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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)


Taking her sword she look at them " lets go we dont wanna waste our time just standing up here staring at each others" se said as she started walking to the thronw room ones inside she took out a paper and a quil "okey let us begin"


"The the princess the Queen of hell!" She said as she growl "i dont want to die do u get what im saying Bassy?" She told him as shw sign "i sear to hell if i die im gonna hunt u for ethernity upon your dreams
" THEN STOP ACTING LIKE A SPOLED BRAT, CHI! I AM SICK OF U COMPLANING SO SHUT UP BEFORE I TOURCHER U FOR INFO THEN KILL U ON THE QUEENS COMANDS! " Kiro stated angrily. " Queen kalista i need to leave the room to recollect my self." Kiro stated as she left with her pen and quill and began to draw out a plan as well. @Astaroth Suzumiya
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Kalista
Taking her sword she look at them " lets go we dont wanna waste our time just standing up here staring at each others" se said as she started walking to the thronw room ones inside she took out a paper and a quil "okey let us begin"


"The the princess the Queen of hell!" She said as she growl "i dont want to die do u get what im saying Bassy?" She told him as shw sign "i sear to hell if i die im gonna hunt u for ethernity upon your dreams

"Your not going to die now quiet your whining"

Kamina said as he flicked Chi's forehead and held her close to calm her
Now outside the castle walls, Arca just sat down and examine the nearby landscapes, she saw the torn and absolutely terrible conditions of the trees and the harsh winds where not doing this side of the world any favors. "Can the princess really turn this desolate landscape back to it's former glory? I mean now that I got a good look of things outside, tis rather bleak to say the least." Arca just shook her head, and dispel that notion out of her head. "Nonsense! She can do it with the people by her side..." But, then she took some steps forward away from the castle. Grabbing some grass from the ground before it got blow away. Sighing, she takes out Zantek and twirls it around in her right hand. "Maybe... i'm just overthinking things. So, just focus me. Focus only on the revolution, nothing more!"
Kalista illea

"if ever there might be a cost i will hid you away from the Chaos Queen" she said as she tap the paper "now tell me everything you know about the Queen of Chaos and dont tell me she just sit all around doing nothing like the other demons" she said with a serous tone "every Demon who told that to me has their head chop off for the Queen to see and every human to make a play for kicks" she said threateningly as she look at the titan "but ill keep my promise you are forgiven" she said as she turn her direction back to her papers.


chi hold the titans hand as she scrowl at what kiro said "you are just so lucky are you?!" she said as she look at the Queen "i only know a few... she order her royal servants to seek around the forest and into this kingdom. they might be a slave or a knight so u must be careful" she said as she sign "the Queen would have done me the same thing so what do i care now?" she said as she sign "but even thoe u have no match for the Queen of chaos... u dont even have any experience on this" she said as she laugh

@Aragon @KingsPlague

Fran Cait Husky


Fran was already walking calmly back towards the castle, they didn't seem to need her company or be in danger and therefore there was no reason for her to stay by their side. She didn't exactly like that strange, annoying yet beautiful elf girl, she seemed a little stuck-up in her mind but she would not say anything of the sort. "Cat... Cait... Cat... Cat... Does it matter in the slightest? Maybe we need code names or something, I suppose mine could be cat" she said with a small, pretty smile on the long trek back to the revolution

@Alaster Von Grim@Astaroth Suzumiya
Trust said:

Fran Cait Husky


Fran was already walking calmly back towards the castle, they didn't seem to need her company or be in danger and therefore there was no reason for her to stay by their side. She didn't exactly like that strange, annoying yet beautiful elf girl, she seemed a little stuck-up in her mind but she would not say anything of the sort. "Cat... Cait... Cat... Cat... Does it matter in the slightest? Maybe we need code names or something, I suppose mine could be cat" she said with a small, pretty smile on the long trek back to the revolution

@Alaster Von Grim@Astaroth Suzumiya
(i think a more suitable name is Blue Panther eheheheXD )
"Let's see if my Arts wavering, ever since my training." Arca got into a stance, and look at one of the dead looking tree near the castle. She brought Zantek near the ground, and quickly brushs it against it, letting out a shockwave towards the dead tree. "Demon Fang!" She cried out when the wave was heading towards the tree. The Demon Fang hits it's intended target without any problems. Arca clenched her fist, and had a big smile on her face. "Yes! I did it right!" She thought happily. "Good, good. my skills aren't wavering in the slightest... I know it to be true now. Now I definitely know i'll be of service to the princess."
Kalista illea and chi

writing off what she said she nodded then placing her left hand in her head "yes i understand anything else u know? or thats all u ever did know beside the fact tell me do u know anything about Royal chi...chi?" she ask her carefully since the royal servant and a Regular demon have the same name and it would lead her in a great confusion if she accidentally mix her words

"no i dont and i dont give much time on this i have my own work in hell its not like im being a stalker" she said as she hug the Titan "bassy its scary here i wanna get out lets go out" she said shacking him a bit as she look at Kalista "thats all i know now i wanna get away here"

"i cant do that your staying her and thats final" Kalista said as she stand up,placing the papers in the lable and look at them

@Alaster Von Grim
Kamina glared at kalista from under his shades

"Sorry kalista but Chi belongs to me so if anyone is going to be ordering her around it's me"

He said as he held Chi close to him and kissed her head

"Maybe we can work something out"
kalista look at him "and what do you mean something work out... i cant risk anyone dying and its more safer here in the empire" she said as she cross her arms looking at them.

chi giggle when the titan kiss her head as she cuddle him more making her so close to him "thank you bassy~"

@Alaster Von Grim
Arca twirl her blade, and puts it back into it's sheath. "Excellent. I'm content now." She thought as she looks into the unknown. "Hmm... maybe I should head to Lōrein. I could find something of value over there." Arca turns herself to face the castle, but all of a sudden. She could feel this overwhelming sense of duty come over her. "No, no... everything will be fine when i'm gone." Arca shook her head back and forth, and began to head towards Lōrein. "Besides, i'm sure the members of the revolution will do just fine without me" With those thoughts, she journeys off to Lōrein.
Kalista look at him "its not a fair Choice..." she said with a sign "how about this Kamina u stay with her in the dungeon and ill gave u both your needs until the war ends or might as well give u both freedom but i shall warn u what danger is ahead out there" she said with her arms cross "but also u are needed to join in the revolution i dont need to know what your answer is and i know its gonna be a no yet we will see soon" she said as she take a deep breath and sat back in her throne

Chi look at the titan "a bit talk of favors Bassy? ... i dont wanna go into the dungeon bassy" she said with a frown as she hug him a bit tight "dont leave me bassy" she said with a frown as she touch his cheeks

@Alaster Von Grim
Heading eastward to Lōrein, Arca was keeping her sword hand close to the sheath of her blade. Though she realize the journey to Lōrein shall be a short one, thanks to being close to the castle. She wouldn't let her guard down. After all, anything can happen in a blink of an eye. In the distance she saw very tall buildings in this rather bleak local. It wasn't a sight that Arca enjoyed to say the very least. "So... this is Lōrein." She thought as she scans around herself. The citizens of this area also seem rather depressed, as if all hope was lost in their eyes. "Well... time to get to exploring. Who knows, I might stumble upon one of the servants here." She chuckled a bit from that thought. "Nah, that would be rather unlucky of me..."
Artagan, who seemed to have disappeared into the forest, the titan had given 2 options, but he had always preferred the 3rd option, he notched another arrow and let it loose, it appearing out of no where and moving quickly, piercing Chi's chest. He never missed shots like this, before anyone could react he fired two more, hitting the titans feet and pinning them to the ground. Artagan smiled and moved silently through the canopy.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Alaster Von Grim
chi was holding the titan close to her when suddenly an arrow crash to the window going through her chest. her eyes widen as the force in her chest made her fall. breathing heavily as she look at the arrow stuck to her bear flesh "mm... k-kamina" she said as she started to tear up "it hurts!" she said as she cry again and her vision started to get blurry as she cough some blood but she try not to die.

Kalista look at the scene "Guards search the forest and look who is the cost of this" she said as the guards nodded. it was a wrong timing she could have use the demon to lure the queen but she was dying "guard!" she order as a guard ran beside her and salute "bring the Doctor immediately!" she said as the guard rush. she knell to chi placing chi's head in her lap as she hold the arrow "stay strong chi"

@Aragon @Zeldafangirl @Trust @Allibi @Warb
Wandering around Lōrein, Arca tries her best to avoid unnecessary contact with the people here. Though, one individual in particular came up her with a rather confused look on their face. The individual in question said that Arca was just here a couple of hours ago, which is impossible for her because she just got here. "Perhaps you're just mistaken, this is my first time being here." She says to the individual while pushing up her glasses. As the individual got a better look on Arca's body, the individual knew she wasn't lying. The girl before her had gray hair, and didn't wear any glasses. But, she had the same body type as her and the same clothing, not to mention the same face. "Odd... very odd indeed." She says out loud. "Do you know where this woman went by chance?" Arca says to the individual, who replied with a simple no. "Ahh... I see then. Well, thanks for bring that to my attention stranger."

The stranger said no more words to her, and walks back into the crowd of people. "Strange... so very strange." Arca continues her walk through Lōrein. Now slightly puzzled at her newfound information. "A person that looks like me? Is that even possible?" She shakes her head, and just keeps walking. "Well that maybe useful information for me, that will not help the Revolution in the slightest... So, I must continue onward."
Artagan watched the display from the canopy, he ground his teeth at what Kalista was doing, and merged with the tree disappearing into it completely and without a trace. The hunter had done nothing wrong, Chi had been a target from the start, and that she was wrapping her fingers around everyone to stay alive was not going to be the way he would have it. His arrow had been laced with a personal mixture of poisons, nothing that would cause pain, but they would shut down her nervous system and her cardiovascular system to ensure the target he hit would die. The Arrow came with a small note as all his poison arrows did, reading.

Someone asked for this death and payed for it

May your name never be asked for


@Astaroth Suzumiya @Alaster Von Grim
KingsPlague said:
Artagan watched the display from the canopy, he ground his teeth at what Kalista was doing, and merged with the tree disappearing into it completely and without a trace. The hunter had done nothing wrong, Chi had been a target from the start, and that she was wrapping her fingers around everyone to stay alive was not going to be the way he would have it. His arrow had been laced with a personal mixture of poisons, nothing that would cause pain, but they would shut down her nervous system and her cardiovascular system to ensure the target he hit would die. The Arrow came with a small note as all his poison arrows did, reading.
Someone asked for this death and payed for it

May your name never be asked for


@Astaroth Suzumiya @Alaster Von Grim
(so is that the end of the side character :3 )
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya](so is that the end of the side character :3 )

(I god damn hope so....also I think Kamina is going to kill Artagan if he finds him.

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