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Fantasy The Tyrant King(remake)

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Lol, yes I'm alive. I totally forgot what I was supposed to write, sooooo it won't be spectacular.

Anything is good enough for me.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Allllllllsssoooooo it will have to be written tomorrow I have to study for exams today.

Ok. Sounds good! I'm sorry for being pushy.
Also @XxLuluxX and @NeoLeaf I read your posts and my first thought was,

"Did I just read a dick measuring contest?"


Good job guys.


Enter if you dare.​
The Suspicious Eye]Also [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12159-xxluluxx/ said:
@XxLuluxX[/URL] and @NeoLeaf I read your posts and my first thought was,
"Did I just read a dick measuring contest?"


Good job guys.


Enter if you dare.​

The Suspicious Eye]Also [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12159-xxluluxx/ said:
@XxLuluxX[/URL] and @NeoLeaf I read your posts and my first thought was,
"Did I just read a dick measuring contest?"


Good job guys.


Enter if you dare.​
Lol wait when was this?

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