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Fandom The Golden Gate Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 9 | Current location ;; California

There was no stopping what was already done. This had to happen. They all had to make it through their right of passage which was clearly becoming a man with a mustache. Nate was giggling as Devin inspected the handiwork. “It’s like we’re all twins now!” he nearly shrieked between laughs. He was having such a great time. “And, you know, I only just met you, so it’s hard to pick sides. So I’m on no one’s side except the mustache.” He held the marker triumphantly before eventually tossing it onto the table. “This is great. You guys are great. Way more fun than some of the other places I get stuck at with my mom.” Oh, his mom. How long was their meeting? He wasn’t sure how much more time they would have. Sometimes, the meetings lasted hours and hours and even a couple of days. Sometimes it was hardly any time.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 11, 17 | Current location ;; California

Cameron sighed as he was released from Devin's hold who chuckled. "Twins.. all three of us." Devin said, shaking his head at Nate before he heard the door open. Cameron was sighing and shaking his head. "How dare you take the mustache's side." He replied before his head turned towards the door. A brown haired woman stood there. "Cam? Devin? Were you drawing on each other again?" She asked, crossing her arms. Cameron and Devin both looked down, as she sighed. "Cameron, you and your brother are to show Nate to the cafeteria. It's lunch time and we aren't sure how much longer this meeting will be."
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 9 | Current location ;; California

Now that Devin said it out loud, that was pretty silly. “Triplets?” he corrected as he turned his attention to the lady at the door. He did not look away, because his life was too great. This was all so great and wonderful. He loved it! Every part of it. He would draw a mustache on himself every day! Would his mama like it? No, probably not. He peered around the lady to see if his mama was around. Nope. Then it was fine! “I like lunch. Where’s lunch?” He stepped out of the room and beamed. So much better than most places.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 11, 17 | Current location ;; California

Cameron giggled and nodded. "Triplets!" He agreed as he heard Nate's comment. "Come on! It's this way." Cam said, moving with Nate and taking his hand. Devin followed the two boys out as Cameron led them to the stairs. "It's on the first floor, and they have some good food." Cam said as he headed towards the stairwell door, smiling as he did, opening the door and gestured. "After you." He said to Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 9 | Current location ;; California

Nate happily moved along the corridors until they reached the cafeteria door. He looked at Devin intrigued. Good food was all they could ask for. “I wonder how different it is too? Everywhere is so different! It’s kind of crazy how some places are so unlike another.” He stepped inside and gawked. Though this was just a cafeteria it was still neat to Nate. “Oh, this is way better than the Zones. Those are the worse. At least we never have to worry about the cards and everything.”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 11, 17 | Current location ;; California

Cameron smiled as they headed into the cafeteria, looking at Nate. The Fireflies ran San Francisco better than FEDRA ever did. They had actual food they could grow, and animals they raised. "We have fresh food that we grow." Cam said as he led them to a table while Devin went over and grabbed three meals. Lunch usually consisted of a sandwich with ham and an apple. He brought the three trays over and set one in front of each of them. "I hope you like the food." Cameron said as he looked at Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 9 | Current location ;; California

Nate was in awe. He had been to a lot of different places in his nine years. He and his mama had skirted through Zones, traveled through Firefly territory, and met with plenty of outsiders who were surviving without either. It was amazing how much of life could change around the country. This place was probably his favorite so far. As they waited for Devin, Nate said, “For someone too good for the rest of us, he can be pretty fun and nice.” When the were all together again, Nate answered, “I’m sure I will! It looks so good!”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 11, 17 | Current location ;; California

Cameron smiled as he looked at Nate, hearing his words and laughed softly. "He's really a good guy, he's just... a soldier." Cameron said as he looked at the food that was placed in front of them. He took a bite of the sandwich and smiled, like always the food was just as delicious as always. "So what other Zones have you been to?" Cam asked Nate as they ate, curiosity in his voice. He'd met a few other people from cities like Denver and even one from Boston, but Nate was the first kid his own age that he'd met.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 9 | Current location ;; California

As he ate his sandwich, Nate tried to remember all the places that they had been. “Um, well, obviously Boston. Salt Lake City. Um Los Angeles I think? My mama doesn’t always take me with her, so I know she’s been to Detroit and Dallas too.” He took another bite. “I think she was saying that there’s a lot of question about what’s been going on in Hartford, so we might go there too? But we also go a lot of places that aren’t Zones. There’s a lot of little camps and cities that aren’t FEDRA or Fireflies.”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 11, 17 | Current location ;; California

Cameron ate as he listened, eyes wide as saucers hearing all the places that Nate had been. "Wow! You went to Salt Lake? I remember meeting a couple people going there. I don't know what they were doing though." Cam admitted as he listened. "Hartford? I wonder what's happening there. If you do go, you should tell me all about it if you ever come back here." Cameron added while Devin looked between them. "Have you been to Denver? I'm supposed to be heading there in a few years when this one gets old enough to be on his own during meetings." Devin said as he looked at Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 9 | Current location ;; California

Nate tried to remember as he ate. “Um, Denver?” He shook his head. He didn’t think that was a place he had been. “I think my mama has been there but not with me. Or maybe we went when I was little? I don’t think so. Sorry. But I’ve heard some about it. Probably not any more than you.” He shoveled the last bite into his face and leaned back. “I think that’s cool that you’ve got other places to go and not just being here.” Nate didn’t really know how normal Firefly members worked. He had never gotten to be normal. Plus, he wasn’t that old. “Hey, but wherever we go next, I can let you guys know. I am sure my mama will need to come back here soon. There are a couple of places that we go a lot. Like, you know, Boston.”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 11, 17 | Current location ;; California

Devin finished his own food and leaned back in his chair. “Right. I heard it’s a bit of a mess up there but that’s it. I guess FEDRA is putting up a fight like they are in Boston.” Devin said as he looked at Cam. The eleven year old was in awe at the different places Nate had been still but he managed to finish his food too. Devin stood up to lead the two back to the room. “You can talk more up there. Others need this table so they can eat too.” Devin said as Cameron stood up as well.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 9 | Current location ;; California

Nate probably would have sat there all day chatting about whatever came to them, so it was a good thing that Devin mentioned that they should go back now. He popped up from the table and followed Devin. “I think I heard that FEDRA was going to start fighting more in a bunch of places. My mama said…” His voice trailed away as he saw the people in the hall. There were a couple of people that he didn’t know, and that was fine, because Nate was never bothered by more people. But there was also his person. He smiled and waved. “Mama! Mama! Is your meeting done?” When he looked at her, she looked like the coolest person. She looked like a superhero. She was loomed over him, even though she wasn’t really all that tall. Her hair was pulled back into a messy but tight brain that started on the top of her head and went down to a couple of inches passed her shoulder. One hand was one her hip and the other was gesturing to the room they had been in. Her eyes slid to him, and she smiled just a little. “Ah, there’s my little munchkin. Are you ready to go?” Nate frowned and looked at Cam. “Already? But your meetings are usually so long!” She laughed and shook her head. “It was all mornin’. You musta been well deep in there, huh?” She put out her hand, and he went running for a hug. “Then here’s some good news. We’ll be back soon. I think we are adding this one to our regular rotation.” Nate’s eyes widened and lit up. “Oh! Okay!” He turned back to Cam, both excited and sad.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 11, 17 | Current location ;; California

Cameron was walking beside Nate as he talked while Devin walked behind them. He paused when he heard Nate’s voice trail away and he saw the people in the hall. His mother was one of them as was his father and uncle. He saw the woman that Nate was waving to and he heard her ask if he was ready to go. Cameron frowned, he didn’t want Nate to go. But he knew that he had to. Then he smiled a little as he heard that they’d be coming back. “It was nice meeting you!” Cameron said as he walked up. “I’ll see you soon?” He asked, trying not to be so upset about the fact that his friend was leaving.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 9 | Current location ;; California

Nate did not want to look like he was sad, because he had to be strong like his mama. She put her hand on his shoulder as he looked at his friend. “It was so great to meet you!” He practically bounced with the excitement. He looked up at his mama who was smiling approvingly. His eyes darted back to Cam, and he wasn’t sure what to do. He stepped forward and gave his new friend a hug. “Soon!” While still in the hug, he looked over his shoulder. “Soon, Mama?” She nodded, and he excitedly reinforced the hug. “Soon!” Then he let go and turned his attention to Devin. “It was nice to meet you too.” He pointed to his own mustache and grinned. “You look distinguished.” He swiveled around to his mama. “Okay, I’m ready to go now.”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron nodded when he heard that and hugged Nate back just as happily. “See you soon!” Cam said as he looked at Nate. Devin smirked and nodded. “Nice to meet you too.” Was all he said as the two brothers watched Nate swivel around and head off with his mama. Devin, Cameron, their parents and uncle all dispersed to their rooms. The next year went really slow for Cam, he tried to play games with Devin but that didn’t work. Devin was spending more and more time with a girl he met, Alicia, and along with his training, he was never around anyway. Cameron tried to tell his mother that he didn’t need to be watched, and that he was twelve years old. But she kept having his brother sit with him when she was in meetings. It had been a year since he’d seen Nate and similar to last year, he was in the same room, sitting at the same table. This time his brother was sitting with his new girlfriend Alicia, and they were being all lovey over on the couch. It made Cameron grossed out and he just focused on his card games, wondering if this meeting would finally be one with Nate’s mama so he could see his new friend again.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Soon. She told him soon, and she clearly lied. Or she was mistaken. Or she forgot. Or something like that, because soon meant like soon and not forever and ever after. If they had to go places, he wanted to go where he knew people. Cameron was the best person they had met in ages, and it was like they were never ever going to get back to him. He asked his mama several times, and she responded in kind with “We go where we need to go,” or “Right now, we’re going back to Boston,” and “Nathaniel Evan Matthews, if you ask me one more time, you will be in such a big heap of trouble that you will regret having ever made a friend in the first place.” He didn’t know exactly what that meant, but it was scary so he stopped asking. He told Max all about Cam, and he was so jealous that they didn’t have anyone like that in Boston. Max got to go with him and his mama to this weird place in the middle of nowhere, but it wasn’t the same. None of it was ever the same.

And then everything changed. He was sitting outside, waiting for literally anything interesting to happen, when his mama came out of the building and told him to pack his bag. He grumbled something about them just getting back not five hours ago, and she told him that he better mind his manners, because they were going where he wanted to go anyway. They were going back to California. He as so excited that they were on the road in a flat seven minutes. When they got there several weeks later, they got to use a truck and everything at some point, he was exhausted but excited. He followed his mama, tried to listen to the conversations a little bit, gave up and wandered some halls for a while, and then eventually found himself, with her direction, back in that room he was in a year ago. “Cameron!” He was so utterly excited that he didn’t even notice his mama trying to tell him to be good. She disappeared and left him to go say hello.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron was so bored, and the only time he looked at his brother and girlfriend they were kissing. He gagged and looked away, back at the cards he’d just shuffled. There were other games but all of them required more than one player. And he didn’t have another player. Then the door opened and he looked up, hearing the one voice he’d been wanting to hear all year long. “Nathaniel!” He yelled excitedly, getting up from his chair so fast that it clattered to the floor. He didn’t care though, he was way too excited to see his friend. Cameron met Nate halfway and hugged him. “I missed you!!” He said happily, smiling and laughing.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate had always loved having people around. In fact, he had all this energy sometimes, but he wasn’t allowed to do anything about it, because they were always doing important things that required ‘patience and poise.’ You know what he thought about that? Bleghh. Gross. No one cared. Come on, Mama, be like literally everyone else in the world. He thought people should get to be who they were! Right now, when he was colliding with his bestest buddy that he didn’t even really get to know all that well before, he didn’t even care if they were not being patient or having any poise. “I missed you so much! You’re like actually the coolest person I have ever met, and it has been so boring without you.” He dropped his arms and turned to say something to Devin when he saw the girl that was literally all over him. Ew. That was super gross. He probably did not hide that well from his face. “Uh.” How did one say something to that? “Hello? I mean… hi!” He waved awkwardly before choosing to look only at Cameron again. “Please tell me you got to do more interesting things than me? I did get to milk a cow, so that was pretty cool. But other than that?” He stuck out his tongue.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron was surprised to hear that, especially since he wasn’t all that cool. He didn’t get to travel to all those Zones and communities like Nate did. “Thanks! But you’re probably the coolest person I’ve ever met! And it’s been so boring here.” He huffed, hating being the only one his age in the group. Not many people were having kids lately, and there were a few like five years younger than him but they weren’t fun. Devin pulled away from a giggling Alicia to look up at Nate. “Hey.” Was all he said before Alicia was distracting him again. Cameron rolled his eyes to look at Nate. “I’ve been dealing with that or being on my own. Nothing exciting around here. It’s so cool that you milked a cow!”
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate looked at the public display of gross one more time and muttered, “I think that might be the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” He proceeded to fake gag and decided never to look at them again. Because ew. He snapped back to focus with the mention of the cow. “Yeah, I mean, it was neat and all, but the constant going to places really isn’t all that fun. Especially when we have been going the same places over and over and over.” He groaned so loudly that he was sure the guy on that farm forever away could hear. “Boston is no fun anymore. They’re all war and fighting. I know FEDRA is bad, but I don’t wanna kill people. And they keep sending Mama to these dangerous places I can’t go with her, so then I get stuck in these dingy old buildings - nothing like this - and it’s so boring.” He moved to the table so that he could sit down.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron heard that and giggled a little. “At least you don’t have to live with that.” He said with a disgusted face. He then tilted his head a little and listened. “Oh. The same places over and over? That’s no fun.” Cameron said, shaking his head. “I understand that, and Dad’s considering sending me to train as a soldier when I hit sixteen like he did with Devin. No thanks. I don’t wanna be a soldier. I’d rather be in the library or literally anywhere else.” Cam said, his own groan loud. “Well you’re here now! Wanna play a board game with me?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate did not want to be a soldier, so he definitely felt how Cam felt. He didn’t know what he was going to do when he was older, and he never really thought about it much, but he knew being a soldier was not it. Maybe he would scout like his mama. He already went most of the places with her. He wished he could help more. “Sure! And while we do, I want to learn about you more. Like what your favorite color is and your favorite food and which Savage Starlight character is your favorite.” It bothered him that he knew so little about this friend. He wished he knew all those days that he was sitting alone and bored.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron smiled as he looked at Nate, hearing him. "I wanna learn about you too so that sounds good to me!" Cam said as he bent under the table to the box he had of games and pulled one out. The game of LIFE which was one that his own mother had found and given to him. Devin had played it with him once, called it silly and never played again. "Okay, so this is a pretty simple game. We each get a car and a peg person. Blue means boy and pink means girl according to the rules anyway, and we each start off with a choice. Um College or Career, and then we spin this spinner." Cameron explained as he set up the game. "Uh any questions so far?"
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate looked at the game a little amazed. “Is this just us playing literal life?” He picked up one of the cars and examined it. Then he picked up a little blue peg and examined it too. “That is neat! Okay, College or Career? What is the difference?” He poked at the spinner and then, naturally, spun it. Then he picked up a card and read it. “Does college mean better jobs?” He narrowed his eyes as he started thinking. “Is that like how they are always saying ‘FEDRA school makes you better’ or whatever? Because I hate that, and I would like to have a career instead.” He put his little blue peg into the blue car and placed it around the Career path. “Okay, what now?”

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