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Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

"Did you know Clair in it's native language, french, is actually masculine? It's just spelled without the 'e'. Here, come and eat."
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He nodded. "I guess that must have been hard for you." Cheshire fiddled with his hair and bounced his leg, unable to sit completely still.
"Apparently the idiotic tall thing that wanders about knows how to get in and out, but I don't think he'll ever tell us how to get out. I've given up on getting out right now, I wasn't going anywhere anyway, and if only broken people come here no way the police will find me. So yeah, we're stuck here."
Ace snorted and looked over at Cheshire, "What, I don't get a bowl made for me? I helped make the damn thing." Ace started laughing as he jumped off the counter to get a bowl.
Cheshire rolls his eyes and points to the bowl in front of himself. "I'm not eating, you can have that one. How old are all of you? It seems that only teens find this place, besides some old hag that totters around somewhere."
Wolf shrugged and pulled at the long sleeves of her sweatshirt. The house in front of her was old, worn, and broken looking. She considered moving on, to keep running but she was tired from today. She wearily went up to the front door and gently pushed it open. Even though the house was seemingly vacant it was warm, and Wolf quickly shut the door behind her to keep the cold out. She timidly walked further into the hall and came out in a smallish room. A few scattered bags lay on the dusty floor. "Hello?" Wolf called out, realising that others may already be living here.
Ace looked toward the exit of the kitchen, then back at Cheshire, "Did you hear that?" Ace started off for where the voice came from, and eventually stumbled upon Wolf. He sighed and shook his head, "You really shouldn't have walked through that door." He stuck his tattooed arm out for Wolf to shake his hand, "I'm Ace, and we're stuck here."

Katrina was just walking along side of a road near a forest. She had her earphones in her eyes and she was listening to Boulevard of Broken Dream. Ironic, isn't it? Somehow people found out what happens with her. She couldn't get the sound of their whispers out of her head, "Slut" ,"Hoe" , "Whore" she couldn't get the voices out of her head. She finally couldn't take it anymore, her parents yelling at her to get her grades up, them grounding her, her dad calling her a disgrace. The whispers around school, the dirty looks. Most people have it worse then her but she didn't want to think about other people. She couldn't get his smirk,or his laugh out of her head, the bruises weren't faded yet, there was still a cut and a bruise on her face that she tries to cover it up with make-up. Then finding out she had another life inside of her. She just could feel her life crashing down around her and now she was alone, couldn't trust anybody. She really wanted someone to tell her everything was going to be okay but she knew it wasn't going to be. She starts to feel sick again. She runs into the trees puking up what little she has in her stomach. She was so done with everything but she couldn't give up, not now. "Why the fuck do they call it morning sickness if it hits you at every fucking point of the day" she says in an angry tone to herself. She stands back up putting her hood t-shirt and a black jacket. She had a bag on her back that she had been carrying. It had water, money, a change of clothes, and other stuff she might need. She hadn't eaten for days but she hasn't come across a town for a while so no town, no food. She started walking again but then through the trees she saw a abandoned house. She was far away from where she lived and it wouldn't be a completely bad idea to find somewhere to rest for the night. She started walking towards it. She practically has to jump to get up to the porch. She opened the door to walk in and there were two people in the in the doorway. She felt her heart rate speed up from panic. "Sorry I'll just go" she says not really wanting to have a panic attack. She turns to go out the door but it was gone. "What the fuck?" She murmurs to herself. This was not good.

@Mytix @Aquaria Wolf

(Sry for the freaking monster post)
Ace looked over at the girl that walked and sighed, immediately feeling bad for her. "Take a deep breath and calm down. You'll be here for a while, so there is no need for panic." Ace took a step forward and stopped, not wanting to alarm the new girl.

Katrina saw him take a step towards her and she did her best to stay calm and not panic. She couldn't really control how she felt. "What do you mean I'm going to be here for a while? I can't stay here, I really can't, I've got to go, I can't stay here, I haven't slept or eaten anything in days and I need to find the next town so I could get something to eat, I really need to leave so if you could just show me where that door is that would be great" she says rambling on and on. She really didn't mean to talk so much but she really couldn't help it, she really didn't want to be stuck in what looked like an abandoned home. She didn't really realize what she told the people but she really was just focused on getting out of the house that looked like it would crumble at any moment.

"It's a long story that I'll explain later. We have food here and there are beds you can lay in. Lots of people live here. New people come in every day. I just got here yesterday." Ace tried to give her a reassuring smile, probably completely failing.

She nods still not completely sold on the idea, she was hungry but didn't say anything. She was completely exhausted but she didn't let it show. She offers a small smile back but she thinks it must of looked pretty fake. Her fingernails dig into her palm, something she did when she was nervous. She had so many questions but she just kept quiet thinking she will just ask later.

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"I'm Ace." He stuck his hand out for the girl to shake. "Everything is gonna be okay, I promise. Things aren't all that bad here."

She looks at his hand and back to his face. He didn't seem to be threatening her in any way. She looked back to his hand and tentatively reaches out and quickly shakes his hand but almost instantly pulls her hand back. "I'm Katrina, I typically go by Kat" she says softly looking down, still leaning against the wall that used to be the door

"It's nice to meet you. You look like a run-away. Mind if I ask why?" He leaned against a wall and looked at Katrina while smiling.

She finally focuses on him, he was taller to the point where she had to look up slightly to see him. She sees his black hair and he has tattoos on his arms. "You've got that right" she says with a dry laugh. "I actually don't really want to talk about" she says not wanting anyone to look at her like people did at her school.

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The black haired male nodded and shrugged, "Well I won't pressure you into it, but I'm here if you need to talk. So are the other people. As far as the house goes, we haven't figured out how to actually leave. The entrance shifts all the time, and the house is huge. It might look abandoned, but its anything but."

"Yeah, how many other people are there here?" She asks curiously. She felt a little relived he didn't pry about what happened. She might talk to him eventually but no time soon. "Can I ask why you're here? Are you a runaway?" She asks tentatively. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" she says not wanting to force him to tell her anything.

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