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Fantasy The Iron Empire- OCC

😯 I am writing mine at the moment. It even explains what she did before leaving home. She realize have to put stubbornness aside as did visit her late- father's grave remember is wise words that stubbornness could lead someone being fool assume all enemies instead true allies.
Ok folks. I have posted the intro scene.

Calanauth has been summoned…kinda Eric isn’t sure how the phylactery thing really works. He can pop up whenever he wants. @Sunsmiter

Brighid is in Eric’s possession, to make it more interesting, i made it so that he could not store her in his dimensional vault with the rest of his armory and the phylactery. Do with that what you will, Karcen Karcen

Junwu is about to be visited in my next post feel free to have him doing whatever, eric will be able to find him seeing as how he still has the bracelet of poison immunity, the palace to Norville via flight is about a two hour trip so you have some time. ClownCentipede ClownCentipede

Lupa, Mary-ann, Zeneb, Rosalyn And Lazuli all received the emperors words. You may journey forth as you see fit, the messages were delivered a week before The post with Eric occurred so you can possibly be there to accompany eric to Norville and back if you want, or you can be on your way to the palace. After i get Junwu, and Calanauth together we three will begin preparing a caravan of needed materials such as food, water, supplies and the like. Once everyone is together we begin our journey heading to the Great forest near Norville where the first great spirit treant of earth dwells. DracoNightshade DracoNightshade
Vox Angelis Vox Angelis Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread @Daylight Fantasy PrincessBrianaMystic PrincessBrianaMystic

@Coyote let me know when/if your Cs is done so i can accept it and wiggle you in.
I'm awake and yeah she would complain a lot about being out anywhere dark
I'm awake and yeah she would complain a lot about being out anywhere dark
True and id imagine she would have the power to reject his Binding vow. Anything sentient could. Hense why he doesnt just stuff enemies into vaults. He cant. That said a phylactery has no sentience or will, just a soul technically so haha loophole.
True and id imagine she would have the power to reject his Binding vow. Anything sentient could. Hense why he doesnt just stuff enemies into vaults. He cant. That said a phylactery has no sentience or will, just a soul technically so haha loophole.
Yep oh well ill likely work on a post soon
There we go would have been more fancy but on phone
Tis plenty fancy no worries. I like the question, simple yet simultaneously deep when you really think about it.

To avoid clutter and buildup ill go ahead and answer today. That way there are less responses needed.

Prepare to see a grown man nearly have a heart attack from an apparent child.

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