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Fantasy The Tyrant King(remake)

Alterius said:
Timeskip is happening, my question is whether or not Thiel should still be with the other knights.
um well do you want him to have stayed in town or go somewhere else? I'm working on the post to start the knights off with so let me know.
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Beowulf said:
I'm having Gareth be in the forest because how else is he supposed to move troops around?
yeah if you want im only adding those three to the post cause we were all together for when we had to go to town
Woah! Royal Adivsor will be at the castle, correct?

And my secret Tavern owner about town/in the Tavern? Correct!?
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Innkeeper better be careful Thiel is out and about, though that can be a good and bad thing. *insert suspensful music here*
I have a force outside that bloody inn... There are TWO captains at that inn...






btw I am very angry today not because of you guys (I love you guys) but because of CS plagiarism... Please don't mind the profile pic... It will go away eventually...

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