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Realistic or Modern The Perfect Town

Renn took her chance when the teacher had his back turned and got out her phone quickly, shooting a text to a few people that she didn't have time to do earlier before pocketing her phone back into her skirt pocket.

Renn looked at Ebere again out of boredom, managing to peek at her through the book. She looked... timid. Renn scribbled down an 'are you okay' on one of the pages in her notebook, quietly ripping the page out, scrunching it up a little and tossing it onto Ebere's desk.

SheepKing SheepKing
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Ebere felt something soft hit her arm. Seeing a crumpled up piece of paper she slowly unwrinkled it hoping the teacher wouldn't hear it. Finally, Ebere opened it up and read the page. She thought for a while about what to say. Ebere could just write an autobiography detailing her anger with the entire goddanm town and the idiotic as fuck people that inhabited it, but she also couldn't just lie because Amara seemed like she could see through things easily. Finally she wrote 'Just stressed out', before neatly folding it and quickly tossed it back.
R Rock And Roll Boy
Renn caught the paper as it neared her, opening it up quietly and adjusting her glasses as she read Ebere's response, smiling hugely.

Someone who agreed with her.

Facing Ebere, she mouthed 'no shit' to her, nearly giggling at the delight of someone agreeing with her on the general things about this town.

SheepKing SheepKing
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Ebere, surprisingly gave a small smile. Even though most cheerleaders on the team practically gave her a panic attack just by them walking a foot away from her, Amara just felt like some girl she could get to know better. Ebere wanted to ask to hang out but of course due to the segregation laws they wouldn't be able to. She decided to just ask if they could hang out at lunch together.
R Rock And Roll Boy
Amara hummed lightly as she perused the books. She was looking for something new and interesting. Her fingers trailed along the spines as she walked the aisle, reading titles. I'm not gonna find anything new, am I? She wondered with a light sigh. The school rarely ever got new books seeing as the students were o it allowed very sensored reading material.

Giving up her pursuit, Amara grabbed a random novel off the shelf and sat in a chair by the window. She curled up to enjoy her free period with a book she's most likely read at least twice already. Looking out the window, with the book open on her lap, she let her mind wander back to this mornings events. The boy, Rori, and the strange girl from the hall.
Rori grabbed his things out his locker and stood in the hall looking at his art. “I think you’re beautiful.” He said talking to sketch. Rori stood in the hall for 30 Minutes or so he couldn’t leave school grounds without the principal talking to his mother. A few minutes later she arrived she looked at her son then entered the principals office.
Renn returned the smile, wanting to hang out with Ebere too. Lunchtime was the only time they could spend time together. Setting her glasses on her desk, she rubbed her eyes and hid a yawn. Once she was done rubbing her eyes, she left her glasses on her desk, enjoying seeing the teacher and the board blurry since she couldn't stand the sight of them.

SheepKing SheepKing

I changed my character's name to Renn.
Good thing she had gone to bed really early the night before. Who knew being pregnant would be so much work? Then agian, this was her consequence for not using protection in bed. Too bad whoever got in bed with her seven months ago skipped town and was now going to a different school. Now she was going to be a single mom. Luckily her parents wanted a grand child, and supported her choice to keep the baby. The biggest downside to it all was not being able to participate in cheer until after she has the baby, which will probably be during the holidays, as her baby was due on Christmas Day. However, watching documentaries and such on pregnancy and childbirth made her really scared. This last night, Brianna had a nightmare about childbirth, which made her much more terrified of it. Oh well, maybe it was just her hormones acting up.

Because of the growing belly, it was impossible for her to fit into her pants, or any of her old clothes. While looking through her Maternity Wardrobe, which she has invested into quite a bit, she grabbed her newest addition, a Floral Maxi Dress and decided to try it on. The one thing she loved about Maternity Dresses is that they went well with her growing belly and made her feel less insecure about the pregnancy, not to mention she got a lot of support from her cheerleaders, prompting her to sit on the sidelines during practice as she didn't want to risk her safety or that of the baby's, whom she was still deciding a name for. After slipping on her dress, she put on some socks and slippers before looking in the mirror and doing her hair. She then took a selfie for Instagram before waddling down the stairs to join her parents for Breakfast. However, she ate light since the baby took up a lot of room, making it difficult for her to eat large meals.

The more annoying parts of being pregnant included the bathroom frequency and how often she was hungry, and it was sometimes embarrassing whenever she had to get up in the middle of class to use the restroom or ruffle through her purse for a Granola Bar, let alone chugging a bottle of water... Of course whenever these happened, she would have a little outburst if the class was staring at her. However, she kept her cool whenever the teacher was lecturing.

Upon arriving at school after being dropped off by her Older Sister, who was going to be in town for a month, the first thing Brianna did was go use the restroom before heading into class. Because of her belly, it was pretty difficult for to sneak text messages on her phone. Even then she would rather focus on her Academics since she couldn't really think about her Athletics right now. Thanks to her Restroom frequency, she had to sit at the desk closest to the classroom exit, which she didn't exactly enjoy. At least her teachers often gave her the free pass...Otherwise it'd be even more embarrassing. After she had gotten her classwork done, she started doodling a picture of a pregnant lady in her sketchbook for an Art Assignment.
Ebere decided to send one last note to Renn. She was pretty sure that there would be an essay on the topic the teacher droned on about and Ebere was already not foucusing. Pulling out a pale green sticky note, she tried to write with her most elegant hand writing, Want to hang out at lunch?
Folding the note two times, she tossed it at Renn.
R Rock And Roll Boy
Again, Renn caught the paper in mid flight and unfolded it, after putting her glasses back on and reading the simple sentence, nodding in acknowledgement. She turned to Ebere, immediately mouthing a 'yes'.

SheepKing SheepKing
Ebere smiled and nodded before finally going back to listening to the teacher. Tuning in, she heard him metion a quiz in a week about the book and she almost groaned. No matter how good she was at everything else, for some reason tests were her down fall. She could have all A's but then would have to explain to her parents about how she got C's. Taking out the school assigned planner, she wrote down Quiz in weeks! before putting it back into her back pack.
R Rock And Roll Boy
When a quiz was mentioned, Brianna frowned. She opened up her planner to write down that there was a quiz within a week and that she was going to study for it. That was going to be a bit tough since she often took three hour naps between school and doing her homework. Putting it aside along with her sketchbook, she looked down as she had felt her baby kicking. 'God I hope she's not kicking my bladder...' She frowned, not wanting to get up in the middle of class to go use the restroom.

Sadly, her fear ended up coming true. When she raised her hand, the teacher nodded, allowing her to get up, go grab a hall pass and then off she went to the girl's bathroom...
Renn smiled for a few seconds, taking her glasses off again and folding them up in her hands and rested her head against her palms and started to daydream about pulling a sneaky, messy prank on her sister. Not her fiancé though, she actually liked him.

SheepKing SheepKing
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Deciding she wasn't really interested in rereading her book, Amara walked up to the librarians desk. "Can I use the ladies room miss." She asked softly. Looking up, the librarian smiled, "Of course Mara." She said, pulling the hall pass from beneath the desk. With a grateful smile, Amara fled into the quiet halls. Wonder what Rori is up to now.. He's so different than the other guys here, not so perfect, its wonderful. Her thoughts wandered back to the boy from earlier as she walked towards the restrooms. Maybe I can go find him instead of going back to the library.. Entering the bathroom, Amara walked over to the sinks and turned the water on, splashing her face as she chided herself for the foolish thoughts. Sighing, she looked up at her reflection as she wondered what her perfect parents would think of the perfectly imperfect boy she'd met.

BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
AlmighTy AlmighTy sorry about being mia all day, ill prolly be missing most of the weekend, tying the knot on Sunday <3
After a couple of minutes, Brianna was done. Setting her dress back down and dusting it off, she slowly made her way out of the bathroom stall. She saw another student staring at her reflection. Because of where the stall was positioned, she saw herself in the mirror as well. However, she didn't say much and instead went to wash her hands, which ended up being a bit of a struggle due to her belly, from reaching for the soap to getting her hands washed. She then gripped onto the counter and hall pass as she winced and gasped as she felt a sharp pain in her belly. "Ow!"

She then placed a hand on her stomach as she took some slow, deep breaths because it helped with the aches and pains.
OceanBunny OceanBunny
Amara heard the stall behind her open and glanced away from her own eyes. Seeing another girl in the mirror, she gave a small smile before turning back to her own reflection. Letting out a sigh, she bit her lip as she thought more about her perfect parents, their perfect life, and what they would think if they knew she's wasn't so perfect.

Amara turned to the other girl as she heard her exclamation of pain. Another interesting person.. she thought as she noticed the pregnant belly the girl held. "Are you alright?" She asked, stepping closer. "Do you need anything?" She smiled, hoping to seem reassuring and helpful.

BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27
Losing track of time, staring at the blurry board, Renn's head met her desk, eyes closed. She was asleep within a minute, snoring extremely quietly and very cutely.

Anyone Anyone
After that brief contraction, Brianna stood back up and took a deep breath. When another student asked if she was okay, Brianna turned to look at her and simply nodded. When asked if there was anything that she needed. "No, I'll be fine." She placed her hand on the belly while holding the Hall Pass with the other. "Anywho, I have to get back to class before I get in trouble. See you around." She smiled before waddling out of the restroom.

Before long, she was back in class.
OceanBunny OceanBunny
"Yea, see you." Amara replied as the girl waddled away. She frowned slightly, hoping the girl really was okay. Looking down at her own gal pass, a mischievous smile spread across her face. Slipping out of the restroom, Amara wandered around the halls for a few minutes. Nearing the principles office, she spotted a beautiful sketch on the wall, Rori standing by it. With a bright smile she walked up to him, "In trouble again?" She asked, referring to that morning when he'd been kicked out of his class. She turned to admire the sketch that she guessed was his.

BloodThunder27 BloodThunder27 AlmighTy AlmighTy
"I always am," Rori said smiling "You wanna go somewhere?" Rori looked at Amara "You would be a beautiful portrait." For some reason, Rori really wanted to draw Amara she was the perfect muse it could be his best piece. Something so similar yet it had a sparkle. Rori didn't see women as people he saw them as art.
After being woken up by her damn teacher, Renn got sent out of the classroom. He considered it discipline, yet she considered it salvation. After going to the ladies and doing her business, she wandered around, bored, thinking of skipping her next class.
Amara bit her lip lightly before nodding. She'd never skipped class before and she knew if she went with him she wouldn't make it back before the bell. But somehow she felt that she'd regret not going with him. "I'd love to get out of here. Where are we headed?" She asked with an impish grin, excited at the prospect of going somewhere with this boy.
"Movies or Mall?" Rori couldn't just invite her to his place he knew he had to make it special and do something nice first.
Kane could be seen outside the school parking his vehicle, coming late to school, with a bandage adorning his left cheek. So he had gotten in a fight before coming to school, and now he was late? It didn't bother him at all, he had done it a lot when he was being taken care by his grandparents. It was one of the main reason he had come back and another certain thing, but that was for later. He opened the door to the school and calmly walked around, not in a rush to get to any of his classes, they where just lucky he hadn't decided to just skip and go to the next town over, the town where he had just been at, just so that be could look for trouble.
Renn wondered what she'd do, now slumping against her locker out of complete boredom. Seeing Kane walk round, it got her head perked up and smiled a little. This guy looked rebellious and against anything authorative. She whistled softly, waving her hand sheepishly, her glasses sliding down her face a little.

Lazy Taco Lazy Taco

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