One Thousand Club
Artemis went and sat next to Ezekiel. She had an agenda.Sigismund said:Ezekiel finished his drink. He sighed out loud. The girl was apparently lost in thoughts. Perhaps for the better, she seems slightly distressed.. Oh well.. Ezekiel slowly stood up. "Ay, if anyone needs me.. I'll be making my way to the steam baths.."
Ezekiel mumbled more or less to himself. Ezekiel cracked his back and walked away from the restaurant. "Time dawns... Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man, He was cast into the bowels of Terra and pecked by the birds.. You walk... His path.." Ezekiel staggered for a moment. "I've told you I won. Now shut up!" Cryptic messages was the least of his worries.
"You did promise me lessons with sigils, didn't you?"