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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier's nightmares had lessened over the last few months since things had quieted down. He still crawled in with Ryan if it was particularly bad but he was sleeping in his own bed more often than not lately. The morning came where it was time for them to pick their electives and Xavier felt more himself in ages. He couldn't wait to sign up for his two chosen courses, Care of Magical Creatures and Study of Ancient Runes. He woke up Ryan with more energy than he'd had. "Come on Ryan! We have to go pick out our electives!" Ryan grumbled himself awake and looked at the boy. "Good morning to you as well" He said with a half laugh. Xavier smiled, pulling on his robes and waited impatiently for Ryan to put his own. The two walked out into the common room and the list of classes for second year sign ups was pinned up. Xavier ran over and quickly filled in his choices. Ryan picked his, which was Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy. The two then headed out of the common room and to the Great Hall for breakfast. Xavier was practically speed walking, he'd done it! He signed up for what he hoped would be his favorite elective. He couldn't wait to tell Aaron.
Aaron woke up that morning, awoken by Jacob. It was the day that the second years were supposed to pick their electives for their third year. Aaron quickly got changed into his clothes and robes and headed down to the sign up sheet with Jacob. There, Jacob had signed up for his two classes- Muggle Studies and Arithmancy. Aaron had chosen Study of Ancient Runes and Divination. After that, Aaron and Jacob headed on down to the Great Hall for breakfast. For the first time in a while he felt some excitement. He very much wanted to tell Xavier which two classes he had picked for next year. Aaron nodded and smiled over at Jacob as the two parted. Jacob went over to the Gryffindor table to sit with some of his friends and Aaron went on over to Xavier at the Hufflepuff table.
Xavier had taken a seat at the Hufflepuff table while Ryan had gone over to see his brother. He caught sight of Aaron and for the first time since Colin's petrification, he actually smiled and waved. "Good morning mate!" He said as Aaron came over. He felt more like himself and it was a nice change of pace. He didn't want to think of anything else this morning, just eating some breakfast and enjoying his best friends company. "Did you pick your electives?"
“Morning Xavier!” Aaron said cheerily as he smiled back at the Hufflepuff boy and sat next to him, intentionally ignoring Ryan as usual. “Yea I did!” he replied. “Which two did you pick?” he asked. “I’ll go first! I picked Divination and Study of Ancient Runes!” Aaron said happily as he pulled over a plate and took some food to eat for breakfast.
Xavier smiled as he watched how close to normal his friend was this morning. He listened to the two that Aaron had picked before he spoke up himself. "I picked Care of Magical Creatures and Study of Ancient Runes too!" He said with a laugh, as he put some food on his own plate. His hunger had started returning full force and he smiled, eating some eggs.
“Oi nice mate! We’ll probably have Study of Ancient Runes together then!” Aaron pointed out excitedly. Aaron finally had his appetite back and it was evident by the way he scarfed down and inhaled his breakfast. He was finally starting to enjoy eggs with pancakes for breakfast like he used to.
"That would be pretty great!" Xavier agreed, noticing that like himself, Aaron's appetite seemed to be back to normal given how he was basically inhaling his breakfast. "You know, the foods not going anywhere" Xavier smiled, nudging Aaron's shoulder as he took some bites of his pancake.
The Gryffindor boy was very much looking forward to next year. Divination seemed interesting and Study of Ancient Runes would be a class most likely shared with Xavier- which was awesome. Aaron laughed, “Well who knows? Maybe you get hungry and start stealing from my plate! You have been eating normally again after all,” he said.
Xavier gave a look of amusement at Aaron. "I'll steal it? Mate did you see how much food there is in front of me? Why would I want your food" He laughed. "I'm just glad I can eat food again. Having to regulate with a normal appetite was not fun" He hated it, and he was happy his stomach had returned to normal after that mess last year. He looked over at Aaron, he couldn't wait for next year to start. He'd been waiting to attend Care of Magical Creatures for two years, and the Ancient Runes class sounded like a lot of fun, plus he'll likely have with Aaron!
“Alright alright,” he said laughing. It felt good to laugh again. Aaron was happy for a return to some sense of normalcy. No one had been petrified in a while now and it seemed that Colin Creevy and Justin Fletchley were well on their way to recovering. That good mood would soon go away. Everything would change later on….
It had been a few weeks after the Easter holiday and Xavier had just headed to lunch when he heard whispers near him. The young lad walked over and asked what was happening. What he heard next made him freeze in place. Hermione Granger and Penelope Clearwater had just been reported petrified. Xaie felt his heart drop to his toes. Aaron. He had to find Aaron. The boy bolted towards the Great Hall, fear pounding through his heart and his blood felt cold. He entered the Great Hall and looked around for Aaron, knowing they were meeting there for lunch.
Morale was great and Aaron’s mood was at a high point that year since first learning of Colin Creevey’s petrification that fateful day of the Gryffindor v Slytherin Quidditch match. The boy whistled a joyful little tune and smiled as he walked through the halls of Hogwarts. It would all change soon. It was not yet common knowledge of the cruel fate that had befallen Hermione Granger and Penelope Clearwater. It was lunch time and a rumble in Aaron’s belly had him entering the Great Hall just in time. He was expecting to meet Xavier for lunch so they could chat over a shared meal.
Xavier was running down the halls, his first mistake, and his second would be he wasn't watching where he was going. As he had entered the Great Hall seconds behind the lad, he didn't have time to slow himself down. "Watch out" He called, trying to stop before crashing into his best friend. The warning was too little, too late as Xavier bumped straight into Aaron's back, sending the Hufflepuff lad to the ground with a little thud. He looked up, fear in his eyes.
Nothing could’ve prepared Aaron for what happened next. Before he knew, someone came barreling towards him from behind. Aaron could hear a voice about a warning to him but it was far too late. He suddenly felt somebody crash into him from behind. He was pushed forward from the impact and almost fell but managed to stay on his feet. Aaron’s eyes widened as he quickly turned around to see what had happened and who this was. His eyebrows raised as he saw a panicked looking Xavier on the floor. “Bloody hell Xavier! What’s the matter with you mate?” Aaron asked, extending a hand out to help Xavier up, waiting for him to take it. He saw the fearful look in Xavier’s eyes and his stomach sank.
Xavier's breaths were coming short and shallow and he tried to calm himself, accepting Aaron's hand and standing. He swallowed hard before he looked at his friend. "Two more were found this morning Aaron. Hermione and Penelope from Ravenclaw" He managed to get it out in one sentence, but he could feel the fear taking hold of his heart. Two from Gryffindor had been victims now, and he was scared, not for himself, but for Aaron..
Aaron curiously peered down at Xavier and helped him to his feet. His blood ran cold and his face was flushed of all his color until he was pale as the ghost of Professor Binns once Xavier had told him what had happened. Two more students were petrified. And yet another student from Gryffindor, this time Hermione Granger. Although Aaron didn’t really like Hermione too much and thought she was a teachers pet and a know-it-all, never would he have wished this fate upon her in a million years. Aaron swallowed thickly. He was speechless- he didn’t know what to say. The terror began to set in once more and suddenly, Aaron didn’t have an appetite for food anymore. “No… it can’t be…” he whispered, still shocked and trying to process this awful news. It was information that was swiftly spreading around the castle to everyone.
Xavier saw his friends face turn pale, and he did the only thing he could think of. He pulled the boy into a tight hug. Xavier had Aaron, he was here, he was safe. "Did you want to go somewhere else?" He asked his friend softly. He would go wherever Aaron wanted to, and he would do what he had to. This year had quickly switched from a rather fun start to terrifying the rest of the year.
Aaron felt sick. His face was a pale white and he once again felt that sensation of weakness in his knees. He was glad that Xavier had pulled him into a tight hug because he was pretty sure that he would’ve fallen over onto the floor were it not for that. “Why? Why does this year have to keep getting worse?” he asked in a whimper. “Just when everything was going fine!” he cried. “W- we’ve got to get to the secret room,” he said.
Xavier led the way, keeping his arm over Aaron's shoulder as support. "I've got you mate." He whispered. He slowly but surely brought them into the secret room, leaving Aaron's side long enough to shut the door behind them. One day, Xavier had brought extra blankets into their secret room, for naps clearly. He led Aaron over to the wall with the blankets. "Sit down beside me." Xaie said, sliding to the floor, gently so Aaron could follow.
Aaron was appreciative of the support that Xavier provided him as they made their way to their secret room. He leaned into Xavier as the boy opened the door and they entered the storage room, closing the door behind them. Aaron felt weak, as if he might faint. He quickly sat down beside Xavier on the ground, touching shoulders with him. “I’m going to be sick…” said Aaron softly. “I can’t believe it’s happened again- and twice,” he said. “And to Hermione…..” he said, shaking his head slowly.
Xavier put his arm back over Aaron's shoulders, giving him a small squeeze. "I know. I was always told it was safe here. I guess my parents lied. No one should've been petrified" He said, "I wish they would figure out what was happening" He added with a small sigh. Xavier wished he had more things he could do to help.
“I remember when you told me we’d be safe here in our first year,” he said, “I can’t believe it isn’t true,” he cried. “Maybe Jacob is right- maybe I am in danger. Maybe I’m next because- because I’m not pure like you,” said Aaron, remembering Jacob’s words about the blood status very clearly.
Xavier looked at Aaron. "No, I said that because I was told it was true. Don't go there, blood status does not determine who one is, even if his family and others like them think so. You determine who you are, not your parentage or your blood status. Just because some wizards feel that way, doesn't make it true. Who cares what someone's blood status is? I don't. Its the nature of your character and how you treat others that determines a person. You are no less a wizard than I am." Xavier could've ranted more about the stupidity of blood status in the general world but he didn't want to annoy Aaron. All he wanted was to reassure him.
“But maybe they’re right…” said Aaron with a frown. “Maybe I’m not a good wizard. Maybe I’m not fit to do magic…. All I can do is Quidditch- I’m not very good at all when it comes to classes and magic,” lamented Aaron. “Maybe I am a mud blood like those Slytherins call people….” he said.
Xavier frowned, "You are a good wizard. You came here with little to no knowledge so that's not your fault. And you're a quick learner Aaron. Besides, you kind of need magic to fly" He added. "Do not say that. You are a half blood yes, but you are more wizard than any of those Slytherins could ever dream to be." He said and he meant it. Aaron had more heart than any single one of those in the Slytherin house. "You are a brave, loyal, tough Gryffindor. You've proved that more than I can count." Xavier added.
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