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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier scoffed, crossing his arms as he glared back. "I'd talk more but you seem to like the sound of your own voice. Don't want to compete with that" He snipped back. Oh boy this wasn't gonna end well. Xavier knew he should've kept his mouth shut, but sometimes it was more difficult than he cared to admit.
“You know, I quite liked it when you had your mouth shut, Hufflepuff,” said Jacob back to Xavier, furrowing his brow and glaring daggers at the boy. “Every time you speak all I hear is a bunch of rubbish coming out of your trap,” went on Jacob, further poking the bear. “Guys…” said Jacob very quietly. But it was clear that this wasn’t the end of the fighting.
Xavier ground his teeth together. "And I liked it when you weren't around Gryffindor" Xavier ground out. His own glare pointed at the boy. "And all I hear from you is me, me, me." He made a mouthing motion with his hand as he glared. He didn't hear anything other than the rushing of blood in his ears as he focused on Jacob with narrowed eyes.
“Guys!” Aaron said a bit louder now, but Jacob ignored him. Jacob leaned forward towards Xavier and it took every fiber of his being not to sock the obnoxious Hufflepuff right in his nose. “Well at least I actually care for Aaron’s safety and well-being! It seems to be of no concern to you,” said Jacob. “What happened to that red haired punk you hang out with?” Jacob asked with a smirk, “Don’t you miss your boyfriend?” he taunted. “I think it would be best if you left us Gryffindors alone and hung out with your own kind for once,” spat Jacob. “You don’t belong here,” he warned.
Xavier clenched his hands, fisting them in his robes. "Don't you dare question my ability to care about Aaron." He warned, wanting nothing more than to slam his fist into the Gryffindors face. "Leave him out of this. He's not my boyfriend" Xavier bit out. That thought had never crossed his mind when it came to Ryan. He was family to Xaie, that's it. "My own KIND?" He snapped, getting to his feet. "Don't you even question where I belong" He added. Xavier may be shy and quiet, but once he's riled up, its not pretty. He had a punching bag in his room for a reason.
“Oh bloody hell knock it off you two!” Aaron said, but was once again ignored by Jacob. “Someone of your temperament shouldn’t be anywhere near Aaron,” said Jacob with a sneering smirk. Aaron didn’t very much like the way Jacob was talking to Xavier or how he was trying to speak for him. Jacob looked unmoved as he crossed his arms and remained sitting down. “Now run along before you hurt yourself,” said Jacob, turning his chin up in a snobbish manner.
Xavier was fuming, biting his lip. "My temperament?! Like you're any better Mr. high and snobby" He sneered. "I'm not the one that's gonna get hurt mate" He added. His hands were in fists at his side. "Maybe you should run along before you get hurt" He added with a derisive snort.
“Is that a threat?” Jacob asked, grinning smugly. He wanted Xavier to see that he was unmoved by this even if he knew he’d probably not fair very well in a fight with the Hufflepuff boy. Jacob was never really any good with his fists. “You have the audacity to threaten me?” scoffed Jacob. “Who’s to say you wouldn’t threaten Aaron in such a manner?” Jacob asked, trying to press Xavier’s buttons as much as he possibly could.
Xavier shook his head. "Its not a threat, its a promise" He said snidely. "No, I only make those promises to annoying gits like yourself" He added. "Besides, maybe it'll make you look better" He said, raising a fist. He wasn't on school property technically, the train didn't count. He could throw a punch and get away with it.
Jacob just snorted and smirked at Xavier’s promise to do something to him. He wanted to push the Hufflepuff boy to his limits and test him to see if he’d actually do such a thing. He became a bit fearful and back up slightly in his seat as he saw Xavier raise a fist. “Stop it you two! Now!” shouted Aaron, growing more worried. This only caused Jacob to get up, standing so that now he was level with Xavier. The two boys were very similar in height. “Go ahead, Hufflepuff,” urged Jacob, “Although Hufflepuffs certainly aren’t known for their bravery,” said Jacob with a sneer. “In fact, they’re more cowardly if anything,” spat the brown haired boy. “Go on, you haven’t got the guts,” said Jacob, not knowing what he was getting himself into.
Xavier's nostrils flared aggressively as he watched Jacob stand up. He wasn't one to back down from something. His eyes glanced towards Aaron, noticing the worry on the boy. His gaze flicked back towards Jacob as he called him a coward. He could feel his blood boiling under his skin and he wanted to punch this boy. If he punched him, his family was known enough, he could ruin being a professor in the future. With a growl, he lowered his fist, waiting a second, before putting both hands out, shoving Jacob back onto the seat before sitting himself. It felt good to hit him, but he still wanted to punch him.
Jacob was pushed backwards and grunted as he landed on his butt on the seat. He was stunned for a moment before he got up and lurched forward, grabbing Xavier by the robes and pulling him up to his feet. “You bloody moron, you listen here,” threatened Jacob through gritted teeth, his red hot angry face just inches from Xavier’s. Finally, Aaron had enough. He quickly got up and forcibly pulled Jacob off of Xavier. Jacob, feeling Aaron’s touch, relented and let himself be taken away from Xavier. “Blimey! You’re both blood animals! Both of ya!” Aaron said as he held Jacob back. Jacob felt himself panting angrily and aggressively as he glared at the Hufflepuff boy. He sat down in his seat as Aaron finally let go. “I’m leaving! Since you two can’t handle sitting with me I’m going to find a different compartment until the both of you can sort out whatever this is!” Aaron said as he quickly took his trunk of luggage with him and stormed out of the compartment. Jacob then turned to look at Xavier and his brow once again furrowed furiously. “Look at what you’ve done!” Jacob spat.
Xavier glared at the boy when he'd grabbed him by the robes, pulling him up. He looked at Aaron who'd come in between them. He felt like a kicked puppy hearing Aaron's words. He glared at Jacob as Aaron left with his luggage. "Me!? You started it!" Xavier snipped. All Xavier wanted now was to apologize for his actions to Aaron, because he should've backed down, but instead he pushed, literally, and now he was stuck with Jacob. He crossed his arms at the boy across from him. "You've been trying to turn him against my friendship since day 1 last year. Guess what, it still hasn't worked" He said with snort of aggression.
Jacob scoffed and looked offended at the accusation that he had started this all. “Oh that’s real rich!” he said caustically. “I didn’t start any of this. Maybe if you had as half as many brains as I did and a quarter of the temperament you wouldn’t have let your brash anger get the best of you,” said Jacob. “You’ve been out to get me from day one of our first year, Collins,” spat Jacob, turning this on Xavier now. “I’ve only tried to protect Aaron and warn him, but you’ve done nothing but keep him in a state of blissful ignorance!” Jacob went on. “When they come for Aaron because he’s a half blood, we need to be ready- HE needs to be ready,” said Jacob. “You’re probably not aware of the true danger that we face. It will only get worse next year. They’re coming. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back, and he’s gaining power,” warned Jacob ominously.
Xavier crossed his arms at the boy. "I've got more brains than you. Maybe if you weren't so bloody annoying I wouldn't have an issue. You seem to like make decisions for yourself and Aaron" He snapped. "Your 'protection' isn't protection. You scared the heck out of him on last years train ride. You claim that you want him to protect himself, yet I watched you ignore him when he needed help with Charms last year!" He spat back. "I know the danger, I'm not as dense as you think I am." He added. "He will be fine because he's smarter than you give him credit for!" He glowered at the boy, eyes shooting daggers across the compartment.
Jacob ignored Xavier’s comment about his brains as internally be thought he had more than the Hufflepuff. If their grades were anything to show for it, Xavier had him beat just slightly there. “No, you don’t know the danger! And I AM protecting him by making him aware of the danger!” Jacob yelled, his voice raised. “He’s smart yes, but he’s clueless! I don’t want to see him hurt!” Jacob said passionately. “And if he sticks with you I fear he’ll get seriously in trouble,” he went on. “If you won’t keep him safe then damn it I will!” Jacob proclaimed. “He belongs with his fellow Gryffindor. That’s where he’ll be safest! Not meddling about with some air headed Hufflepuff like you,” spat Jacob.
Xavier flew to his feet, his anger riled up again, and this time Aaron wasn't here to see it. He grabbed Jacob by the robes, hauling him up. He might not be as strong as Aaron, but Xavier wasn't weak either. "He's smarter than you'll ever be. And I would rather see myself hurt than him. Houses mean nothing when it comes down to the real world." He tossed the boy away towards the compartment bench. "I'm no airhead Jacob, you are. You're also a poor excuse for a Gryffindor" He added.
Jacob widened his eyes as he was suddenly grabbed by his robes and pulled up and onto his feet. He didn’t realize how terrified he looked as Xavier held him there. He grunted as he was thrown back onto the seat, looking at Xavier. He said nothing at first, looking rather hurt, before he got up and grabbed his trunk, brushing himself off. Before leaving the compartment, he stepped very close to Xavier. “When Aaron gets murdered by You-Know-Who and his nutty followers, it will be all your fault. You’ll have blood all over your hands,” said Jacob through gritted teeth. Before Xavier had any chance to reply, Jacob quickly left the compartment, leaving the Hufflepuff boy all alone.
Xavier had dragged his trunk into the compartment, sliding it under the seat. Another summer had come and gone. He sat down on the bench, memories of the ride home earlier this year when he and Jacob had gotten into it on the train ride home surfaced as he sat there. The 13 year old Hufflepuff didn't regret shoving him, but he did regret the fact that Aaron had actually left the compartment. He didn't have a chance to see the boy after and it had tormented him all summer. He hoped the boy would join him. He tapped his leg as he waited for others to board the train.
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Summer was uneventful for the hazel eyed boy, to say the least. It mostly consisted of Aaron practicing his skills flying on a broom for Quidditch. This he had to do far away from plain sight, since Aaron and his family did live in the muggle world and seeing a boy flying on a broomstick would certainly give pause to most people. In July, the boy had turned thirteen. He’d gained an inch or two and his hair gain a slightly more rugged and messy look to it now. He hadn’t said goodbye to Xavier at the end of last year due to the incident on the train between his best friend and his roommate Jacob. He hated seeing his friends fight. But, Aaron was eager to see Xavier once more. His father took him to King’s Cross Station and to Platform 9 3/4 and sent him off with a hug. Aaron pulled his luggage along as he went to board the Hogwarts Express for the start of his third year.
Xavier himself had grown a couple inches through the summer, his hair had grown out a little bit and he'd decided he liked it that way so he kept it. He'd gone on walks, doing a lot of thinking over the summer about various things. He kept his chocolate brown eyes trained on the compartment door and the hallway. He was nervous, he had to admit it. The boy regretted much of what happened on the way home but that was in the past. Xavier stepped up to the open compartment door and looked down the hall both ways to see if he could catch sight of a certain hazel eyed light brown haired Gryffindor.
Aaron adjusted a stray lock of his light brown hair that had fallen into his eyes and bothered him before boarding the train. He dragged his luggage onto the Hogwarts Express, which seemed slightly less heavier than years past. Nothing had changed and he still packed the same amount of things. Perhaps with a new year in age he had gotten a bit stronger. He was officially a teenager now that he was thirteen. The hazel eyed Gryffindor boy strolled down the aisle of the train cars looking for a certain Hufflepuff lad.
Xaie had stepped away from the door for a moment, adjusting his robes and he had to move his bangs to the side, again. He liked his hair, but the bangs needed to grow a little more the hair wouldn't fall in his face again. He returned to the door and smiled as he saw his best friends back, he must've just walked by. "Aaron!" He called, poking his head out of his compartment. His eyes had brightened and he had a smile on his face. He really had missed the boy over the summer.
Suddenly, he heard it again- that familiar voice. That lovable voice. Perhaps it sounded slightly deeper, but Aaron couldn’t tell. It was still the voice he knew and loved. It was Xavier. Aaron’s face instantly lit up as he caught sight of his Hufflepuff best friend. He had missed him deeply over the summer and practically ran over to him with his luggage. “Xavier!” he cried joyfully. When he finally approached the boy, he gave him a quick and tight hug before releasing him. “Have a good summer, lad?” Aaron asked with a grin as he began settling into the compartment that Xavier was in.
Xavier felt his heart swell as the lad gave him a quick hug. Xavier found himself not wanting that feeling to end. He moved into the compartment himself and looked over at the Gryffindor boy. "Eh, it was kind of boring, I was too excited for this years courses!" He said with a laugh. "How was your summer mate?" He asked. He settled on to the bench and looked over at his friend with a grin though he noticed that his friends voice sounded a little deeper? He wasn't quite sure though.

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