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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Aaron seemed to smile softly as he drifted off into day dream land. He thought of Xavier and his hair flowing majestically in the wind as it blew while he was outside in the stands spectating one of his Quidditch matches. He was suddenly taken out of his pleasant little trance by a loud “CHECKMATE!” It was Jacob, triumphantly standing up as a defeated Dean Thomas frowned. “Bollocks…” muttered Dean. “Better luck next time, eh mate?” Jacob said with a grin. “You’re much better at wizard chess than I am, I don’t think I’ll ever win,” lamented Dean. “Well I’ve been playing ever since I was a kid,” said Jacob with a shrug.

Suddenly, they were all interrupted by their prefect rushing into the room. “Everyone, come with me. Dumbledore’s orders. We must get to the Great Hall at once,” he said. Aaron raised his brow and the Gryffindors in the common room all looked confused. “Is everything alright?” Aaron asked. “There’s no time, come with me,” said the prefect. Many Gryffindors began coming out of their rooms and flooding into the common room.
Xavier had no clue what was going on in the castle. The downside of a secret room, no one knew where you were. He leaned his head back against the wall, his thoughts whirling as another one, Aaron again, flew by. It was a memory of him during the last Quidditch Match. He had looked so attractive on the broom. His hair moved with the wind as he was zipping around on his broom. Xavier felt his eyes slipping shut as he started day dreaming.
Suddenly Xavier was tapped on the shoulder. It was a librarian with a few other students who had been studying in the library. “You must come with me,” he said quietly. Meanwhile, everyone was filing into the Great Hall, curious and confused as to what was going on- Aaron included. Dumbledore was at the podium seemingly waiting for all of the students to gather so he could give an announcement.
Xavier jumped at the contact and nodded. He was confused but he followed with his books in hand. It was a relatively short walk from the library to the Great Hall. He entered and saw all the students inside. He immediately started searching for Aaron, his heart dropping hoping that he’d be able to find the lad. He saw Dumbledore at the podium also.
Aaron spotted Xavier and immediately ran to him. Soon enough the Great Hall was filled with all of the students, each chattering and wondering what was going on. “Blimey Xavier! I was worried about you mate,” he said, quickly grabbing him by the shoulders, just to touch him.
Xavier heard the familiar voice, turning to see Aaron. His heart rate slowed as Aaron grabbed his shoulders. Automatically, Xavier’s hands went to Aaron’s arms. Safe, he was safe. “I was worried about you too. I wonder what’s happening.” He said, worry lacing his voice.
The Gryffindor boy didn’t have any time to respond much or talk with his Hufflepuff friend. Suddenly Dumbledore cleared his throat very loudly and called for everyone’s attention. The last student was shuffled into the Great Hall and the long white-bearded wizard addressed the students. Everyone quieted down as they directed their attention to their headmaster. “Good evening, students,” began Dumbledore. “You may all be wondering why you are here. I have called you all here as a safety precaution,” he said, causing a buzz of nervous chatter amongst the crowd. “We have reason to believe that there is an intruder in the castle,” said Dumbledore. This gained many gasps from the crowd and the worried chatter became louder. “Silence please!” Dumbledore said, instantly gushing everyone once again. “Do not be alarmed. For safety, we will be having you sleep in the Great Hall together as we check the castle. There is strength in numbers. We do ask that you please bear with us- I know there will not be a lot of room to sleep tonight but I can assure you that this is only temporary,” said Dumbledore.
Xavier stood beside Aaron listening to their headmaster. Someone in the castle? He felt his skin drain its color. He couldn’t believe it. Who would try and get in the castle? Xavier looked to Aaron, before subconsciously moving so their shoulders touched. He could only imagine what was running through his best friends mind. The headmaster didn’t say that they had to stay with their houses so maybe Aaron wouldn’t mind if he slept near the boy just for one night. Otherwise he’d find Ryan and stay near him.
Aaron gulped as his heart began to pound. The thought of someone dangerous being somewhere within the castle while there were also students there was a terrifying one. Aaron felt himself step closer to Xavier so that their shoulders were now touching. “As it is now curfew, I do advise you head to sleep. We have provided sleeping bags for each student. You may sleep wherever you please and by whomever you’d like,” said the old headmaster Dumbledore. In all of the worrying thoughts, Aaron couldn’t lie that he was a bit excited at the thought of potentially sleeping by Xavier for one night. It would certainly help him feel safe.
Xavier appreciated the comfort of their shoulders touching. He looked over at Aaron as Dumbledore concluded his speech. “Did you wanna grab a sleeping bag and grab a spot beside each other?” Xavier asked tentatively, hoping that Aaron would say yes. He was a little excited to be sleeping beside Aaron if the boy said yes. He was scared of the fact that someone was in the castle and sleeping beside Aaron would certainly help, especially since his sleeping pills were in his dorm.
Aaron quickly nodded, glad that Xavier had asked. “Of course mate,” he said, bringing Xavier over to a free sleeping bag. He hoped Jacob was ok and glanced over as he saw the boy going with Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas. He then slipped into a sleeping bag and turned on his side to face Xavier.
Xavier smiled gratefully as he followed Aaron to a free bag. He slipped into a sleeping bag and laid on his side facing Aaron. He was still scared, but being beside Aaron, he felt like he could relax a little bit. “Thanks for sleeping beside me.” He said softly, his head rested on one arm and the other laid on his side.
“Of course mate,” whispered Aaron as he scooted closer to Xavier’s sleeping bag. Aaron rather surprisingly quickly fell asleep. Xavier’s presence was comforting enough. He also usually tended to fall asleep pretty quickly.
Eventually that night Xavier fell asleep. Nothing was found in the castle after the scare the school had, had. The next few weeks went by quickly. Aaron and Xavier had gone to Hogsmeade for the first time the weekend before Christmas. A couple weeks later showed the two walking through the halls of the castle, talking and enjoying the others company. Little did Xavier know what was going to be waiting for them.
The danger had passed. Everyone woke up the next morning and it seemed that everything was allowed to return back to normal. The next couple of months were months were rather uneventful aside from some spirited Quidditch matches. The season was going quite well for Gryffindor. Christmas had come and gone and Aaron spent the holidays with Xavier back at Hogwarts and had a good time. They’d even gone to Hogsmeade together for the first time, since as third years they were finally allowed. Aaron had quite liked the wizarding beverage butterbeer. His father had never shown such a drink to him but Aaron loved the taste. It was a cold January day like any other when Aaron was walking through the halls, chatting with Xavier happily. He was unaware of what he would see if he rounded just a few more corners, but it would change him forever.
Xavier looked over at Aaron as they walked. “So what do you think of Divination so far?” He asked, he’d heard of the class but it hadn’t sparked enough interest for him to take it. He was enjoying the stroll through the halls with Aaron.
Character death depicted, slight gore and mention of blood.

“Well it’s quite interesting really,” said Aaron with a smile as they rounded a corner. “Last class we actually….” he began, but pausing and stopping dead in his tracks. His heart stopped and the color flushed from his face and he became as pale as a ghost. His stomach dropped and he instantly felt queasy at what he had seen. Aaron took a few steps forward, his knees wobbly as he couldn’t believe what he had seen. “No…” he whispered, taking a few shaky steps forward. In the hallway, he saw the unthinkable- the unspeakable. Laying down in the middle of the walkway was the body of a young student. It was a young man with dark brown hair and he wore Gryffindor robes. Aaron wanted to vomit and cry out as he saw the familiar head of brown hair. The body was bloodied, and as Aaron slowly approached it, it became clear who it was. It was his very own roommate and good friend, Jacob Cromwell.

“No!” Aaron shouted as he ran to the body’s side. He now could get a good look at the boy. His Gryffindor robes were bloodied up, and there was blood dripping from his mouth and accumulating in a big puddle on the floor. He was face up and his brown eyes looked wide with fear. “No!” Aaron shouted again as he shook his friend awake. But, Jacob remained unresponsive. Aaron quickly placed an ear against Jacob’s bloodied chest. Inside, it was quiet- he heard no heart beat. The boy was most certainly dead, the blood still freshly dripping from his mouth. He had recently been killed. Aaron felt an overwhelming sense of guilt, feeling that perhaps he could’ve saved his poor friend. But Jacob Cromwell was gone- gone forever.

“No no no! Jacob! Wake up!” Aaron said, tears flowing down his cheeks as he violently shook his dead friend. There was no response. Jacob’s body laid cold. His face was pale and eyes still open. “No! No!” Aaron kept crying as he sobbed and whimpered, the tears coming down like a waterfall. As he looked up at the wall, his blood ran cold. Written in Jacob’s own blood very clearly were the words “BLOOD TRAITOR” on the walls. Aaron wanted to faint. He cried out loudly with pain as he clutched the unmoving deceased body of his once bright and cheery friend close to him, gently rocking it back and forth.
Xavier didn’t know his world could spin but it felt like it. His heart broke as he saw Aaron’s devastating reaction. He saw the heart broken look on his best friends face. No one deserved this, not even Jacob. For a moment, Xavier froze. He heard Aaron run to the body, begging his friend to wake up. He saw the words written on the wall.

Then his body was moving on its own accord. He came up behind Aaron, kneeling down beside him. He had no words, nothing could fix this. He took one arm, and placed it over the boys shoulders. He had no idea what it was like to lose someone close, but he needed to be there for Aaron. Xavier said nothing, but tried to provide comfort through contact as he moved his body with the rocking motions that Aaron had started. He was going to give the boy as much time as he could, but once someone else came along, everything would be disturbed.
Aaron continued to gently rock his friend’s cold dead body back and forth as he sobbed. No one at all deserved a fate such as this one. The look in Jacob’s eyes as he laid dead on the floor, the chilling writing on the wall in his own blood, it all stuck with him. Jacob Cromwell was only thirteen, with much potential. He was a brilliant young wizard. Sure he wasn’t at the top of his class but he was a smart kid. His heart was always in the right place. He truly believed that half bloods and muggle borns belonged in the wizarding world and associated himself with those kinds of people, and for that, he paid dearly. “Why?” Aaron asked in a whimper as he held Jacob’s body tightly. He noticed the poor boy’s beautiful brown eyes were still open and he gently closed both of Jacob’s eyelids.
Xavier had no answer to the why. He had no words. What he did know was he needed to be there, knelt beside Aaron. His heart was torn, he might not have liked Jacob, but the boy was important to Aaron. Xavier let him have his time to grieve but he would have to get his friend up so that his body could be cleaned up. Xavier held on tighter to Aaron, his head rested on Aarons shoulders moving when the other boy did. “Aaron, mate, we need to… need to tell someone. He should be cleaned up, give him the dignity he deserves.” Xavier knew if Aaron had his way, he’d stay there forever.
“B- but I can’t leave him here!” Aaron said, as if there was some way Jacob could be alive if he stayed by his side long enough. “H- he was only thirteen! Like us! H- he had a w- whole life ahead of him!” Aaron said through tears, whimpering as he still held onto his poor friend. Never again would Aaron see the bright and cheery young face of his friend in the morning as he shook him awake. Never again would he be able to share a meal with the boy. “Who could’ve done such a thing?” he asked, “Who took away my Jacob?” he cried.
Each tear Xaie saw hurt him. His friend was upset and he didn’t want to leave him. “A-Aaron..” his voice was soft. “His life was cut way too short. But if we don’t get help now, no one can stop whoever did this.” He wasn’t trying to use logic, he was trying to appeal to the heart. He knew that if Aaron had been the victim, he’d moved heaven and earth to find the person or thing that did it. “I can get help, if you don’t want to leave him” He offered. “Whoever did this won’t get away with it. That is a fact” He added. Xavier was trying his hardest to comfort his friend. He’d never done anything like this before.
“Go on, get help,” said Aaron through tears, sniffling, “I’ll stay with him,” he said, frowning as he looked at Jacob. He was cold to the touch and his face was turning more pale and blue by the minute. It was an awful sight to behold. He closed his eyes tightly and buried his head in Jacob’s bloodied chest. He would never forget this for as long as he lived. His heart hurt for Jacob’s parents and he wondered what the poor couple would react like finding out that their one and only son was dead.
It took Xavier about a second to squeeze the boys shoulders, before he flew to his feet and dashed off. He knew who to go to. Dumbledore. Xavier ran down the hall, climbing stairs and dodging students. As he turned the corner to Dumbledore’s office, he slammed right into him. He would’ve fallen if the headmaster hadn’t snagged his shoulder. “Whoa there Mr. Collins. What’s wrong?” Xavier knew he had worried tears in his eyes now. “Headmaster, there’s been a death in the halls. Please follow me!” The older man nodded and the two set off again.

A somber mood had befallen both of them as Xavier brought them back to the scene. Dumbledore was silent before he walked over, kneeling down and placing a hand on Aaron’s shoulder. “Mr. Hoskins. I know this is difficult but may I take a look at Mr. Cromwell.” He asked gently as Xavier stood a few feet back.
Aaron fell silent for a little while, thinking about all of the good times he had with Jacob. Whenever he wasn’t with Xavier, chances were high that he was with Jacob. He remembered that this very morning, he had been woken up by the boy like usual. They had gotten dressed together and walked down to the Great Hall together before parting ways. He never got to officially say goodbye to his dear friend. Soon enough, Xavier came, and with help- an adult- someone who could truly handle such a difficult situation. The Gryffindor boy felt a soft and gentle hand on his shoulder and heard the soft voice of their headmaster. Aaron just sniffed, more tears falling down his cheeks as he nodded and finally, let go of the body of Jacob.

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