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Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

She smiles at the other people in the doorway. She grabs her bag and starts following him. "Thanks" she says as she walks beside him.

Minxy smiled as she watched them walk away. She just sat down on the living room couch.
She still keeps her head down watching where she walked. She saw a room after a while. She sees him stop at the door. "Thanks again" she says as she reaches out for the doorknob and opens the door.

"I think I'll be okay here" she says as she walks into the room. She felt like she was really going to be sick and she located a bathroom but she was waiting for him to leave. She really didn't want anybody to figure it out. She walked towards the room. "I think I'm going to crash, I have had a long day" she says putting her hands in her back pockets. She was biting the inside of her cheek.

"Alright, see you later." He gently rolls a bucket towards her across the ground. "The water isn't good, use the kitchen sink, it has a filter." Grey smiles and closes the door behind him, walking away.
She nodded and as soon as she closes the door, she runs to the bathroom. She puked up what was in her system. She was happy her hair was up she quickly wiped her mouth and walked out of the bathroom. She grabbed her bag and pulled out her Tums and chews on one. She she takes out a waterborne taking a drink. She closes her bag and looks up. She saw a crib and it looked pretty new. How would that be there? She thinks to herself. "Your with child aren't you?" A lady appeared and it made her let out a small scream. How would she know? She thinks. "Jesus" she says putting a hand in her forehead. The lady looked at her for a second. "Have a nice night" and she walks out of the room. She got seriously confused, who was that lady? She thinks to herself.

Wolf pulled at her sleeves again and twisted the black ring that sat snugly on her thumb. A guy had come to her, but had been very quickly distracted by another girl. Wolf had quietly waited for them to leave before curling up in the corner of the front room. The door had disappeared and she didn't want to get lost in this house. She took deep breaths and tried to still her hands, she always fiddled with her rings when she was nervous.

She didn't like this house, it was full of people, and it was oddly loud but quiet. She shouldn't be here with other people, shouldn't put them in danger. Wolf shouldn't have run, should have stayed to face the consequences.

"Fat lot of good it'll do worrying about it." She mumbled and stood up, wincing at the feeling of pins and needles in her legs. If there were people in the house someone must know how to get out of here, and she would make them tell her how. No way was she going to stay here, no way was she going to be a burden to these people. Quietly she crept down the hall, following the path that the previous girl and boy had taken.

She turned around quickly, almost tripping, as she faced the stranger. "Bitches. Don't sneak up on me like that." She said angrily. "I need a lot of things in life, the first one is to get out of here. Can you show me the way out?"
"Why the plural? There's only one of me." Grey looks down at the girl. "You wouldn't be here unless you have a reason to. This house is full of broken people. What Happened to you?"
"Fuck you, that's why." She said and continued to wander down the hallway. "I have no reason to be here, how does the door disappear? How do you get food? Help me get out of here or leave me alone." She accidentally dropped her ring halfway through fiddling with it. She scrambled to grab it and fell on her face. Wolf groaned. "This bites."
Grey looks down at her smiling a little. He can't help but chuckle as the girl falls on her face. "So do you. Your words, anyways."
She brushed herself off and glared at him, frustrated that he was so much taller than her. "Idiot. Tell me where the door is." Wolf demanded. "I'm not staying here, I'll break down every wall if I have to." She paused and coughed, making her voice quieter and hoarse. "Just let me out of this place."
"I would if I could, but I can't." He smiles down at her. "The old maid would probably kill me." He thinks. "Breaking down walls wouldn't really work."
She nervously pulls at her sleeves, hiding her arms. "What did you mean, broken people? How many are here? There has to be a way out, what do you mean old maid?" She coughed again. "Damn it, should have taken those meds before I left." She rifled through her bag looking for a bottle of water, hoping that she had something to help her throat. When she had run away she only grabbed her bag, not planning or making sure she had good supplies. "Ugh, this is so stupid."
"People who've had something happen. Abuse, loss, anything. This house draws them." He takes note of the girl pulling her sleeves down. "You want water?"
"No, I don't want your suck ass water or this damn house full of misfits who've had a bad time in life." She snapped. "I want . . " She hesitated. What the hell did she want? "That's not the point, the point is I don't want you water." She tried to keep her voice strong, but she had to stop when she started coughing again.
"Put me down you fucking idiot!" She screamed hoarsely, flailing about. "I just want to get out of here! I don't care about this damn cough, or the water! Put me down, you bully!"
Wolf frantically searched her pockets and then launched herself on the tall stranger. "Give it back! What's wrong with you, stealing things that aren't yours! Give it back!" In the scrabble to get her ring her sleeves were pushed up, thin white spirals crawled up her arms, concealing the straight lines of faded pink.

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