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Fantasy The Tyrant King(remake)

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]

You shouldn't get your hopes up. He was always on my list.


Although I did have a thought for more drama. What if, John and Didreus were friends(or acquaintances) when they were younger? Then what I'm about to do would be a lot meaner.

Also @Shimakage Thunder I wonder if your character wouldn't mind a more complicated relationship with the king?​

Define complicated
I want to spend some time torturing Plagued/Diedrus, but if everyone wants to I can wait.

[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]Define complicated

Hmmmmmmmm, it's not really a love triangle..... I don't really remember what I meant.

Have you ever seen TMNT?
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[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]
I want to spend some time torturing Plagued/Diedrus, but if everyone wants to I can wait.


Wait what.
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[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Well I have some medival water torture that I would love to try out. Why did you think John told the guards to get the cauldron?

Like a big cauldron?
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Like a big cauldron?
Really really big.

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
And what kind of water torture specifically? There are several different methods.
The one where you put the victim in the cauldron covered in chains and pour in more and more water till they are submerged. Them boil em, but I was just going to pour the water and then add ice.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Really really big.
The one where you put the victim in the cauldron covered in chains and pour in more and more water till they are submerged. Them boil em, but I was just going to pour the water and then add ice.

Ooh, neat.

But who's going to wrestle a beast who's more dangerous than rabid lions to get him into the chains?

And you know that he's a fire elemental, right? So.
Beowulf said:
Yes. To a bit after dark when the rebel army is putting their plans into motion.
To capture Deidreus?

But that works then if it's only that long. He'll just be left cold and wet and somewhat dying/really weak in his cage, because, you know, fire elementals don't do well with water.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Ooh, neat.
But who's going to wrestle a beast who's more dangerous than rabid lions to get him into the chains?

And you know that he's a fire elemental, right? So.
Who else but the guy who he hates the most. Besides who said I was going to move him anywhere. Maybe the pot is already beneath him in the super secret torture chamber xD

Besides didn't you port him I'm a room full of water in the air. Don't worry he won't kill you xD

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