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Fantasy The Tyrant King(remake)

*flops* Heyo, I'm still here, just wanted to say that I will be on a retreat from tomorrow until Friday so I won't be able to respond (not that I am very active with you all) which I apologize for. Running. Own rp as well as participating in this one. So if there is anything that would affect Thiel and the other knight with Captain Evermoer please tag me and I will respond as soon as I return. Thanks!! (^.^)
Hi @animegirl20 . It's Fictionalreality. I had to switch accounts because my last one ran into some parental issues, and I can't use it any more. If it's fine with everyone I'll continue the RP on this account.
LifeIsImagination said:
Hi @animegirl20 . It's Fictionalreality. I had to switch accounts because my last one ran into some parental issues, and I can't use it any more. If it's fine with everyone I'll continue the RP on this account.
ok cool no problem
@XxLuluxX @NeoLeaf


Don't leave a old lady waiting pansies.​
I thought lulu should take the stand since her captain character seems... assertive.

That's my excuse for not posting in the last few days.
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NeoLeaf said:
I thought lulu should take the stand since her captain character seems... assertive.
That's my excuse for not posting in the last few days.
Don't worry about others just make sure they have an opening. I wanna see the look on those two's faces when they meet the owner.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]

You shouldn't get your hopes up. He was always on my list.


Although I did have a thought for more drama. What if, John and Didreus were friends(or acquaintances) when they were younger? Then what I'm about to do would be a lot meaner.

Also @Shimakage Thunder I wonder if your caratee wouldn't mind a more complicated relationship with the king?​

That's a really cool idea actually.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]

You shouldn't get your hopes up. He was always on my list.


Although I did have a thought for more drama. What if, John and Didreus were friends(or acquaintances) when they were younger? Then what I'm about to do would be a lot meaner.

Also @Shimakage Thunder I wonder if your caratee wouldn't mind a more complicated relationship with the king?​

Hmm... I'd have to think about that one. :3

Wanna PM me about it?

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