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Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

Looking from Minxy to Grey, Dima smiled a greeting before directing his attention to Minxy. Not much? In the teen's experience, everyone was worth a whole hell of a lot, but that was just how he saw the world. "All you can do is try. But, I have never met anyone who wasn't important. You probably won't believe me and that's okay. Just thought I should throw that out there." He was always the type to immediately try to brighten someone's day or make them feel wanted, even if they were complete strangers. Then, he turned his attention to Grey, who had said something about not flirting with Minxy. Dima couldn't help but chuckle at that; he couldn't speak for Ace, of course, but he could speak for himself. "I don't swing that way so you have nothing to worry about from me," he stated, shrugging his shoulders. "It's a pleasure to meet the both of you, all the same." He had heard Grey mention Cheshire; the teen wondered if that was the other man he had seen in the halls. It certainly sounded like something he would try and do, from what he had seen of the male. "I'm pretty sure I'd be okay if he were to try anything. I'm not exactly a pushover, myself. Besides, I tend to prefer peaceful methods, anyway."
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"You don't swing that way...?" Minxy sat there and thought about what he meant.. She looked back up as soon as she understood him. "Don't flirt with Grey please! Only Cheshire can."
A faint blush colored Dima's cheek as he let out a slightly nervous laugh. The male was not exactly the smoothest when it came to that sort of thing. Even thinking about flirting made him blush. He really wasn't the type of person to flirt. To be honest, he had a lot of friends, but his relationship count had been pretty low. In fact, he had only ever had sex once in his entire life. The opportunity rarely ever presented itself. "You have nothing to worry about, there, either. I'm really not the flirting type. I'm not exactly good at that sort of thing..." He cleared his throat and trailed off, looking at the floor.
Cheshire giggled. "I wouldn't stab you guys. They're far too cute for that. Anyways, how do you like the Hell House so far?"
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Ace slumped against the wall, "I don't have any other place to go, so.." He looked at the ground and shook his head, "I'm Ace. Since we're stuck here, I figured you could know that much." He slowly sat down and let his head rest on the wall. "There's really no way out? At all?"
"That's why I'm burning this place, unfortunately that plans sucks, and the the house doesn't actually burn." Cheshire looked closely at Ace. "All of them are here for a reason, they call it the house for the broken. How about you? Are you like them?"
Dima was unsure of what to say as he listened to Cheshire and Ace in silence. House for the broken? Well, that made sense, in a way. He was certainly broken. So Cheshire had been trying to burn the place to the ground? Not a bad idea in theory; however, it seems as if, in practice, the plan fell short of expectations. After a few moments, he finally spoke. "House for the broken, huh? Based on whose definition of 'broken'?" Shaking his head, the male pushed himself off of the wall and sighed. "I'm not sure I like the sound of being trapped here at someone's whim."
Cheshire held out a heavy brown glass bottle towards Dima. "No one likes that idea, why do you think I'd burn this place? You're right, this may be the house for the broken, but not all of us qualify. I don't, for the simple reason that I chose to be this way." He scanned the room looking at the people. "These people have had hard lives, trials, bad people have hurt them. I haven't had anything like that." He pushed himself to his feet. "Have some gin, I've also got cold pasta and bacon in the kitchen if you're hungry."
Grey stands over Cheshire, behind him. "Burning the house doesn't work. I've found two ways out so far."
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(Gosh dang it Kohai, be accurate, wrong roleplay, baka.)

"The two ways that you've refused to show me? Real helpful sweetheart." Cheshire said sarcastically.
(Sorry!) Grey laughs. "But I like your company, who else would be here to drink with me if you left?"
"I drink a little bit. Depends on what I'm doing." Ace stood up and looked at Cheshire, "Do I look broken to you?" He looked at Grey, then back at Cheshire, "This place has girls, yeah? I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend however much time we got here surrounded by dudes." Ace stretched and looked over at Minxy, before looking back at Cheshire.
Cheshire snickered. "Yeah, there are a few around, some are closer than you think. I think everyone looks broken. Are you hungry?"
A light smile graced Dima's features as he was offered the alcohol and food. He drank every now and again, but due to his condition, it was better if he didn't. It never really mixed well with his medication but, at this point, he just didn't care. Accepting the bottle from Cheshire, he took a long swig. It burned the hell out of his throat but he didn't care. The alcohol did a little to calm his nerves and he seemed content with that, handing the bottle back to the male. "I can't drink too much, but thank you. Food sounds awesome. Anything is better than the hospital food I've been eating for the last week. Talk about gag worthy." He stuck out his tongue in disgust and let out a chuckle. Turning his gaze towards Ace, he couldn't help but smirk a little. "I don't mind being surrounded by dudes, but it's all a matter of preference," he said jokingly.
Cheshire took Dima's arm and led him to the kitchen. "Here, pasta and bacon. Anything more to drink? Can't offer water cause the idiot Grey won't help me find a water filter." He poked his head out the door and called. "Grey! Find a freaking water filter already." He turned back to Dima and smiled. "Sorry 'bout that. Most of us find this place hoping to camp out for a few days. I've been here for five days, but I've also got nowhere to go." He shrugged and poured two drinks. "So here I am."
"Cheshire, don't give them the bottled Christmas!" Grey calls back. He then looks around in his coat. He soon pulls out a water filter.
Grey walks in with a water filter and throws it at Cheshire's head, hitting him in the forehead. "Don't drink so much of it."
"Ow, I didn't drink that much of it. You helped also, I took a nap after our little drinking time, so whatever went missing after that is all on you." He picked up the water filter and stared at it. "What the hell do you want me to do with it?"
"Use it. Then we can have something for people that are underage." He says, being underage himself.

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