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Fantasy The Iron Empire- OCC

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Thanks you rock.

Also in other news i got a reply up for Zeneb. Can she Fly?
Roughly 115 lbs
Well it would likely require a break or two but id say Eric could carry her and fly to Norville if necessary.

She could also wait at the palace for him to get back if you'd rather not be carried for 200 or so miles.

The helm gives him about 60mph top speed so with breaks the flight there would take about 4 1/2 hours.

If she has a horse the trip would take about 10 hours. Because roads

Up to you which you would prefer. Piggyback flight, Horseback Ride, or Wait.

Considering their history its possible she would have flown with him before again up to you.
Well it would likely require a break or two but id say Eric could carry her and fly to Norville if necessary.

She could also wait at the palace for him to get back if you'd rather not be carried for 200 or so miles.

The helm gives him about 60mph top speed so with breaks the flight there would take about 4 1/2 hours.

If she has a horse the trip would take about 10 hours. Because roads

Up to you which you would prefer. Piggyback flight, Horseback Ride, or Wait.

Considering their history its possible she would have flown with him before again up to you.
Lets go with flying piggyback ride

Wait, does this mean Eric would piggyback Zeneb, Junwu and other people they met on their way back?
Lets go with flying piggyback ride

Wait, does this mean Eric would piggyback Zeneb, Junwu and other people they met on their way back?
I mean one at a time probably if they want. He would just be going there to ask junwu to pack his stuff and meet him at the capital. Those they meet along the way would likely get similar requests and they could meet a bit earlier. Either way they would need to return to the capital to get the supplies needed for such a journey. Namely the Talismans without which they cannot capture the great spirits.

When he is in better shape and there is some form of friction protection the Lightning boots will become more practical. With the speed boost they offer he could make the trip in just a few minutes…but he can only maintain that kind of speed for a few seconds at a time, and the air friction would kill would be piggyback riders without somekind of protection.

The helmet offers wind resistance protection via a bubble of wind around him. But its consistent mana use is proportional to the weight its carrying. By himself he would need one break in Siblis along the way. But an added 115lbs would mean he would need about a 15 minute rest on the northeastern shore of lake Kyriss, then another in rhe grasslands between Siblis and Norville. He would be tapped out as well so having Zeneb there to watch his back is actually a good thing.

Besides as of now, Zeneb and Junwu would be the only ones he would know well enough to fly with, and Junwu is likely heavier and has more stuff with him. And by no means could he maintain flight with the big bug boi.
I mean one at a time probably if they want. He would just be going there to ask junwu to pack his stuff and meet him at the capital. Those they meet along the way would likely get similar requests and they could meet a bit earlier. Either way they would need to return to the capital to get the supplies needed for such a journey. Namely the Talismans without which they cannot capture the great spirits.

When he is in better shape and there is some form of friction protection the Lightning boots will become more practical. With the speed boost they offer he could make the trip in just a few minutes…but he can only maintain that kind of speed for a few seconds at a time, and the air friction would kill would be piggyback riders without somekind of protection.

The helmet offers wind resistance protection via a bubble of wind around him. But its consistent mana use is proportional to the weight its carrying. By himself he would need one break in Siblis along the way. But an added 115lbs would mean he would need about a 15 minute rest on the northeastern shore of lake Kyriss, then another in rhe grasslands between Siblis and Norville. He would be tapped out as well so having Zeneb there to watch his back is actually a good thing.

Besides as of now, Zeneb and Junwu would be the only ones he would know well enough to fly with, and Junwu is likely heavier and has more stuff with him. And by no means could he maintain flight with the big bug boi.
Hmm, I guess story-wise that makes sense, but I feel the pace would be rather clunky for an RP as that would left some people without much thing to do for a while, unless you want to finish the entire trip in one or two post.
Hmm, I guess story-wise that makes sense, but I feel the pace would be rather clunky for an RP as that would left some people without much thing to do for a while, unless you want to finish the entire trip in one or two post.
That was going to be the plan for the most part. The trip is covered in about one post, the breaks maybe get mentioned as they arrive but yeah, im trying to get us to norville soon so we can get Junwu in the mix, he is the only one yet to receive the emperor’s word once we get him we can either do a skip to the departure point or wait for everyone else to get there and send off shortly afterwards.

Once we set out we will have the Villains intro post up which will incidentally be completely irrelevant to us for a little bit but will become relevant when we get to some of the small plains towns near norville (second trip)

Treant will be our first target as our team will need some more development before we go After the fire spirit. Even though its closer dragons are known to dwell in her mountains and we certainly dont want. To engage them first.

All that said, im glad you are thinking about how the story flows. Thats a good sign for future development and really raises my hopes of making it to the Next Stages of the Iron empire story. I have 3 planned Adventures for this world.
That was going to be the plan for the most part. The trip is covered in about one post, the breaks maybe get mentioned as they arrive but yeah, im trying to get us to norville soon so we can get Junwu in the mix, he is the only one yet to receive the emperor’s word once we get him we can either do a skip to the departure point or wait for everyone else to get there and send off shortly afterwards.

Once we set out we will have the Villains intro post up which will incidentally be completely irrelevant to us for a little bit but will become relevant when we get to some of the small plains towns near norville (second trip)

Treant will be our first target as our team will need some more development before we go After the fire spirit. Even though its closer dragons are known to dwell in her mountains and we certainly dont want. To engage them first.

All that said, im glad you are thinking about how the story flows. Thats a good sign for future development and really raises my hopes of making it to the Next Stages of the Iron empire story. I have 3 planned Adventures for this world.
Thats good then, I will just have Zeneb wait in the city and do something else
Thats good then, I will just have Zeneb wait in the city and do something else
Ok that works out as well. Either way is fine we are still in the introductory phase and getting the team together. She could be getting her supplies together. Im sure we will have one or two people showing up soon. She could meet up with other members of the team.

In fact this could help expedite the process as i could transition from the balcony to Norville in the same post.
That was going to be the plan for the most part. The trip is covered in about one post, the breaks maybe get mentioned as they arrive but yeah, im trying to get us to norville soon so we can get Junwu in the mix, he is the only one yet to receive the emperor’s word once we get him we can either do a skip to the departure point or wait for everyone else to get there and send off shortly afterwards.

Once we set out we will have the Villains intro post up which will incidentally be completely irrelevant to us for a little bit but will become relevant when we get to some of the small plains towns near norville (second trip)

Treant will be our first target as our team will need some more development before we go After the fire spirit. Even though its closer dragons are known to dwell in her mountains and we certainly dont want. To engage them first.

All that said, im glad you are thinking about how the story flows. Thats a good sign for future development and really raises my hopes of making it to the Next Stages of the Iron empire story. I have 3 planned Adventures for this world.
I had actually realized i blanked on the words and now im just imagining either he was so absorbed in his gathering he filtered out the grand words OR he's such a brat he'd never hear them and is only allowed to follow because he's stalking after Eric
I had actually realized i blanked on the words and now im just imagining either he was so absorbed in his gathering he filtered out the grand words OR he's such a brat he'd never hear them and is only allowed to follow because he's stalking after Eric
Well he would have not received them tbh at least in my head cannon, he get in the group because Eric needed allies he knew and could trust.

That said you could have him receive the words and just blank them out if you want. Eric will be there shortly anyway so it doesn’t really change much either way.

About how fast can Big Bug Boi move? Also how heavy is Junwu
good answer to her question he is somewhat close to what brighid would say the answer is
Thanks i figured as much. Wanted to be a bit vague and nebulous because thats kinda how his mind works. Most concepts are loose and lack form until he hammers them into shape.
Well he would have not received them tbh at least in my head cannon, he get in the group because Eric needed allies he knew and could trust.

That said you could have him receive the words and just blank them out if you want. Eric will be there shortly anyway so it doesn’t really change much either way.

About how fast can Big Bug Boi move? Also how heavy is Junwu
Haha then I'm def fine with him just not having received them instead being drafted in~

Hmmm Linbao would maybe be, if not as fast, than a bit slower than the top speed of a horse when he's scuttling around- so top speed would be 55mph (24.4 meters per second)
As for how heavy Junwu is- oh i never gave him a height and weight
5'5" / 165.1 cm
130 lbs / 58.9 kg
I've added random images with Junwu to his character sheet, also added his height and weight that i forgot, i have too much free time with midjourney so now im just putting Junwu in different outfits for laughs
Haha then I'm def fine with him just not having received them instead being drafted in~

Hmmm Linbao would maybe be, if not as fast, than a bit slower than the top speed of a horse when he's scuttling around- so top speed would be 55mph (24.4 meters per second)
As for how heavy Junwu is- oh i never gave him a height and weight
5'5" / 165.1 cm
130 lbs / 58.9 kg
Fantastic that means not only is Junwu carryable, But Linbao is fast enough that he can keep up. Can you ride linbao? Can he swim? And jow is Junwu with heights?
Rosalyn is just 5'3 ft and 113lb, she's shorty like me.
Excellent she is a carryable ally.
I've added random images with Junwu to his character sheet, also added his height and weight that i forgot, i have too much free time with midjourney so now im just putting Junwu in different outfits for laughs
What is this midjourney of which you speak?
Fantastic that means not only is Junwu carryable, But Linbao is fast enough that he can keep up. Can you ride linbao? Can he swim? And jow is Junwu with heights?

Excellent she is a carryable ally.
XD For short girl she like me carry heavy bag like it's nothing on her back. It small bag when truly it's heavy. 😂
Fantastic that means not only is Junwu carryable, But Linbao is fast enough that he can keep up. Can you ride linbao? Can he swim? And jow is Junwu with heights?

Excellent she is a carryable ally.
Linbao would let anyone Junwu considers an ally ride him, maybe two people max and that would slow him down a bit (Also yes Limbao can swim, I guess think of motions similar to a snake) Junwu is probably alright with heights as long as he has something/someone to cling onto or he might feel nervous and antsy

- Also Midjourney is an AI art program that is run through Discord with an ALPHA website (It is not free- I just have too much free time until I can get my old tablet set up working)
it's currently how i get character and setting or item prompts into images
It came to me what Rosalyn goes by as anonymous book author Allister Staria 😂 it have ring to it. It sounds something she would name her own kid or famous Allister name from book she read the first time.
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