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Realistic or Modern The Rosethorn Academy [OPEN to ALL!]




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Rosethorn is a prestigious boarding school located in the East of Washington DC since 1987, founded by the wealthy ancestral Rosethorns. The school's tuition fees cost more than a mansion and a Rolls Royce and a yacht and a blimp and an expensive corporate, so basically it's REALLY expensive. A new year has started and new students are now signing up. Would you be accepted into Rosethorn next?


CHAPTER 1: Welcome to Rosethorn

Tiberius and his daughter, Jessica, were already settling in on the previous day. On this day, as the warm amber sunshine enters Tiberius's suite, it marks the new year of Rosethorn. He awakes and peeks out the window, a few students (NPCs) were already wandering around the campus. He took a bath, dressed up, and went out the Teacher Dorms to welcome the new students to Rosethorn, he expected more to fill the campus later on as they arrive.


Jessica awoke in the first room of Goldenriver, she was the prefect of the dormitory as she was assigned by her father. The male prefect would be chosen later on. Jessica wandered around her room bored and decided to go out, so she took a bath and got dressed and went outside Goldenriver, where she welcomed the newcomers and hugged the students she already knew, hopefully, she would make lots of friends and achieve her dream...get a boy in her life...
Samantha grabbed her bag out of the trunk of the taxi she took. She was grumbling under her breath. Not a lot of things went well on the trip to the school, but she was hopeful that things would start going well now.

Samantha looked around herself, trying to find the Goldenriver dorms. That's where she was supposed to go, anyways. She was still debating whether she wanted to come to the school. It would be the first time she's been to a private school. But she was hopeful. Her brains and virtuosity would get her through this.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Samantha grabbed her bag out of the trunk of the taxi she took. She was grumbling under her breath. Not a lot of things went well on the trip to the school, but she was hopeful that things would start going well now.
Samantha looked around herself, trying to find the Goldenriver dorms. That's where she was supposed to go, anyways. She was still debating whether she wanted to come to the school. It would be the first time she's been to a private school. But she was hopeful. Her brains and virtuosity would get her through this.


Jessica saw a new face in the crowd walking towards Goldenriver, she seemed awfully nice, so Jessica walked towards her in glee.

"Hi!", she exclaimed as she waved at the new girl. "My name's Jessica, I'm the headmaster's daughter and prefect of Goldenriver! Who might you be?" Jessica asks as she pulls out her hand for a shake.

"Hi!" Samantha said cheerily, shaking Jessica's hand. "I'm Samantha. I love your hair! Is that it's real color? I think it is, I mean, the roots match the color perfectly so if it isn't you recently got it dyed. In any case, it's very pretty." Samantha giggled and shoved both of her hands in the front pockets of her jeans. "What grade are you in? Oh, wait, you're a senior. You have to be a senior to be a prefect. Duh. Stupid me. I'm a freshman. What did you say your name was again?"

CoolCortex said:
Jessica shook her hand and thanked for her compliment...but it got awkward fast. "Ummm...I'm Jessica...Uhmmm...Would you want me to show you your room, S-samantha?" Jessica said awkwardly.

"My room? Oh yeah! That sounds great! Are the rooms nice? I know some schools have pretty bad dorms so I'm hoping the dorms are nice." Samantha smiled and bounced slightly.
Ellie and Max both arrived at Rosethorn and they stepped out of their parent's car. They both grabbed their things out of the trunk and they both waved goodbye to their parents, who left right after everyone said their goodbyes. "Alright Max, remember, we are sophomores so I guess that means that we are kinda cool now and we can make new friends since there are new people right?" Ellie and Max nodded and the both went to their respective dorms. Ellie walked slower than her brother and she noticed Jessica and a new student talking and Jessica looked uncomfortable. She walked over to the other two students and waved at both. "Hey Jessica and new kid, how are things?"

@CoolCortex @Quiet Is Violent
After a few minutes you see a smart looking boy entering the main gateway, he stops for a few seconds to catch his breath and then he goes on to say"So its this the famed Rosethorn Academy? Well lets hope for the best Ryo"and then he started looking around the main entrance and he sees to girls and one of them looking like a senior and he thinks "Well she may know where i need to go"He heads to girls and says with a smile on his face"I am sorry i am a freshman do you know where the dorms are placed?"@Quiet Is Violent@CoolCortexCrystalYoshi

"Oh, sure! Our dorms here are the best!", Jessica said to Samantha, just when they were about to leave, Ellie went towards them and Jessica waved back at her, Ellie was a friend she met last year and she was happy that she was back in Rosethorn. "Hi, Ellie! Long time, no see! I've been good, new prefect and all! Oh! And this is Samantha," Jessica said as she pointed at Samantha, "And Samantha, this is Ellie, a friend I met last year! I can perhaps lead you both to your rooms!" Jessica continued then a boy interrupts, "Oh, yeah...Cesspool is right over there!" Jessica answers as she points to Cesspool, the dorm beside Goldenriver.

@Quiet Is Violent @CrystalYoshi @Das Eisenbrecher
Ellie smiled and stood next to Jessica before turning to Samantha. "Yep, most people just call me Ellie and I have a twin brother named Max, he's cool I guess." Ellie turned to Jessica and she let her puppy, who was in her purse, come out and she held the puppy in her arms. "So my parents bought me a puppy for my good grades at the end of last year and I named her Callie Marie, isn't she adorable!"

@CoolCortex @Quiet Is Violent

Max walked over to the Cesspool dorms and he waited for someone else to come so he took the time to let Ranger sleep in his lap after being excited for so long. He put his suitcase next to him and he watched as his sister started talking to Jessica and some new students.
Kurt arrived at school in his parents car. "Finally! I can get away from that home for almost a year!" He jumped in the air with excitement and took all of things. He had his dj set, His 7 speakers and his computer. He then headed to the Cesspool dorms with his cat around his neck. He entered the dorms and saw Max. "Hello there!" He said. "Can you help me with my stuff?" He asked with a smile.


"Awww! She's Adorable!! And I love the name! Oh! And did I tell you Scruff is with me this year? You remember Scruff right? He's grown over the summer! Anyway, let's stop jibble-jabbling and I'll show you the newly renovated Goldenriver! It's super nice now compared to last year!" Jessica says as she walks towards Goldenriver a few steps then looks back at the girls and signals them to follow her.

@CrystalYoshi @Quiet Is Violent
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Ellie giggled and she nodded before putting down her puppy and grabbing her luggage. She started walking forward with Callie Marie trotting next to her. "I remember Scruff, he was so cute last year!" Ellie shuddered a little at the mention of the dorms last year as she had very bad memories of her room. "Yeah, maybe this year I won't have to barge down your door just to get hot water this year." She laughed at that memory and she shook her head. "So how's your dad doing?"

@Quiet Is Violent @CoolCortex

Max looked up from Ranger and he saw Kurt with every single piece of his equipment that he could have found in his room probably. "Yeah sure, just let me out this little guy down." He picked up his puppy, who woke immediately, and set him on the ground next to his feet. Max stood up and offered open his hands to hold some of Kurt's equipment. "You look familiar, tell me your name and if you were here last year, because I clearly can't remember anything, what clubs you did."

Jessica arrived late as always in a fluster, as she missed the bus again. Panting after running all the way to school and being late on the first day she knew that it was a big mistake. She liked to keep to her self although there where lots of friendly faces around her.

As Jessica was waiting for Samantha to tag along, she turned to Ellie and chuckled, "You don't have to worry about the freezing water last year! Goldenriver is now so much better than Cesspool!", Jessica said, "Oh...My dad...Well, still grumpy! Heheh...Well yeah, he's fine! And I think... he's over the thought...of mom...", Jessica continues and slowly turns from her jolly self to a blue girl...He couldn't stand the thought of her mom...who passed away from an accident. Jessica turns her head away from Ellie and shuts her eyes to prevent herself from crying.


Ellie hugged her friend around her shoulders and she stood there for a little bit. "It's okay,I'll come by your room later and we can talk about theater club or something after I put my stuff away and we can have a first night girl sleepover with our dogs,how's that sound?" Ellie let go of her luggage again and she picked up Callie Marie and held her up to Jessica. "You know puppies makes everything better if you are sad or mad." Ellie smiled a bright comforting smile and she watched other students walk around,not paying any attention to anything.

Danny had nothing to say that could excuse nor explain his arrival at this place. He does not belong here. I do not belong here. This place is for the BEST of society... Not people like me. This place is for rich people. I am not rich. My foster parents are. I can't say why I am dressed up like a stereotypical American Indian.

I also couldn't say why the heck I showed up riding on a HORSE!
(Mia ran to her limo, knowing that she was going to be late to school.) Oh god. I hope I don't miss any classes. (at school) Finally, I'm here! I should go to homeroom. (*bumps into Danny on accident*) Oh, sorry. Also, I like your horse. Anyways, I gotta go. (runs out and thinks ,"I can't be late. I can't be late.")

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"Go now sweetiepie. Go wait by the tall grass love." He told the horse dismissing it. Danny ran to get to his first class.
(*turns around and hears what he says to the horse*) Aww. Such a nice guy to his horse. (*turns head back and runs to class*)

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Danny sits down in his chair.

"Is everybody here attractive? Is that like a common thing here? So many gorgeous people." he asks himself aloud.

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