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Futuristic The Starcatcher (Closed)

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"Ok." She said, wincing just a little, "Good thing we're close." She walked there, leaning a little on Anthem. "Thank you," she whispered, at the bottom of the tree house. @Captain Azulium
Rhythm looked out the window to see Anthem and Aria at the bottom. "Hey, dorks!" She yelled from the top. "Glad to see ya made it!"

She started laughing a bit then went back to sitting down on the floor of the treehouse.
"Hi!" Aria called up to Rhythm. She thought about how cool she was and felt a little sad at her dorkiness, but she had decided to embrace it and she was gonna stick with it. Scrambling up the ladder, Aria felt her knee bleed a little, but decided not to look at it, hoping for the best. At the top, she smiled at the two already in the treehouse, "Hi, Rhythm. Hi, Akihito. Nice job getting here so early," she smiled.
"Ha! I just got here, Dorkerella." She laughed. Dorkerella was her nickname for Aria.

"Anyway so how've you two been?" She started strumming her guitar that she brought with her.
Aria rolled her eyes, "Why do you always call me that? Anyways, I'm good." She looked at Anthem, "He hasn't been able to talk much. I sort of hurt myself and stole his thunder." She looked down.
Akihito started to laugh as he typed in another response

Anthem,Rhythm,Aria,Leila, Adam
Hey guys!
Only a week left 'til summer! I can't wait to get out of school!
We should really hang out more during the summer. We'll finally have time to.
Oh yeah, that would be cool...(B')
And this why emoticons shouldn't have been made...because now Anthem has the power to use them...' ]
'LOL well hey, if no ones gonna use them then why have them?
Heh, but seriously we've got to do something together, just the four of us hanging out
Hey! What about the tree house?
Hey, yeah! God... Can't remember the last time I've been in there.
Alrighty then, its setteled. I'll be at your house tomorrow morning
Hey,where's everyone else?'
I'm Alive, Well at least I think I am, so we are going to the tree house then?
Hey everybody. I'm here. Sorry for the late reply. I was picking up my little sister
its ok, ill catch you up
We are all meeting up at the tree house tomorrow morning, and now that I think about it I forgot about Adam and Leila
Haha good job Annie. I'll totally be there
Heh, cool. See ya guys tomorrow
I wish I could have your embarrassment Anthem, and see you guys there!
Aw Akihito, you're too nice to him. ;P
Well thank you!
You forgot about me again, nice!
Ikr! >XP what a meanie! How ya doin, Adam?
Well, I am great, yesterday I updated my old phone now its working like the best piece of technology :D
You know how I am a suit guy, so now I am making a SUPER SUIT. Its a suit that can't get easly destroyed and I am making it of some special material
Oh sorry, and how are you I didn't see you in some time
asdjfkl; that's so cool, Adam. I wish I could get a new phone *tear* and the suit thing sounds super cool. You should be me one. xD
I'm pretty good. Got in a fight with my foster mom again
She can be a real bitch sometimes... hehe
I am sorry to hear that :( , well, I don't have problems like you :) . I don't let my parents near my lab ^^
And that thing with your phone, just it tomorow in the tree house and I will try to make a beast out of it :D
Well I don't feel like going to sleep so I will make you all endurable clothings ;)
I am just being honest you know, and are you guys trying to leave me out of this conversation.If so thank you! <3
Hey guys, guess I came here a bit early...
Akihito you dork!
We were supposed to meet at my house, then we'd go to the tree house!
Heh heh. It's just like you to do that, don't take it personally..
It's not like it's that bad.
Haha Don't worry I like being hurt remember. <3.
There truly is no human alive that likes pain like you do, Aki...
Well... I guess it's a good thing you're not sensitive
Haha Thanks.

He looked outside after a short time hearing voices, "Hey there guys," holding the edge of the doors leaning forward and looking at the ground where his friends were.
(sorry...my internet died)

Anthem stayed quiet the rest of the way until they made it to the bottom of the tree "your welcome." Anthem blushed. "I'll be up an a little bit" he watched her climb up to the top. "Alright..." he squatted down on one knee and reached for his fathers gulf bag he had brought with him. he unzipped it and began digging in it "uh....oh! here it is." he pulled his Dizi out of his bag, zipped it back up and climbed up the ladder. he jumped off of the top of the ladder to make an thump. "ANTHEM'S HERE!!!" he played the best flute solo he knew. @Amber KB @xXGodoftheGeeksXx @Unknown Sanity
Rhythm stopped playing her guitar and facepalmed. Anthem was playing a flute solo...A FLUTE SOLO!

"Alright, Mozart......I'll stop playing my instrument if you do!"
Aria laughed at the two making such a commotion. She loved being around her friends. Plus, Anthem was super good at the flute. She was actually quite amazed, "So what's been going on with you guys?" she said, still breathing in the laughter.
"It was an excellent entrance, Anthem." She said. Turning to Rhythm, she quietly answered, "Not much. Just what I sent in the texts. I've slept since my last text last night." She laughed at her lack of motivation.
"thank you ma' lady" He stood up and did a little bow before sitting back down again. "so what do you want to do now?" Anthem asked while sticking his head out of one of the ports in the wall.
Aria sighed, "Yeah, but I like walking. Even with a scraped up knee." She smiled pleadingly. "C'mon guys..."
"My life is boring and ordinary as usual," He answered, he rathered enjoyed spending with them. "So we come to the treehouse to walk..." he said agreeing with Anthem a bit. "Here we go again, " he sighed as he jumped off the treehouse.
Aria perked up, "Oh yeah. We should probably wait for them. Get back up here, Akihito!" She laughed.
Akihito got up from his "Jump" which was more like a fall, "Na...I think I am alright down here." He then climbed up from the ground to the house.
Aria laughed louder, "Aki, you're so weird sometimes!" She knew he liked being hurt so maybe he'd be glad she said that?

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