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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

Emilia just look at the princess as she went to the royal chi as she was angry" you the one who killed everyone heck i almost die and you kidnap me a day ago you will pay for my pain" she say wanting to stab her so bad she was trying to help with the others as she looked at chi angry
Finch Order

Finch clench his fist,before putting his hands on his heart "I may be weak,but my dreams are not wrong.If i must go to hell in order to save everyone then,i would gladly accept this fate!" Finch get some flashbacks about the dead corpses and the blood all over the place "And yet...i can't understand why people have to do some atrocious act to obtain their "title" you disgust me,Royal Chi."

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Others
Royal Chi look at him and smile "in life there is always a touf choice and i choose to be like this and ive never regret a single bit of it" she said laughing maliciously as she fall to the floor dead

Chi was in the cell as she shiver in fear and ran to the corner and sitting down hugging her kness together as she cry "please someone help me" she said as she shacke.

Kalista look at them as she drop the dead Royal chi "its sad to say thibgs dint end so well for us" she said as she sat down as he legs was crsush "fucking hell!" She cursed in anger if it wrent for that titan. She then snap "wait were is that titan?."

@Aragon @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter

Kamina look at the Queen as she was gently healing by herself he then made a wide grin. Sitting next to the fainted Queen she hold her hands "dont worry... while you are sleeping ill take good care of our preciouse empire"he said as he stand up and look at Zcara "lets go " he said as he saw Emilia and smile "hello there Emilia" he said going towards her.

@LostRose @Zeldafangirl
Kiro remained uncountious un able to move...duh. Kiros breathing became shallow...as in the " Oh -god -this -heat- is- damn -intensive and -i f-eel- like i -am -gonna- die." type of breathing. Kiro weakly opend her eyes and soon shut them passing out. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Kamina felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt a the rage directed at him

"Zcara, Emilia, is kalista mad at me for something"
Kalista saw him in the mids as he look at Zcara and Emilia and listen as she growl "yes im mad at u. U bitch!" She said as her left feet stood up since her bones have been crush and will be needing some medication soon as possible. She then look at aragon and help her stand up "lets go everyone Aragon is down!" She said as she help her walk out of hell

@Aragon @Zeldafangirl @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter
"In all fairness that was not entirely my fault, my armor drives me insane while it's on"

Kamina said as he walked over to kalista and helped her walk
Zcara pulled all her kunai out of some corpses before following everyone. She wasnt listening to any convocations going she was far to busy feeling guilty for taking peoples lives with her actions. She cleaned her kunai on a peice of cloth from her bag while her head hung down slightly in shame and guilt.
"Oh right... like i should know about that and tothe favt that becuz you wore that stupid arnore my legs is broken now how can i fight in this kind of situation. The time is running out and your making me crazy!." She said with a deep breath and keep she hold into his arms thight so she woudnt fall also holding Aragon back to safety "why are u here in hell anyways?... but not upon my curiosity whats importand is tat we have eliminaged royal Chi as well as i could wonder were the others are."

@Aragon @LostRose @Angelostar4 @Zeldafangirl
Kalista look at him "oh yes chi...lets all go find her " she said as she cringe when her broken feet touch the ground "dang it... we might take long but do u know were they or witch direction they brought her?" He ask him

Kalista nodded " well we be get there before everything is too late " she said as she look at the direction he was pointing... "well to much i have know this place that way is were the Dungeon lead us. "

Kamina look at them "then you guys better much hurry before something else might happen" he spoke as he help Kalista walk to were Finch have showed her.

Chi look up and heard her name the voice sound familira could it be? " f-flinch? " she said as she ran close to the bar holding it "Flinch im here!" She said with tears.

Kalista look around and heard her voice " were getting close ... i wonder... why was she so afrad?" She said with a sign

Kamina look at Kalista and Finch "your guys need to get out of here and fast i can hear the Guards foot steps getting closer "he told them as he start walking with Kalista to the direction were she is.

@Aragon @Zeldafangirl @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter
Chi look at him and she nodded "yes one of the royals have the key and I don't know what happen then... Finch im scared" she said with a frown as she look around seeing the princess and the titan

Kalista look at her "this might be a small problem" she mumble as she look at the bars and touch it. "we need to find something more stronger to break this thing" she said as she look around

Kamina look at them "no need I can break this bar like candy in a stick" he said as he grab it and one by one he broke it "you free now chi" he told her and look back at finch

@Zeldafangirl @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter
Finch Order

Finch look at Chi smiling to comfort here "Don't worry,i'm sure we fill find another way!" he say before Kamina break the bar easily,impressed by his strength "Wow..." Finch say before looking back at Chi "You can keep my cloak Chi,you must be frozen from fear...I'm sorry,i shouldn't have let them capture you..." he turn back at the group "Yeah,let's get out of here before the guards come back ! Too much blood have been draw today..."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Chi nodded " its alright finch I understand ... its okey... and yes it would be nice if we do escape this place" she said as she look around and start walking. "i remember an easy way out of here follow me..." she said as she grab their hands and start running.

Kalista kalista look at her "well if u de we better get hurry and fast before something else happen... ive already broke my left leg and I cant continue walking with it" she said with a sign as she hold onto the titan giving her balance

Kamina look at them as he follow along "ill be back here but for now I think it would be safe for u all if I follow along" he said as he look around and saw a guard. taking a piece of rock that was in the floor he thro it in the Guards head

Finch Order

Finch follow the group without hesitation.Fortunately his talisman around his neck already heal his wounds but still,another scratch on the day could be fatal.Finch was glad that he didn't had to use his Reality marble "Chi...Are we are not too far from the exit now?" he say worried as Kamina was fighting the guards.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"were almost there!" she said as she open up a door that leads to the forest "can this help?" she ask them

Kalista nodded "it is that is were we place our horses lets go" she said as Kamina followed along and brought Kalista to the exit.

Finch Order

Since they were only three horse as they arrived,Finch look at the group before riding on one horse "Alright guys...We need to make some space on the horse for everybody.Though it will be harder to ride with two people on a horse..."

@Astaroth Suzumiya

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