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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Eventually the first day of classes passed. Nothing was too bad. And luckily for the both of them, Aaron and Xavier shared a good few amount of classes together. The first few weeks of the semester passed and finally, it was time for Quidditch team try outs. It was all Aaron talked about that day and even the week leading up to it. Aaron had gone bright and early to the pitch once Gryffindor had held their tryouts. Aaron was trying out for the pool of chaser. He brought his trusty new Nimbus 2001 broom with him and seemed to very much impress McGonogall and Gryffindor’s team captain, Oliver Wood. Once he was done all he could do was hope for the best.

The results were supposed to be posted later that afternoon. Once 12pm hit, Aaron went out into the courtyard where the results were posted and pushed his way past a crowd of students that had gathered around the results. Aaron’s eyes quickly scanned the list for Gryffindor and then for his name. There he saw it, listed under chasers for Gryffindor, his name, Aaron Hoskins. Aaron jumped up with joy and shouted happily, grinning from ear to ear. He had made the team! He was going to be a chaser for Gryffindor’s Quidditch team this year. He absolutely couldn’t wait to tell Xavier.
Xavier had just finished his lunch and headed to the courtyard. He didn’t have a class this afternoon. The young lad also knew that today they would post the results of the Gryffindor Quidditch team tryouts. He knew Aaron had tried out and the boy was confident he’d make it.

He saw the large crowd around the results and waited near the wall, knowing his best friend was in there somewhere, checking on the results himself.
Xavier could probably see the very visibly excited boy in Gryffindor robes running away from the crowd wearing the biggest grin on his face. Aaron spotted Xavier and practically tackled him as he saw him. There was no doubt as to whether or not Aaron had made the team. “I’ve done it!” Aaron said as he quickly wrapped his arms around Xavier’s torso and squeezed the boy very tightly, lifting him up and off of his feet for a brief moment before setting him back down.
Xavier had caught sight of Aaron and grinned. No surprise that the boy had made it. He blushed as Aaron hugged him tight and picked Xavier up and off his feet for a moment. “Congratulations mate! I told you that you had it in the bag!” Xavier said with a laugh. He was so proud of Aaron for getting on the team.
Aaron kept Xavier in his arms and squeezed him in the abdomen area even tighter. “Ahhh! I’m so happy right now I could die!” he said, refusing to let go of his best friend. “I’m a chaser! I’ve really done it! You’re gonna get to watch me play!” he said with a joyful laugh.
Xavier felt Aaron hug him tighter, maybe a tad too tight. He didn’t want to spoil the boys good mood though. “I’m really proud Aaron! You’re going to be a great chaser! I can’t wait to watch every one if your games.” Xavier said with a wide grin on his face.
Aaron finally let his friend go after practically squeezing him like a tube of tooth paste. “Thanks lad! I’m excited for this new chapter!” Aaron said to Xavier with a big grin. “This calls for a celebration!” he declared. “Secret room?” he asked Xavier, giving him a knowing wink.
Xavier slowly let the wind back in his lungs when Aaron let go. “This is a cause for celebration! Let’s go there!” Xavier said, blushing slightly at the wink. He started heading that way.
Aaron quickly grabbed Xavier and dragged him along back inside of the castle. He eagerly ran all the way to their secret room which luckily, no one but them seemed to have discovered yet. He opened the door and pulled Xavier in, closing the door behind them swiftly.
Xavier laughed as he let himself be dragged down the hall and into their secret room. “Alright mate, what kinda celebration did you have in mind?” He asked, focusing on Aaron over near the door still.
“I don’t know!” Aaron laughed. “But I’m so excited!” he said, jumping up and down. He couldn’t help himself so he then quickly wrapped Xavier into another too tight hug, pulling the Hufflepuff boy close in by his body.
Xavier laughed as well. He could tell the Gryffindor boy was excited and he was happy for him. He felt himself brought back into a tight hug. Xavier hugged back this time, a wide grin on his face.
The two spent some time in their little secret room for a while. It wouldn’t be too long until the first Quidditch game of the season came around. The day before, Slytherin had played their first against Ravenclaw. Today, it was going to be Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff for Aaron’s very first game as a player. There was even more hype around the castle surrounding the second day’s match up than the first. Aaron had scarfed down breakfast quickly that morning, sitting with his new teammates at the Gryffindor table. They had all left breakfast early to prepare for the game. Aaron couldn’t wait to play and put on the red Gryffindor Quidditch uniform robes for the very first time. He had even more motivation to beat Hufflepuff since of course, that was Xavier’s house.

The students began filing into the stands, mostly Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. Aaron sat in the locker room as their captain, Oliver Wood, gave a brief but inspiring speech to his team. He then led them out as the commentator announced the entrance of the Gryffindor team. They were greeted by an eruption of applause from the Gryffindor section and a few small boos from the Hufflepuff section. There weren’t nearly as many boos from the opposing team’s section than when Gryffindor played Slytherin. Eventually the Hufflepuff team came out too and then, the PA person announced the individual names of the players and their positions. Aaron couldn’t wait for his name to be announced for the very first time.

“And a new addition to the Gryffindor team, number seventeen, second year chaser, Aaron Hoskins!” the commentator announced to the crowd. The Gryffindor section went wild and Aaron grinned, floating on his broom and waving towards the stands. He briefly looked over at the Hufflepuff section to see if he could find Xavier, who of course was in attendance. Aaron had been trash talking the boy all week once he had found out that Gryffindor was facing Hufflepuff for the first match of the season.
Xavier had of course, been listening to Aaron all week, giving little halfhearted snarks at his trash talk. The boy was definitely torn, he wanted his team to win, but he wanted Aaron to win as well. In the end, Xavier would cheer for Aaron as well. Xavier stood at the front of the Hufflepuff stand, cheering when his house mates were booing Gryffindor. Ryan stood beside Xavier, cheering with the boy.

He didn’t mind Aaron, even if the boy seemed to hate him. As Aaron’s name was called, Xavier cheered loudly, looking at the boy as he floated on his beautiful new broom. He saw the boys head turn towards them and he jumped up and down, waving crazily. This was gonna be a great game.
Madame Hooch soon blew her whistle and called all players to get in position. Oliver Wood shook hands with Hufflepuff’s captain before going to his position. Aaron looked over at his teammates, one of which was Harry Potter, who was a seeker for Gryffindor. The balls were soon released and Madame Hooch blew the whistle once more to commence the match. Aaron immediately went speeding after a quaffle. He felt so alive with the wind flowing through his light brown hair as he soared through the air on his broom, hearing the roar of the crowd down below.
Xavier watched with rapt attention. Aaron was so graceful on the broom. He had it all right there, skill and grace. Xavier soon found himself forming a blush as he cheered his friend on. It seemed as though Hufflepuff couldn’t a score, meanwhile Gryffindor had gotten two scores already. Xavier cheered, watch Aaron in the sky. Xaie was right, Aaron was a natural born Quidditch player.
Aaron felt proud to dawn the red and yellow Gryffindor colors, the number 17 with his last name Hoskins on the back of his Quidditch robes. He flew through the air in pursuit of a quaffle and bumped into a Hufflepuff player, knocking him out of the way in the process. He was already a natural at the game for having never played nor heard about it just two years ago. Once he had a quaffle, he flew towards one of the hoops, but Hufflepuff beaters were on his tail. He felt like the main character in his own little story.
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Xavier cheered loudly as his friend flew through the air. He was a natural to the game and that made Xavier’s day even better. He could watch this all day, and his friend was doing great. Xavier hollered and cheered loudly for his best friend.
Aaron had to duck as a bludger was hit towards his way. It just missed his way as he approached closer and closer to the hoop. He then threw the quaffle into the hoop and scored. Aaron couldn’t be more ecstatic. He had scored Gryffindor’s first point of the game and scored within his first few minutes of the Quidditch match! Aaron grinned as the Gryffindor crowd went wild. He flew near the stands and raised his hands up triumphantly, celebrating his goal. His eyes then scanned the Hufflepuff section of the crowd for Xavier.
Xavier had watched Aaron duck the bludger before he scored the first point of the game. Xavier yelled loudly, his fists in the air as he cheered his friend on. He saw Aaron fly near the stands and he cheered Aaron's name loudly, even as Ryan elbowed him with a laugh, considering that Xavier was cheering on the opposition. Xaie didn't care, he was so proud of his best friend right now.
Aaron could hear Xavier cheering his name and he laughed seeing the Hufflepuff cheer so loudly for a Gryffindor. He then felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around. It was the Captain Oliver Wood telling him to get back in the game and that it wasn’t over yet. Aaron quickly flew back into the action and attempted to score again.
Xavier smiled as he lowered his volume a little. Not much though. He saw another player fly up to Aaron before they both flew back. He watched with wide eyes as his friend gracefully flew through the air. He made it look so effortless, but for Xavier it was terrifying being so high up. This was a much better match than last year already. He felt the excitement in the stands and he was buzzing himself with excitement watching.
The game went on and it was quite an entertaining one indeed. It was back and forth scoring from each team, but eventually, one of the Gryffindor chasers scored a goal towards the dying seconds of the match to earn Gryffindor the victory. Gryffindor had won the game! The Gryffindor students in the stand cheered loudly and triumphantly as the players in the field celebrated. Aaron laughed as he joined his new Gryffindor teammates in a big group hug on the pitch.
Xavier watched the game with rapt attention as it went back and forth. He could sense the disappointment of his housemates as Gryffindor won the game. Xavier was way to excited to feel the disappointment of losing their first match of the season. "I'll see you in the room later yea? Go celebrate with your friend" Ryan said, smiling at Xavier. "See ya later mate" Xavier told him. Ryan headed off and Xavier came down from the stands, looking at the pitch. He suddenly felt very much alone, and he turned away, his nerves sparked. He didn't want to interrupt the celebrating team.
The Gryffindor students then flooded the pitch as the players came down, hugging each other and celebrating. Eventually it calmed down as the Gryffindor players went to reunite with their individual friends. Aaron was surprised to see a familiar boy in Hufflepuff robes. He widened his eyes and excitedly ran over to Xavier. “Xavier! We’ve won! I scored in my first game and we won it!” he said excitedly, jumping up and down.

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