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Fantasy The School For Elemental Beings

Shifting closer to Zane, Winter let out a small sigh her face calm and content.
Zane turned on his side wrapping his arms around Winter and pulled her close. Zane snuggled against her and mumbled,"Good morning hone," his voice was soft and loving.
Eyes opening slowly, Winter yawned lightly. "Morning.." She murmured, stretching her arms over his stomach.
Zane slipped his hand onto Winter's side and asked,"Does this mean we are together or...." Zane stopped by shifting his hand down Winter's side to her thigh.
"I hope so... I mean, being thrown away isn't fun.." She murmured, lifting her leg on top of his.
"I was hoping you would say something like that," Zane said as he gripped th blanket and pulled it over them at chest height. Zane gently snugged his head into Winter's neck, scooting closer as he did so.
Winter giggled lightly, running one hand through his hair softly.
Zane yawned asked sleepily,"What's today's schedule?" He loosened his arms as he asked the question.
Groaning Winter pulled herself into a sitting position, "Art classes." Glancing down at him she explained, "I finished most of my classes besides science's, so I just go to art and control classes." She stretched her arms above her head, her hair a hot mess, her clothes ruffled and twisted.
Zane say up and looked under the blankets then at Winter,"You wouldn't happen to know where my pants are would you." He looked a little embarrassed as he reached over and grabbed his tattered white shirt.
Giggling Winter hopped over him, landing awkwardly on the floor; "Safe!" She joked as she stumbled forward catching herself on the table. Looking around while holding her hair our of her face she began to hunt for his pants. "Ummm..."
Zane scooted to the edge of the bed and wiggled his toes,"How do I lose a pair of pants," he mumbled. Zane yawned and leaned back stretching, while doing this e fell back onto the blankets. He felt the wisps of air against him as he laid there humming,"Classical music is almost always the best kind of music," he said out loud.
Winter laughed, "Yes I suppose it is.." She dove under the bed grasping the hem of pants, "Found it!"
"Oh thank you, I'd hate to have to walk around naked," Zane said sheepishly as took his pants from Winter and slipped them on. "So.. about last night," he paused,"was that okay to do," Zane asked with a somewhat fear covered face.
Winter sat back on her heals, she looked at his expression and busted out laughing. Putting her hand over her mouth she attempted to stop her laughter. "I-I-m sorry!" She gasped. Taking a deep breath she calmed herself enough to make intelligent sentences. "Sorry, about that." She wiped her eyes, "Yes it was fine, there is no problem." She chuckled smiling up at him.
Zane blushed and felt embarrassed,"How was that funny," he asked as he looked down at the floor. Zane rubbed the back of his head and sighed deeply, confused in her laughter.
Smiling widely at him she stands hugging him, "Because its cute." She whispered
Zane sighed said,"That does make more sense." Zane wrapped his arms around Winters neck from his sitting place any pulled her to his face. For several seconds he just stared and examined but then he pulled her closer into a passionate kiss as his arms loosened and drifted to her sides.
Pulling herself up to where she straddled his sitting position, she added her own passion; nibbling and sucking on his lip, arms still wrapped around his neck.
Zane gently pulled away and reached over to his hoodie,"We shouldn't tarry our time, shall we head to class now or grab something for breakfast, we could stay here if you wanted." He slipped his arms into the hoodie, the spikes in his arms splintering up then recessing back into his arms.
Winter nodded, standing she grabbed a pair of faded jeans and an odd hoodie with a stretched neck and hood, walking to the bathroom and changing. Walking out with a toothbrush stuck in her mouth as she finished a side braid she smiled up at him. "I'm almost done.." She murmured quietly.
Zane played with his hair a tad making sure it was in an alright condition, he slipped his sunglasses from his hoodie pocket then onto his face. Zane looked over to Winter and said happily,"You look beautiful, dear." Zane looked down at his hands, burn marks and scars covered them. Zane's mind became clouded as it drifted to past memories,"Zane you have to kill him, or he will kill you, do you understand," A voice asked from behind Zane. Zane was wearing a tunic and light shorts, much of his mutated body including his spikes and changed eye were not intact. His palms were lit from absorbing energy. Zane stood from sitting in the chair, behind him stood a man a little bit taller than Zane. Zane turned his head and nodded to him as he a door shifted upward allowing Zane to enter a room. As Zane walked through the door it shut behind him with a crunch of reinforced metals. The room was balanced between shadows and lit areas. It was a thirty by thirty foot room, on the other side of the room another figure entered, it was darker over there, the familiar crunch of metal was heard as the door slammed. Immediately after the door closed Zane lit the room completely to see his enemy, another guy almost the same height Zane and same type of body type. As they spotted each other they began sprinting at one another, Zane could feel the boiling water in his lungs. On impact a loud clash was heard as any spectators became blinded by the mix of light and darkness flashing back and forth. Zane hit the boy in the jaw and pinned him to the ground, at this point his counterpart put a foot to Zane's chest and kicked him away. The other guy ran at Zane, Zane stood ran at him as well, this time Zane clothes lines the man then grabbed at the air. As he did so a almost clear mallet formed itself into Zane's hand. Zane stood then raised the mallet then began its travel toward the man's skull. Reality flashed back to Zane then he was staring at his hands, all the spikes in his body were active and pointed, his hands were glowing a dark blue and he was absorbing energy as if he were a sponge. He looked around worriedly not knowing how long he was staring at his hands.
Feeling a headache coming on from his energy, Winter stumbled over to Zane; Placing a hand lightly on his arm she sighed. "Are you okay?" She murmured quietly.
"No, I remember something bad. Very bad," the spikes in his back and arms recessed as he put his hand on Winter's. "I've done bad things, things that no one should do," he pause,"I am so happy that I no longer have to do those, and that I have you," Zane said softly as he looked to Winter's and placed a kiss on her nose.
Smiling up at him, Winter turned to the bathroom putting back her toothbrush and rinsing her mouth. Walking back out she pulled him down to her level and pecked his lips, then proceeded to turn reaching for one of her odd hoodies.

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