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Fandom The Golden Gate Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate looked at the tokens and the money, and even though he was a stupid kid by any means, he could not wrap his head around whatever it was that they were meant to represent. He shrugged. “Sure! But you’ve got the money, so I think you probably did great.” He started to help put things away as well. “I mean, I think you did great. Look at all this stuff! But really, I feel like these things,” he picked up the cars with their little pegs, “show you how great things really are. You and your little families! We could do anything and go anywhere with them.”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron smiled as he listened to Nate. He really enjoyed his company. “I mean, sure. I got the money.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. “Though perhaps you’re right. Maybe that’s what family is about, and having the more family, the better?” He asked as he helped put the game away and once it was, he sighed. “So, what do we do now? We could play another game, or maybe something easier like charades?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate was not exactly sure how this game needed to be put away, especially since he never got to play games all the time, though he felt like they were doing a pretty good job of it. Cam certainly knew what he was doing, which meant that he did this often. That was such a strange concept to him. “So do you get to play games all the time? Or is it just when you’re stuck in here? And when you are, do you have a lot of different games? Because we never get to play games. Not like ever. I mean, sometimes but not really.”
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Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron looked at Nate as he spoke, his gaze watching him. "I used to play games more when I was younger. Devin played with me sometimes and sometimes the other scouts would bring kids, but it was rare. I often played games on my own." He admitted as he looked at Nate. "If I'm not in my room, which does have some games, I'm usually in here." Cameron added as he shrugged. "So yeah, most of my games are in here. And I don't really have a lot of different ones."
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Huh. That was kinda cool that he got to do all of this during his day. That seemed way better than Nate’s day honestly. He wished that they could do this. “Does it get boring in here?” That was the one thought he had about it. Sure, Cam had all these games that he could play, but if he never got to leave, maybe it wouldn’t be so fun. “I mean, I know you only have him, so I guess it would?” That was kind of sad. He didn’t like that for his friend at all.”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron looked at Nate at the question and shrugged a little bit. "It can get boring in here, but I've gotten used to playing games on my own so it's not as bad as it sounds." He said as he looked over at Devin and rolled his eyes. He turned back to Nate and sighed softly. "Sometimes I wish my parent's were so high up. I never get to leave the base." Cameron added, and he knew that when he turned sixteen, he'd be training to be a solider like his brother. "I wonder if we have time for another game or if you'll be leaving soon."
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate felt like he understood that. His mama wasn’t high up like Cam’s parents, but she was incredibly important. She had intel for all people, which kind of made her like she was super high up too. The difference was that Cam never got to leave and Nate never got to stay. “Sure! I mean, I don’t actually know but maybe? You said charades right? I played that with Max and Ben before. It’s super silly.”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron looked at Nate as he thought about what they could do that wasn't as much to bring out and put away. Then he heard Nate's suggestion and nodded. "Ooh! That's a good one. Then if the meeting ends, we can just stop. Nothing to put away." Cameron said with a giggle before he nodded. "Okay, do you wanna go first since you're the guest?" He asked, looking at Nate curiously.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate smiled and pretended to be like the proper and fancy people that he met in the travels. “Yes, I am a guest and should go first.” He giggled as he dropped the routine and thought for a moment. Okay okay okay. What could he pretend to be? Got it! He bent down on the floor, crouched so that his knees were by his face and his hands were on the floor. Then he hopped up once. Twice. And again! He traveled a lot and got to see things. He wasn’t sure what other people would and would not know.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron laughed as he looked at Nate, and watched him on the floor. "Ooh! Rabbit? Frog?" Cameron asked, narrowing his eyes as he tried to figure out just what Nate was trying to do. "Um. Cricket?" He asked, tilting his head as he looked at his friend. He wondered if any of the things he listed off were even close to what he was trying to do. Cameron didn't travel like Nate did but he read some books that they had lying around.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate hopped up and nodded. “Frog! Right!” He smiled as he thrust his hands onto his hips. “Was that too easy? I didn’t know what to do?” He contorted his face into a goofy frown that was mostly too silly to be sad. “Your turn!” He looked over at Devin and his girlfriend, rolled his eyes, and decided not to invite them to play. He thought he should, but their together thing made him feel weird so he decided to ignore it. He hoped that his mom wouldn’t be coming too soon, though he had a feeling she would be done sooner rather than later. She had less to talk about this time.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron giggled as he clapped, hearing that he'd gotten it right. He shook his head. "No that wasn't too easy." He said as he saw that goofy frown on his friends face. "Okay! Oh! I've got one!" He said, walking to the center and stood there for a moment. He tried to remember things from the travelers he'd talked to. Oh! Cameron started waving his arms up and down and turned in a circle as he did, making the circles a little wider each time he did. He wasn't sure if Nate would get this but he hoped he would.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate really focused. He wanted to be good at this game not because he desperately needed to win or anything but because he wanted to be a good friend. Cameron seemed to like games a lot. He got to play with himself which didn’t seem super fun. He wanted to be a good friend who could play all these games with him when they visited. How often would that be? He wasn’t sure. He hoped way more often. So Nate really focused. He watched as Cameron moved. He narrowed his eyes, unsure what he was looking at. “Rainbow…? Oh, um bird? Or other flying thing? There’s a whole lot of flying things all over!” He had no idea if that was what he was supposed to be guessing. That was the beauty of charades.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron continued his motions until he heard Nate start guessing. He knew there were a lot of flying things, so he simplified it. "Bird! You got it!" Cam said with a clap of his hands as he stopped his flying motions. Unfortunately though, the door opened a few moments later and he looked over to see his mom in the doorway. "Alright boys, the meeting is done. Come along. The meeting went very well so we managed to convince your mother Nate to stay for a quick lunch. So, to the cafeteria." She said, clapping her hands with a smile. Cameron laughed and grinned. "Come on Nate!" He said, reaching for his friends hand.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate frowned as the door opened. That meant the meeting was over, and he didn’t want that to happen. He sighed, though the fact that they convinced his mother to stay for lunch meant that the meeting wasn’t horrible. Maybe his mother liked it here too. He gladly took Cam’s hand and ran out the door with and to the cafeteria. “At least we get a little bit longer. I like being here so much more than the other places. Plus you have good food. Some places have the worst food!”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cam laughed as he took Nate's hand, running out the door with him to the cafeteria. "A little bit longer and I like having you here too." Cameron admitted, it was nice have someone closer to his own age that likes games versus his brother who didn't like games. "And you can have a great lunch before you head out on your travels!" Cameron said as they entered the cafeteria and Cam dragged Nate to the line to get their lunch.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate laughed as they ran through the halls and into the cafeteria. He wondered if the awe of the place would ever go away. Did the people who lived there get used to having places as great as this? Of course, anything was great to him compared to how he normally lived. The constant travel meant that there was not a whole lot of time for fancy places. They moved through the line and grabbed their food. “What are you going to do when we leave? Do you have to stay in that room with your brother?”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron looked at Nate as they stood in line and he hummed for a moment. "Probably for a little while. Or I might just go to my own room after." He said, shrugging his shoulders as they came to the front of the line. "Hey buddy." Jenna, his brother's girlfriend's sister, said handing them both their meals. "Have a good day!" She said, waving at them as Cam lead the way to a table for them, sitting down at the first one he found and looked at Nate. "Do you know where you're heading when you leave here?"
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate followed to the table and plopped himself down. He shook his head. “No. My mama always knows where we are going but she doesn’t always remember to tell me. She says that sometimes she has to make changes. Like we were going to Denver once and then she had a meeting with some fancy guy for like forever and then we had to totally change what we were doing.” He took a big bite of his food. “So I don’t really know. She also thinks I’m not old enough to know things. I think that’s unfair.”
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron tilted his head as he looked at Nate as he started eating. "Denver? My brother is slated to go to Denver in a few weeks. The group there is in need of new men." Cameron said as he looked at Nate. "Also, that is unfair, you're definitely old enough to know things." He said with a shake of his head as he took another bite of his food. "So the next time you come, it might just be you and me in the room." He said as he looked at him.
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate ate his food with a shrug. “Yeah, well, my mama doesn’t seem to think it’s unfair.” He waved a hand like he was dismissing someone much like his mama did any time Nate tried to talk about this. “She takes me everywhere anyway, so I feel like I should get to know something. But at least I know that if we are coming anywhere near here, we’ll probably stop here!” He stuffed his face with lunch and hoped that his mama did not appear out of nowhere to get him. It would be just like her to do that.
Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron listened to Nate as he ate his own food. "Well, I'm on your side. You should get to know stuff, especially if you're always with her." He said as he finished his lunch. He wasn't sure how much longer Nate would be around. "Maybe next time you come this way, you can bring Ben and Max." Cameron suggested as he crossed his arms on the table and set his chin on his arm as he looked over at him with a big smile on his face.
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Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

Nate kept eating as they talked. “I think that would be awesome. All of my favorite people in one place?! And you would love them! They love playing games, you know?” He sighed as he thought about his best friends that they were forced to leave behind. That still seemed kind of silly. “And if they all came we could-“ His words fell away as he caught sight of his mama coming towards them. She had that slight smile on her face which meant that the meeting not only went well, but she was still in a good mood. Her hair was slicked back in her usual messy braid as she stopped by the table. “Are you ready?” “Almost!” He looked back at Cam and put out a hand for him. “What do you think we’ll get to play next time?”
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Cameron and Devin Harris
Fireflies | 12, 18 | Current location ;; California

Cameron nodded as he grinned as he laughed. "That sounds awesome! And I can't wait to meet them!" Cameron said as he looked at Nate, before he heard his friends words fall away. Cameron looked up to see Nate's mother headed towards them and Cameron sighed heavily. He knew his friend would be leaving and he'd be alone again. Cameron loved his brother, but sometimes he wished he had more friends his own age to hang out with. He took his friend's hand and shook it. "Maybe.. we can play hide and seek with them? Or maybe.. maybe tag?"
Nathaniel Matthews
Firefly | 10 | Current location ;; California

More than anything else, Nate wanted to come back to this place and bring his two bestest buds to meet his other bestest bud. He knew that if anyone could be family, it would be the four of them. “Nathaniel.” His head snapped to his mother as he was trained to do. She gave him a firm but gently look. He was not to push her patience. That meant he only had one more moment to speak. He looked back at Cam with the biggest smile. “Yeah!” He let go of Cam’s hand as he popped up from the table and ran to him for a big hug. “We can for sure play both!” Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his mother smile.

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