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Realistic or Modern The Perfect Town

Amara blushed lightly, at his proximity and the idea of being alone with a boy for the whole weekend. "Um.. that sounds like it would be really great." She said, with a dreamy look to her eyes. "But Im not sure i'd be able to get away from my parents.." She sighed, thinking of her families weekend routine. She really didn't want to go to brunch or church, especially not if she could spend that time with Rori instead.

Rori smiles “Great we can do the mall another time go home and get packed I’ll pick you up around nine.” Rori was excited taking a girl on an adventure, There was so many things he could show her also a better background for him to draw her with. What’s better than nature ...

((on my phone so I won’t go into detail until I get home))
Rori smiles “Great we can do the mall another time go home and get packed I’ll pick you up around nine.” Rori was excited taking a girl on an adventure, There was so many things he could show her also a better background for him to draw her with. What’s better than nature ...

((on my phone so I won’t go into detail until I get home))

"I'll see you at nine then." Amara said, already planning her escape from the house. Pulling he bag up higher on her shoulder, she waved at Rori before turning and heading home. This is crazy.. I can't wait! I wonder where he's going to take me.. She let her thoughts tumble over each other on her walk. "I'm home, mom, I'll be in my room doing my homework." She called, as she entered the house and ran up the stairs. "Welcome home sweety." Her mom called from the kitchen. "Dinner will be done at six." Amara rolled her eyes at the announcement, of course, dinners always at six. Throwing her bag on the bed, Amara pulled open her closet and started going through her clothes, looking for something nice to wear on her adventure with Rori.
"Of course you're bore, mostly because you're a boring drunk." Kane knew a few people who were like her, so he knew that she wasn't gonna be having any good fun whole drunk. "Plus I can't drive when drunk." He said to her because that was always one rule he had never broke. He could drink young, get high, fight all he wants but he would never drive while sober.
R Rock And Roll Boy
Kane had raised an eye brown when he saw that was leaning more toward him. "I'm not a joking person Renn, I'm an action person." He said to her while leaning closer to her, his face getting closer to hers. "If you want some action, I'm always ready but no jokes."
R Rock And Roll Boy
"Good. Make no more jokes, 'cause they're so fucking bad. So stick with action". She wobbled and gripped his shoulders to stop herself from falling over. "Oops. I'm so clumsy right now"! She laughed.

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
After buying some new articles of clothing, Brianna made it back home an hour before her Mom did. After taking her things upstairs, she decided to go ahead and get some of her homework done. Because she had ditched half the day, Brianna expected to get some extra homework for the next day and the weekend. Not like she could really do Cheer right now, which made her a little sad. While doing her homework, she decided to message Amara via Facebook, remembering that talk that she did have with her Mother about having more friends outside of the Cheer Team.

'Hey, how are you?'

She pressed enter, hoping to start a conversation. Meanwhile, down in the kitchen, her Mother was making Pizza from scratch, not wanting to take a thousand years to cook, not wanting her daughter to be all moody.
As Amara was halfway through her closet when her phone beeped. Sighing, she flopped onto her bed and pulled her phone out to see who was messaging her. Brianna.. the girl from the bathroom. She smiled, recognizing the girl in the profile picture. 'Im doing good. How are you?' She typed back, before glancing at the clothes she'd thrown around the room.

BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
Kane shook his head as he saw that Renn was way more drunk than he though she was. "No more drinks for you Renn." He said to her seriously. "Maybe have something soft to drink so that it goes away." He added. Sure they both had drank a lot, but Kane had moderately drank less than her, so he was still feeling alright, frisky but alright.
R Rock And Roll Boy
When she got a reply, it took a couple of minutes for her to reply back. 'I'm okay. Just doing some Algebra Homework. And this pregnancy is taking its toll on me, so I'm a little tuckered out.' She pressed enter before opening another tab on her web browser to go look through Instagram, looking through some of her Maternity Photos that she posted within the last couple of days.

OceanBunny OceanBunny
Amara smiled as she read Briana's reply. 'I could only imagine. Do you know if the baby is a boy or girl?' She dropped her phone back to the bed after replying, turning back to the mess of clothes she'd created. Sighing, she started putting them away, hoping she'd find some cute outfits in the process.

BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
Brianna was throwing her new clothes into her Laundry Hamper, which she was planning to take care of over the weekend once it comes up. Throwing the price tags into the trash, she then typed in a response for Amara. 'My Mom is hoping for a girl, then my Dad is hoping for a boy. I'll probably be finding out this weekend since I'm getting anxious about that. The Cheer Team wants to go shopping for baby clothes soon and don't want to buy girly clothes only to find out I'm having a boy, or buy a bunch of boy stuff only to find out that I'm having a girl. Speaking of...Wanna come with?' She pressed enter.

In that moment, her mother called her to come down for dinner. "Coming Mother!" she responded before putting her computer on sleep and then waddling out of her room before making her way down the stairs.
OceanBunny OceanBunny
Rori smiles “Great we can do the mall another time go home and get packed I’ll pick you up around nine.” Rori was excited taking a girl on an adventure, There was so many things he could show her also a better background for him to draw her with. What’s better than nature ...
"I'll see you at nine then." Amara said, already planning her escape from the house. Pulling he bag up higher on her shoulder, she waved at Rori before turning and heading home. This is crazy.. I can't wait! I wonder where he's going to take me.. She let her thoughts tumble over each other on her walk. "I'm home, mom, I'll be in my room doing my homework." She called, as she entered the house and ran up the stairs. "Welcome home sweety." Her mom called from the kitchen. "Dinner will be done at six." Amara rolled her eyes at the announcement, of course, dinners always at six. Throwing her bag on the bed, Amara pulled open her closet and started going through her clothes, looking for something nice to wear on her adventure with Rori.

Rori packed his bags with a few T-shirts and a couple of pair of jeans. Then he filled a suitcase with his art supplies "Mom I'm going out and I'm taking the car." his mother yelled back "Ok" if she said no he would just steal the car. Rori stopped by WalaMart(Off brand Walmart) and picked up a few snacks for the road and got a cooler full of drinks. He wondered should he get a tent or just blankets... He asked a lady for help and she gave him both plus some baby wipes. Rori forgot to change, he bought a nice shirt and some jeans his usual outfit and he made sure he bought a lot of hair ties. Rori was now on his wayto your house he sent out a quick text "Ready?"
Steve was cruising on his much-coveted red motorcycle in his matching red gear: leather jacket, gloves, biker jeans and dark red boots. It had been about thirty minutes when he felt a vibration and turned the bike off.
It was a text from Rori that read, "Hey meet me at Amara's house road trip."
Steve replied before turning the bike back on and riding towards Amara's house.

AlmighTy AlmighTy
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"Yep you're dru..." At least that something that Kane had tried to say before said girl had decided to kiss. Something that had completely shocked him, mostly because he hadn't expected her to do that. Eventually he returned the kiss.
R Rock And Roll Boy
Brianna was throwing her new clothes into her Laundry Hamper, which she was planning to take care of over the weekend once it comes up. Throwing the price tags into the trash, she then typed in a response for Amara. 'My Mom is hoping for a girl, then my Dad is hoping for a boy. I'll probably be finding out this weekend since I'm getting anxious about that. The Cheer Team wants to go shopping for baby clothes soon and don't want to buy girly clothes only to find out I'm having a boy, or buy a bunch of boy stuff only to find out that I'm having a girl. Speaking of...Wanna come with?' She pressed enter.

In that moment, her mother called her to come down for dinner. "Coming Mother!" she responded before putting her computer on sleep and then waddling out of her room before making her way down the stairs.
OceanBunny OceanBunny

Rori packed his bags with a few T-shirts and a couple of pair of jeans. Then he filled a suitcase with his art supplies "Mom I'm going out and I'm taking the car." his mother yelled back "Ok" if she said no he would just steal the car. Rori stopped by WalaMart(Off brand Walmart) and picked up a few snacks for the road and got a cooler full of drinks. He wondered should he get a tent or just blankets... He asked a lady for help and she gave him both plus some baby wipes. Rori forgot to change, he bought a nice shirt and some jeans his usual outfit and he made sure he bought a lot of hair ties. Rori was now on his wayto your house he sent out a quick text "Ready?"

Amara had just finished putting her clothes back into her closet when her mother called her down for dinner. Leaving the few outfits she'd decided on laying across her bed, she headed down for the family meal. Finishing her meal quickly, Amara kissed her mother goodnight before running back up the stairs. Changing into one of the outfits, she packed the rest into her bag along with a couple of her 'secret' books. Sitting down at her vanity, she pinned her hair back before checking the messages on her phone. She smiled reading the message from Brianna. 'I'd love to come along! It will have to be sometime after this weekend though, I'm going on a trip (:' She had just hit enter when her phone buzzed, a text from Rori popping up on the screen. 'Yes! See you soon!' Sliding her phone into her pocket, Amara grabbed her bag and pulled her window open. Checking to make sure her parent's lights were off, she climbed out onto the porch roof. With an excited grin, she walked to the edge and dropped down to the ground waiting for Rori by the road.
During dinner with her Mother, Brianna was eating rather slowly, mainly because she was tired and did not want to eat too fast. Her Mother showed concern, but since she had been pregnant herself, she knew what her daughter was currently going through. While she was saddened that the baby's Father was not taking responsibility, she was happy to be caring for her daughter and that she was having a grandchild. Even though she was pregnant, Brianna still tried to be a good daughter to her mother.

After dinner, Brianna kissed her Mom goodnight, looking to go to bed early. As she got back to her room, she logged back onto Facebook to see the message from Amara. She smiled. 'Okay, sounds good, have fun on your trip.' she pressed enter before shutting her computer down to go take a shower, which was a little longer then usual since she was contemplating what her life would be like as a teen mom. She was very grateful her Mom didn't lash out when she first announced her pregnancy, and was shocked when she proclaimed that she was going to be the Best Grandmother Ever. After the shower, she took some time to dry her hair before getting into her robe, wanting to sleep comfortably and not like a heater. As she got into bed, she started laying on her side, hugging a pregnancy pillow, hoping to get to sleep early.
OceanBunny OceanBunny
Renn didn't stop Kane from kissing her back, she welcomed it in fact. She stroked his cheek and kissed him again, this kiss longer and more lustful. After she'd finished the kiss, she let her head rest against his chest, wrapping her arms round his waist, hugging him gently.

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco
Kane hadn't expected for to do this at all. He had just expected for her drunkenness to get the hold on her and cause to pass out. But it didn't happen and their kisses seemed had deepened before she broke it off and had wrapped her arms around his waist, placing her head on his chest. "We'll, that just happened." He said, mostly because he wasn't sure what to say. It looked like he was lost and didn't have any words to say to her.
R Rock And Roll Boy
Kane had nodded at her before he started to lead her up to the main room, heading the stair and opening one of the room that was in the corner. "This is one of the main room that we can have some alone time." He told her while going inside and turning to look at her with his arms crossed.
R Rock And Roll Boy

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