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Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

Minxy smiled. "I'm sure. But if I find you flirting with Cheshire." She glared at Grey. "You'd be dead to me."
Jenni felt glad that she was welcomed and looked up to the tall figure. "Thank you... I'm Jennifer and this is my brother Darius...." She said kinda out of breath. Darius waved hello as he was kinda panting from the trip. Darius whispered in her ear "I don't really think we should stay..." He said as he turned around and saw the door they went through ending up being a hallway. Darius was speechless. Jennifer rolled her eyes. "We're staying here okay?"
Pandora ran as far as her nimble two legs could carry her until her house was out of sight. Her mind wanted to shed tears, but she held them back just as she had been doing for nearly 10 years. It was no use crying. If my mother caught me crying, it wouldn't help her to become a better mother, that's for sure. She would never become a better person even if I asked her to, Pandora thought as she kept running. Her legs ached, she was mentally tired and was very anxious all at once, but kept her emotions inside and bottled up until somehow they emitted through a raised voice all at once. It was not only rude for this to happen, but it was also tiring for Pandora.

She saw, in the distance, a tattered old house and heard the rumbling of many voices all at once. The voices sounded like the ones of teenagers her age. Great. As if a big social environment was what she needed. She was trying to overcome her own PTSD and anxiety problems. A house like this would expose her immense anxiety even more and that wasn't what Pandora needed. She looked both ways for any other homes, but it looked like this brown one right in front of her was the only one.
Better to stay in a house with a bunch of other teens than go back to the putrid place I shamefully call home, Pandora thought, walking into the building without a clue of what it really was. The two first figures she saw were a male and female (Jennifer and Darius).
Jennifer turned around as she heard someone behind her. "Hey look, another per....son...? Hey are you okay...? You seem tired... Long journey? You're not the only one. I just got here too with my brother." She turned back to Lewis. "If you don't mind, I'm going to make myself at home. Darius, take care of her as if she's home just like us."

Darius raised his eyebrow. "Since when were you the boss of me?" He thought to himself. He looked for a couch. "Would you like to his down?"
"What the hell am I supposed to do without bacon?" Cheshire mumbles and pokes at the cooling pasta. "If he doesn't get back soon this will be cold and cold pasta is better with salad dressing, unfortunately there's no salad dressing either. Grey! If you're spending this time making out with snow girl I swear I'll take all of the alcohol and hide it from you!"
Pandora looked at Jennifer plaintively and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay," she said, her soft French accent decorating her voice. The only problem was that she wasn't okay at all. It wasn't easy to be okay with an abusive mother who might be sending search parties to try to find you only so that she can beat you and land you in the hospital again. Pandora shuddered at the thought but zoned back into consciousness when she heard Darius ask her if she wanted to sit down. "Yes, sure." Her voice was a bit quivery as the thought of her mother taking her back into her old home lingered in her mind. It was an awful thought that didn't go away.
Cheshire wandered into the hall and slumped to the ground. He was tired, bored, and his head hurt. This house was not only a maze of hallways and ever changing rooms, but he could barely keep the people straight, and they just kept on coming. How many were there now, ten twelve of the broken misfits? He flicked his lighter on, holding it dangerously close to the dry, creaking wooden walls.
Lewis waited for Minxy to come back, a bit worried. "Sigh.... Wait there's another one?" He walked over to the lady and heard her French accent. "Bonjour Mademoiselle. Je m'appelle Lewis Jefferson. Et vous?" He grabbed her hand gently and kissed it softly. "My French isn't the best but I hope it was manageable for you to understand." He said with his strong British accent.
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He watched in fascination as the hungry tongues licked the walls and began to catch. The flames spread slowly but surely, inching their way up and spreading towards the door frame.
Pandora only cracked a smile when Lewis approached her so kindly. "I could understand it," she said with some vibrance in her voice. "Mon nom est Pandora Lucini. Could you understand that?" she questioned with a small smile.
"Hey, lovebirds, this is sweet and all, but you should probably leave this room, I doubt my little trouble will hurt this place, but you guys can still burn." Cheshire was standing in the doorway watching the two and smirking. His lighter was held casually in his hand, open, flickering.
"H-hey!" Grey seems more confused than annoyed, and slowly begins to chase Minxy.
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"Your name is Pandora? That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smiled back at her sweetly.

Minxy tried her best to give the bacon to Cheshire before Grey can catch her, but her being not so athletic, she was really slow.
Pandora gave a brief glance in Cheshire's direction but didn't seem to care what he said or thought. It was a blank glance that was full of pure apathy. Pandora's attention shifted back to Lewis and her smile widened, but only about half an inch, when Lewis remarked that her name was beautiful. "Thank you. It was the name my..." she paused, not wanting to say the word. Her voice quivered as she said the second piece of the dreadful sentence. "mother gave to me." She made air quotations when she said "mother", for the monster that gave birth to her and beat her every day for 11 years wasn't worthy of the title.
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"Eek!" Minxy kept her balance. "You know one of these days I'm gonna fall." She giggled.

Lewis eyes worried a bit. "If it's best that you don't talk about it then don't. I'm guessing you had bad memories with her...?" Lewis sighed and gave her a hug. He always thought a hug was a temporary cure for mental illness. "It's okay now... You're not with her... Despite me not knowing you well, I trust that you are a good person. I won't let her do anything else to you again. Okay?"
She nodded to his question. "She beat me every day for 11 years and g-g-gave me such bad anxiety I was bullied for it. It was awful." She said this in such a calm and composed voice it was shocking. Her voice was still drenched with her prevalent natural apathy, but she leaned into Lewis's hug, his calming words soaking into her brain. The monster's gone. There's no reason wailing over it, Pandora repeatedly thought, wondering if there was a sliver of positive hope in her life. Lewis had just made it known to her that there were people who did care.

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