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Fantasy The School For Elemental Beings

"Winter you truly are an angel," Zane said as he stretched his arms out after walking behind her and hugging her tightly to his chest from behind. "So what are we doing first today," Zane asked while he played with Winter's soft hair.
"Breakfast." Winter giggled looking up at him as she slipped on her hoodie.
Winter smiled back at him, "I'm glad. Very glad." She laughed.
Zane smiled as he stepped out of the doorway he looked around seeing others leaving their rooms as well. Many of them stopped and looked at Zane and Winter, mumbling to one another,"Why is everyone looking at us," Zane asked confused.
Winter glared at the kids around them, using her ability to manipulate the air to a cooler temperature. "Your a boy in a girl's dorm, let alone my odd tendency's, so they want to know who you are, as well as who you aare to me. And rather than asking they'd much rather make shit up."
"You do have an interesting point, that is so cruel to lie, they won't be able to do that if I made them blind by burning their retinas," Zane said grimly. With a yawn he pulled his other hand from his hoodie pocket, which was the mutated one, with in seconds the room seemed began to darken as if light was being sucked from it. As this was happening his hands started glowing a light blue, as power drained into his hand he slowly raised his hand as if to stop something.
Winter looked over at him, concern covering her expression. "W-what are you doing... " She whispered, suddenly recalling his past words she grabbed his hand pulling it away from the others; though now his arm was directed at herself. "Don't. Please." She breathed, forming a thick frost like ball around them using the air as protection to the other students. "Gossip or no, the punishment that you are enacting is not correct of this certain situation." She stated calmly. A bit of sweat dripping down her face showing how nervous she really was, though more of what the consequences of his actions would be rather than her own danger.
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Zane felt flustered at her statement,"I'm sorry I just thought that they were be cruel, to you." He gripped Winter's hand as he released the power from his body.
Holding tight to his hand Winter leaned on his chest, "People are cruel," She murmured, turning her face up to gaze at his. "But in their eyes, it is us who are cruel, having more than they, or possibly what they want. Holding secrets, or lies, to them no matter what they do, it is us who are cruel." She tilted her head to the side smiling a small and pleasant smile, "I love you, so I wont allow you to get hurt by cause of me.. I wont let them take you away from me." She paused, "I wont let you do anything that would make them take you from me.." She whispered, her voice cracking as she spoke her odd tongue, glancing down from his eyes feeling slightly foolish.
Zane lifted her chin and strayed into her eyes,"They could take me from you no matter what," he said as he leaned in and gently placed his lips on Winter's. "I love you Winter I am yours, always," Zane said in a pause of the kiss.
Winter stared up into his eyes as she pulled away from their kiss, "Thank you.." She murmured, the bubble around them popped startling the onlookers. Giving a fierce glare she growled, "If you want to know anything ask people, don't make up delirious lies that are nowhere's near the truth." Turning her back to them she continued her walk to the maze that leads to the cafe, hoping that Zane would follow.
Zane stayed right behind Winter then walked to her side and interlocked their hands. "You are so," he paused," unfazed by them," he said looking over at Winter.
"I have been surrounded by such morons for most my life. I watched them grow into what they are now.." Winter paused gripping his hand a bit tighter, "It used to bother me when they would say or do rude things to me or behind my back." She looked up a determined glint in her eyes, "But I had to toughen up in order to survive you know? I cant stay vulnerable.. Very few see my fun and vulnerable sides.." She smiled up at him.
"I'm just glad that isn't the same any more, I'm glad I have you," Zane said stopping midway down some steps and pulled Winter by her hips into a deep kiss.
Winter squeaks for a moment in shock, Before pressing her lips back to his. "You shocked me there for a moment.." She breathed smiling up at him, before pressing her lips back to his, leaning into the kiss and nearly forgetting about the stairs on which they stood.
Zane gripped tightly at Winter's clothes, keeping her against him as he tilted his neck kissing her. Pulling away for a second,"Do you think that after breakfast we could take a "sick day" to stay inside, or is that to abrupt," he said while stared down at her then he mumbled,"I don't want to share our time together with anyone, anyone, else."
Chuckling lightly Winter stood on her toes, using her hands to get further leverage as she kissed his nose. "Well... Yeah, I can say that I'm out getting accustomed to the world around me, finally accepting the fate of those that I cannot control." She smiled again, "But I do need some coffee to keep myself going... I'm a really really lazy person." She giggled.
Zane smiles widely,"Lets go get you that coffee then my dear," Zane said as he continued walking down the steps. "Your giggle is so cute," Zane said as he walked through the doors. "I don't mind you being lazy, that means I can be lazy with you," he said as he smiled at Winter.
Winter winked at him as she grabbed a cup from the long mahogany table that sat in the center of the room. "Welcome to the lazy mans wonderland." She giggled offering him a small smile.
Zane smiled back at her then examined the room, identifying every crevice and edge. Eying people from time to time as he examined the room, tightening his grip on Winter's hand as visualized violence. "I never really saw the definite reason for coffee, it tastes nasty or atleast the kind I have tasted," Zane said smiling.
"Just a bit of sweetness in a bitter world can make a perfect place." Winter spoke fluently, Pouring the rich and steamy drink into her cup. "The same goes for coffee, Add some sweetness and you have a new flavor to add to what you first thought to be bitter and harsh." She smiled as she poured some sugar into the tall mug, following it with freezing milk; the once dark drink was now a swirling combination of creme colors. Stirring she smiled to herself as she popped a peppermint stick into the mixture. "Everything has reason.. Even if you cant quite understand it." Winter smiled up at Zane taking a sip of her concoction.
Zane placed his hands on Winters arms and begins drifting up and down the length of her arms. "I don't see the world the way you do, people aren't like you, so loving, if they felt the way we felt no one would be bitter," Zane said as he stepped closer staring down into Winter's eyes.
"But even the sweetest flavor has its bitter ends." She whispered, slumping over into Zanes arms. Pulling herself upright she sighed smiling yet again, Bouncing up she kissed his nose again; before dancing towards the door that lead back out.
Zane stays close behind Winter as they walked out of the doors. After Zane had interlocked his hand with hers he saw their door in the distance," This place is so large," Zane said as he waited for Winter to open the door, still gripping her hand.

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