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Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

The heavily tattooed kid quickly stood up and glared at the stranger, not knowing who he was. "Who are you?" He spoke with a heavy british accent, making it hard sometimes for Americans to understand him. He took a step to the side to gain distance from the male in front of him. His body was in a posture full of anger and readiness to fight. Ace's eyes were bloodshot red from several minutes of crying.
Dima stood up, as well, stepping back a little from the male and held his hands up, maintaining the warm smile. The British accent had taken him some time to comprehend, but he realized the the other was most likely asking who he was. A pretty valid question, considering the circumstances. Based on the other's posture, the blonde could tell that he was ready for a fight if there was one to be had. Subtly, Dima shifted his stance into a defensive one, as well, uncertain of how Ace would react to him after this. The bandage on his wrist was easily visible, but he paid it no mind. "Easy, I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Dimitry. You can call me Dima," he said, keeping his voice soft and calm. He could see the bloodshot eyes; it was obvious the other had been crying, but he wasn't sure if Ace would talk if he addressed it. "You seemed upset so I wanted to make sure you were okay." There was nothing but sincerity in his voice as he spoke to the other male.
Ace relaxed and stuck out his hand for Dima to shake, "I'm Ace. Any idea where we are?" He looked around the room and started to notice the burning smell. "I assume something is burning somewhere around." He looked toward the door and noticed, "Wait, where is the door?!" Ace groaned and looked at Dima, "We seem to be stuck. Guess I'll just have to put up with you."
Seeing Ace relax, Dima allowed himself to fall into a more casual stance, as well. He took Ace's hand and shook it, still smiling. "Pleasure to meet you, Ace." Hearing the male's question, the teen's expression fell into one of perplexity. He didn't really know where they were, either. "I have honestly no idea. I never even knew there was a house anywhere in these woods. This place doesn't look like it's been used for a while," came his reply, glancing up at the rickety ceiling, questioning whether or not the whole thing would collapse on them. "This place needs a lot of help, though. It could collapse on us or something." Soon enough, the smell of burning materials hit his nose and he glanced around quickly, trying not to seem slightly panicked by the scent. Ace noticed, as well, since he mentioned it. Turning his icy blue eyes back to the male, he nodded his head. "You'd be correct. But I have no idea what's on fire or where." Ace's next outburst made him cock his head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean where's the door? It's right over..." Dima's voice trailed off as he turned to where the door once was, noticing that it was no where to be found. "What the hell? It was there a second ago." A wave of uneasiness washed over him and he looked around the room, hoping that he had been mistaken on where the door was. He saw nothing. No way out. "Okay. I'm confused now," he commented, turning back to Ace and letting out a small laugh at the other's comment. "You make it sound like that's such a bad thing. You could have worse company, you know." He ran his hand through his multicolored locks and quickly masked his unease and concern with a smile. "Guess there's nothing to do but have a look around, eh?"
Ace sighed and started toward the nearest hallway, "Yeah, I guess we should explore a bit. I could of swore I heard voices when I first came in." He stuck his hands in his back pockets and looked at the walls as he walked. "Since we have time, where you from?" He looked over his shoulder at Dima, raising an eyebrow as he spoke. "I'm originally from London. Moved here a few years back." Ace was still uneasy around the other teen, but he figured the kid wouldn't do anything stupid.
Dima hadn't heard any voices at all. Then again, he was really only focused on the first person he found, which happened to be Ace. If there were other people, then he wondered what exactly was going on. Maybe the other male was just hearing things? After all, he had seemed fairly upset when the partially blonde teen happened upon him. He decided not to pay it much heed, though, and followed Ace down a hallway, looking around him for any sign of an exit. The place seemed so much bigger on the inside, compared to what he had seen outside of it. The tattooed male spoke, asking him where he was from. Dima turned his head and smiled a little. "I'm not very exciting, I'm afraid. I've lived around here my whole life. That rather excessive home just on the outskirts of town is my parents'," he responded, shrugging his shoulders. He looked a little excited when Ace mentioned he used to live in London. His parents traveled a lot, but he had never really gone anywhere, aside to his grandparents' in Chicago. "You used to live in London? What's it like? My parents have been but...well, they don't really talk to me about anything. To be honest, I haven't been many places..." The male laughed a little and turned his gaze down the hall. Another figure caught his eye as they approached. It was another male. Asking them where the door was? Why would he ask something like that? Unless...that whole 'door vanishing act' was a common occurrence. Ace answered with a point and Dima nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah. We saw it back there. It's how we got in. But...it's gone now." Something about the new male set him on edge, but he didn't show it. He glanced sideways at Ace, wondering what was going on.
Ace shrugged as Dima asked him what London was like. "It was pretty boring to me, since I was only there as a little kid. There wasn't much to do where I'm from." He looked at the multi-coloured haired male and shook his hair, "I think you should stick with me, yeah? You got my back and I got yours. I don't trust you, but you're the best I got right now." Ace said it in a way that made it sound like a compliment. "Just so you know, my name isn't actually 'Ace.' It's just a nickname I earned." Ace continued to look for people, knowing there had to be more than one person in this creepy hell house. "What exactly are you doing all the way out here, anyhow? You don't seem like the type to just run off." For the first time, Ace noticed the bandages on Dima's wrist and sighed, figuring he knew what they were from, though he wouldn't ask. Why would anybody do that? That's dark.
Dima seemed somewhat disappointed in the reply, but quickly shrugged it off. It wasn't a big deal. He would see the world, someday. When Ace said that they should stick together, he nodded his head in agreement. The teen didn't expect the other to trust him, but at least he was being cooperative. That was a start. "You're right. It's probably a good idea to stick together. Figure out what's really going on here." A small chuckle escaped him when he mentioned that 'Ace' was just a nickname. Honestly, he had figured as much. He wasn't sure he knew anyone who would name their kid something like that. "Well, a nickname works well enough for me. I'm not expecting you to trust me. We've barely met." The blue eyed male followed Ace, glancing over his shoulder every now and again for any sign of more people. So far, he had come up empty handed. The male's next question made him pause for a moment, staring at the ceiling for a moment. Subconsciously, he reached down and touched the bandage. He knew what it looked like; the sad part was that it wasn't a suicide attempt. Though, it would have worked if he had tried. He'd have bled out right away. "Heh, well, I didn't really run off. Running off would require having someone who would miss you if you were gone. I just decided I didn't want to go back home. I actually just got released from the hospital this morning," came his reply, his voice distant. Turning his gaze back to Ace, he smiled a little. "It probably looks like I tried to kill myself. To be honest, I don't blame anyone for thinking that. The truth is, it was an unfortunate accident involving my older brother. Didn't really end too well." Shoving a hand into his pocket, his hand wrapped around his bottle of medication, hoping for no more questions. He was being vague on purpose, not quite ready to address what had happened. "It probably wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have this medical condition." Dima was eager to take the attention off of himself so he decided to direct the same question towards Ace. "How about you? Seems like something happened before you found yourself here."
Ace nodded as Dima spoke, attentively listening to what he said. After Dima asked his last question, he quietly growled and stopped walking. Ace turned toward Dima and gave him a fake smile, "Nothing happened. I was just walking around till I found this place." He started walking again, trying to hide the complete rage he felt inside. He would never see his parents again. They never had the best relationship in the world, but at least he knew they were there for him.. or at least he thought they were. "I know I heard people! How big is this damn house?!"
He rolled his eyes and took off down the hall. When he reached where the front door used to be there was a faded green door slightly ajar. He kicked it open to find himself back outside of the kitchen and living room. "Damn, should have known this house hates me."

Cheshire threw an empty bottle onto the ground shattering it.
"The house is keeping everyone safe, so no one reacts. How stupid." He looked about, watching the flames begin to die out despite the fact that the house was made of old dry wood. "This sucks."
Dima could sense tension in the air when he asked his question. It didn't really occur to him that Ace would be just as unwilling to discuss his problems as he was. The male decided it would be best to pretend he didn't notice the change in mood and instead smiled. "Fair enough, " was all he said on the matter, kind enough to respect the other teen's space. The silence stretched between them for a while as they continued to walk the halls of the rundown house. Dima's mind wandered to the other male that had happened upon them. He seemed angry about something; it put the blue eyed male on edge. But he decided not to voice his concerns and returned his attention to Ace, who had just spoken again. "Something doesn't seem right with this house. We should have found another way out by now. Do you think we're trapped?" The thought of being stuck in this house didn't bother him as much as he thought it would.

(Posted from my phone. Forgive typos or strange autocorrects, if any.)
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Ace looked at Dima and shrugged, "We're probably stuck. The door disappeared, and that guy asked us where the front door was, so I'm going to assume that this place is magic or something." He sighed and stopped walking, sitting down with his back against a wall. "I give up. It's just hallway after hallway." Ace glared at the wall in front of him, hating this place more and more by the second.
(OMERGAWD sorry for being inactive </3)

Minxy looked at the new people. "There's MORE?!" She rolled her eyes. "This building is going to fall one day... from over capacity"
The tattooed male stood up and glared at Cheshire, "Is there a reason you're acting so nonchalant about this?!" His british accent getting more noticable the angrier he got. Ace looked over at Minxy and looked her up and down before looking back at Cheshire. "How long have you been here?"
Grey seems to melt out of the shadows. "Not as long as me."
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Dima seemed shock at the sudden emergence of more people. Glancing at everyone, the male seemed utterly perplexed. How many people were here? He made sure to keep his facial expression relaxed and smiled a little towards the new people. "So...I'm just gonna shoot out a guess and say we aren't leaving anytime soon, then?" he asked casually, glancing around the house. "Well I did want to get away. I guess it could be worse." Inside, he was a little uneasy about the idea, but he was correct, it certainly could be worse. Looking to Ace, noting that the other was getting angry, he stepped back slightly to give him some space. The blue eyed male ran a hand through his multicolored hair and leaned himself against the wall. "Guess I could introduce myself. I'm Dima." Subtly, he hid his injured wrist behind his back, uncertain if anyone had already noticed, but unwilling to try to discuss it again.
Minxy's attention went towards the new guy who's name is apparently Dima. Minxy shook her head. "We can't leave this place and if we can, we really don't know how." Minxy looked down to her feet, starting to twiddle her thumbs. Minxy sighed as she looked around, wondering what will happen if we break the walls down. It'll probably just lead us to another room... Minxy sighed and just sat on the ground. "I'm Minxy. I'm not much but I like to try. If you need any help, don't come to me..."
"I'm Grey, and I know this house like the back of my hand. Don't flirt with Minxy, please. Also, don't fight Cheshire, he'll light you on fire and stab you."

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