make plans to meet in their secret room. The two just knew at times when to go to the room. Tonight felt like it was a perfect time to meet in the secret room. Aaron felt slightly queasy despite having nothing in his stomach, and his knees were wobbly and weak. He stumbled into the secret room and closed the door behind him. He wasn’t too surprised to see that Xavier was already in there. He saw that Xavier was sitting on the floor and leaning against the desk in the room. Aaron practically collapsed on the floor as his wobbly knees gave way and he sat down on the floor right next to Xavier.
Xavier didn’t even bring his head up to look at the door. He knew who it was. He turned his head, eyes brimmed with fearful tears, to see Aaron basically collapse right next to him. Silently, he leaned himself into his friends side. His head turned into Aaron’s side as he let out a shaky exhale. He felt his body start shaking again. He didn’t think he could speak at the moment just quick shaky breaths.
Neither boy said anything. Aaron felt a sense of comfort as Xavier leaned into his side. Just feeling Xavier’s touch made him feel at peace in such a moment of fear and uncertainty. Aaron could tell that Xavier was on the verge of tears, so he wrapped Xavier in a gentle hug and tenderly rubbed Xavier’s back in order to hopefully console the boy. He felt a dreadful feeling in the pit of his stomach. He felt awful for poor Colin Creevey, and he even feared for his own safety. Colin Creevey was a muggle born student.
Xavier let out a deep breath as Aaron wrapped him in a hug. The pine scent wrapped around him as the other boy rubbed his back. He had no idea that Colin was a muggle born, or he'd probably be even more concerned for Aaron. Xavier wrapped his arms around Aaron, hugging the boy back. It was a very chilling atmosphere in the room, one that would last as this year passed on. It was scary, it would put the students on edge. School would continue on with new rules. Right now though, the two boys would seek comfort and solace in their friendship.
The months passed and then in early December, it happened again. Another muggle born student, this time a Hufflepuff named Justin Fletchley, was petrified. The whole school was on high alert and terror levels ran high. Aaron was more and more scared and he was having trouble focusing on school and Quidditch. At any moment, he felt he could be next. Christmas rolled around but there was no joy or excitement amongst the students. The mood was somber.
Xavier had an increase of nightmares in the next few months, except instead of Eric, these were some unknown monster that would sneak up behind him and petrify him. He knew that the fear of that happening was higher for students like Aaron. He had spent more time with Ryan's jacket or even climbing into his bed lately. He knew Justin, the most recent to be petrified, and it had sent a shockwave through Hufflepuff. Justin was a nice boy, it wasn't fair for this to be happening to any of them. As Christmas rolled around, Xavier felt like he wanted to hide way for the holiday. His parents had sent him something, but he hadn't touched it. He didn't have it in him. Ryan had decided to stay for Christmas this year, telling his parents that he couldn't leave Xavier. The red head had taken to being the 'older' brother to Xavier, even if they were only a few months apart. Xaie wanted to feel bad that Ryan stayed for him, but he was secretly happy. He and Ryan were heading into the Great Hall this Christmas morning, the somber atmosphere hung around the entire castle.
Aaron was scared and wanted to spend Christmas at home. The only reason why he didn’t beg his parents to come him back was because he wanted to spend it close to Xavier. Plus, he wasn’t sure he’d want to go back to Hogwarts if he had gone home. Even Jacob, his roommate, was rather scared and he was as pure as pure bloods came. Jacob wasn’t scared for himself though- he was terrified someone like Aaron could be next. He never told Aaron he feared this since he didn’t want to frighten the half blooded boy anymore, but it still weighed heavy on his mind. Jacob was rather silent the past few months instead of being his talkative self. Aaron went down to the Great Hall for breakfast with Jacob that Christmas morning. There was little chatter in the Great Hall as Aaron entered. Jacob and Aaron didn’t exchange words as Aaron went to the hufflepuff table to sit with Xavier. Ryan was there but the recent petrifications weighed so heavily on his mind that he didn’t even care about his jealousy as he sat down next to Xavier.
Xavier had been talking to Ryan when Aaron sat down beside him. Xavier found himself pressing close to Aaron instantly. His plate had about a quarter of what he normally ate. He picked at the waffle in his hands, not all that hungry. "Hi" Xavier's voice was quiet but he looked over at Aaron with a small smile. He had thought about going home, but he didn't want to leave Aaron. Ever since he'd heard of Justin, Xavier couldn't stand being alone. He was constantly trying to find Ryan or Aaron, something that could help keep him grounded and not spiral into his thoughts as he'd been having a tendency to lately.
“Good morning,” said Aaron quietly in response to Xavier’s weak hello. “Merry Christmas, mate,” he said in a soft near whisper. But there was nothing merry about this Christmas. Two muggle born boys, one from Aaron’s house and one from Xavier’s house, had been petrified unexpectedly. It was on everyone’s minds. For weeks, Aaron hadn’t really felt true hunger- and Aaron was always hungry and wolfing down his food.
Xavier looked over at his friend. "Merry Christmas" He responded. Xavier sighed, putting his half eaten waffle on the plate. He put his hands in his lap, wringing them together nervously. He had noticed that his friend was so quiet lately and he could tell that it was draining on him as much as it was Xavier. They'd both lost a house mate, someone they had known and shared a common room. He needed a distraction, but what could they do? He wanted to help take this off his friends mind for even a few minutes. He looked at Aaron with a small smile. "secret room?" he whispered to Aaron, sliding his plate away. Maybe they could find something there that was cool enough to ease the tension even for one day.
Aaron had barely finished his breakfast. He hadn’t touched it very much. He then looked at Xavier as the boy whispered to him. He wanted to meet in the secret room. Aaron quickly nodded his head in response to Xavier. Last year at this time, they were giving each other gifts in the secret room. This year, it was much, much different.
Xavier knew how different this Christmas was. Last year the atmosphere at been so festive, this year it was downright depressing. He stood from the table, leading the way to their secret room. In this room, he didn't have to be a student, he didn't have to be a wizard, he could just be him, and the freedom of that was nice. He stopped at the door before heading inside, walking over to the desk and jumping up to sit on top of it.
Aaron went with Xavier back to the secret room. He closed the door behind him and walked over to his best friend, sitting down at the chair near the desk as Xavier sat on the desk itself. “This isn’t the Christmas I envisioned….” he muttered.
Xavier looked over at his friend. "I never thought I'd be depressed for Christmas" Xavier said softly. "The only thought that keeps coming back is why?" He said, a huff of annoyance exiting him. He never let his temper flare, it happened once and Xavier had worked ever since to control it. That was getting harder to do the longer this atmosphere existed in the castle. He might need to add a punching bag in here to vent his frustrations for the future. "It's just not fair" He added softly.
Aaron swallowed hard. He wished he had an answer for all of this but he didn’t. The reality was that he was just a kid. He was only twelve and barely knew of the wizarding world. He wished he could put a stop to all of this but he couldn’t. “I- I don’t know, Xavier…. But I’m scared…” he said, looking down at the ground. “I- it’s not fair, you’re right. I’m just scared because I don’t know who’s next…” he said with a frown. “It could be…” he said, pausing and not finishing his sentence.
Xavier looked over at Aaron, he could see how scared his friend was. He slid off the desk and walked the few feet over to Aaron. He took his best friends hand and pulled him up and into his arms. "I'm scared too. It's a terrifying thing that's happening. I said before its us against the world, and I won't let whatever that thing is, get you" He said, giving the boy a tight hug, and even when his grip loosened, he didn't let go of his friend. "I will walk you to your tower, from your tower, to and from classes whatever you want, because you will not be next" He said, his voice was confident, his tone could've used a little more confidence.
“I know I’m supposed to be a tough and brave Gryffindor but I sure don’t feel like one,” said Aaron with a frown. He gave Xavier a tight hug back, needing Xavier’s comfort and touch like he needed air to breathe right now. Xavier’s offers to walk him back to the tower were sweet, but he didn’t want Xavier to feel like he had to protect him all the time. Aaron didn’t let go of his friend either and buried his head in Xavier’s chest. He let the boy’s soft heart beat calm him. “Xavier, you don’t need to do that. I’ll be fine. I can go back on my own,” he said, wanting to be courageous.
Xavier rested his head on top of Aarons. "Being tough doesn't mean you can't feel. Being brave doesn't mean never fearing. The difference is allowing yourself to feel and have fear" He said, his hand began rubbing the Gryffindor's back gently. He kept a tight grip on Aaron, allowing the boy to bury himself into Xavier's chest. "I know I don't need to, I offered" In truth, the unspoken words that the next person could be Aaron had terrified Xavier. He didn't know what he'd do if his best friend got petrified and it had ignited his protective side.
Aaron didn’t say anything and just held onto Xavier tightly. He was content to sit there and listen to the sound of Xavier’s heart beating and the sound of his lungs as he breathed in and out. He was scared and vulnerable, but comforted by his best friend’s presence. It made him feel warm inside when he was close to Xavier. Xavier had something special about him in Aaron’s eyes.
Xavier was more than content to stand there. His heart beat even, but it swelled in happiness as he worked to comfort his friend. He took deep breaths as he held on to his friend. Xavier couldn't deny anymore that there was a connection between them, something that ran far deeper than being best friends. He just didn't know what, just that they were always meant to find each other that day on the train last year. Aaron was a constant in Xavier's life and he was a comfort.
The months passed and soon it was approaching Easter in April. It was at this point that the second years could choose two elective classes from a list of a few to take next year. The classes were Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures. No students had been petrified since so the students were less on edge. In fact, Aaron was even looking forward to picking his elective classes for next year and telling Xavier which ones he wanted to choose. He was going to pick Study of Ancient Runes and Divination.

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