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Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

Cheshire shrugged and grabbed a few bottles of alcohol. He wandered the halls pouring it onto the walls and the floors, splashing it everywhere. "Heads up, sweeties." He murmured before setting the alcohol on fire.
"No one should beat someone when they didn't do anything wrong...." He looked at Pandora and gently pushed the hair out of her face. "If you need to cry, my shoulder is here. You can release all the pain you had inside. Hit me if you want to feel better." He smiled, hoping that she would smile back. "Your mother isn't going to come here and beat you. I won't let her do that to you anymore..."
Pandora soaked in his words and was overwhelmed with positive emotions. Still, her face had shown she was barely reacting to his sweetness. Only a half-smile appeared on her pink lips. She had unfortunately become very numb to emotion, but she forced a full wholehearted sweet smile onto her lips. She didn't want to seem rude at all to Lewis, who had been a big sweetheart to her. She nodded, emitting a quiet and soft, "Thank you" from her lips.
"Oh really now?" She started to fall, waiting for grey to catch her.

Lewis half smiled. "You're welcome Pandora." He was getting a bit tired though. He got up and started walking off, looking for a quiet place to nap.
"Olly olly oxen free." Cheshire said in a singsong voice as he quietly locked Pandora and Lewis in. The flames slowly ate at the old wood. "Careful to not get to close to the fire."
Grey catches Minxy and picks her up. He then continues walking, holding the bacon. "Oooiii, Cheshire. I went and got some baconnn."
He looks back to find Grey and Minxy wandering down the hall, Grey had some sort of stupid victorious smile on his face. "Careful, it's a bit toasty in here."
(I'm sort of referring to the fact that Cheshire just set the place on fire . . .and Lewis and Pandora are locked into the room . . .)
The smoke is to much I stumble through the halls abd finally see Cheshire. "Cheshire, the house is on fire." I can't breath and I pass out.
"Obviously, I'm testing whether or not it will actually burn down, or if it'll just burn everyone in it." He said calmly, splashing more alcohol on the ground.
"You have a point." Grey looks thoughtful. "Don't use the gin and you can use whatever else." He sees a girl that Cheshire seemed to be close to collapse. "Wanna go get your friend?"
Ace ran through the forest as fast he could. He had to get away before the police thought that it was him who did it. Ace stopped at an old broken down house in front of him and sighed. I think I'll just wait here until everything blows over. He walked to the house, opened the door, and leaned against the wall trying to catch his breath. Ace was currently wearing his every day skinny jeans along with a sleeveless shirt, so after his adrenaline stopped pumping, he started to very quickly get cold. He sat down and covered his head in his hands, not aware of anyone else being in the house.

Cheshire turned to peer down the hall, he knew that sound, the creaky, whining sound of the front door appearing and opening. "You help her then, I'm to find where the front door was last, and I'm going to burn that one too." He smiled and took a swig of the tequila and strolled down the burning corridor.
Minxy walked around the house. She didn't really get to explore this place that much. She hummed to herself as she looked at the paintings, some dusty and some ripped. They were still beautiful either way in her opinion.
Dima hated hospitals with a passion. He didn't like the constant interruptions or the smells. Especially the smells. It always smelled like death covered up with bleach. He hated all the white and the sounds, too. It didn't matter, though, he was being released. In fact, he was waiting in the reception area for the rest of his paperwork and more of his medications. The blonde shifted uneasily in his dark blue jeans and My Chemical Romance t-shirt, anxious to just get out of there. The bandages wrapped around his wrist were irritating him, leaving him with an itching sensation that he couldn't scratch. It wasn't long before the nurse handed him his bottle of pills and had him sign the last of his paperwork. He was outside in the sunlight before he knew it. Shielding his eyes from the bright rays, the teen looked around, half hoping there would actually be someone there to pick him up. Of course, just as he had expected, there was no one. Not his parents, and sure as hell not his brother. Gritting his teeth, he wondered what he should do. Should he go back home to a place where he wasn't welcome? Or should he just move on? But, where would he go? The male had just barely graduated high school and he had little to no work experience. Removing his hand from over his eyes, he ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"This sucks...this really fucking sucks..." he murmured to himself as he started making his way through the parking lot and to the sidewalk.

Pausing at the crosswalk, the male glanced towards the tall trees of the forest, wondering if he should just disappear into them. No one would bother coming to search for him. Maybe he could just live in the forest, make his own way in the world. It seemed far fetched, even to his imagination, but it still sounded like a good idea. Taking a glance over his shoulder towards the hospital, Dima took a deep breath and quickly crossed the street, his figure fading into the shadows of the trees. After about an hour of wandering, the blonde found himself at a very broken down house. Strange. What was this doing out here? It didn't seem like anyone had inhabited it for quite some time. Maybe he could stay there for a while? Fix it up and turn it into a house? He had never built anything in his life, but maybe he could do it. At this point, he was desperate, so he had no other choices. As much as the house before him made him worry, he felt it would be best to venture inside. Steeling himself, the male walked through the front door and looked around. Everything seemed so broken and dingy, but he didn't care. It took him a moment to realize that there was someone else in the room with him. Another male was sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. This was unexpected; cocking his head to the side, Dima watched the other for a few moments. He was obviously distressed about something. Clearing his throat quietly, as if to announce his presence, the teen made his way over to the male and knelt down in front of him, completely oblivious to the fact that there may be other people in the house.

"Hey...are you okay?" he asked Ace gently, putting on his warmest smile.

(Forgive the length. xD I got on a pretty long train of thought.)

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