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Realistic or Modern The Orange Touches All Things Around

Aemond turned his head quickly when he heard her "Carmen! When did you get home?" He asked hoping that she didn't hear him talking to Ragnar. He went over to her and kissed her cheek gently "Pizza sounds great."

Max gave a heavy sigh and shrugged "I doubt it would work. I don't think Carmen would want to." She said quietly
He frowned. “Would it hurt to ask?” He asked her quietly. He wasn’t entirely oblivious to how few friends she had in Italy and he wished he could change that for her.

She smiled and stepped over, taking his hands. “Just a few minutes ago. I went to ask Erik what he wanted for dinner.” She told him, gently moving to slip her arms around his shoulders, swaying with him a little. “Julia will drop off your suit and my dress in the morning. Rhaena has decided to ride with Ubbe and Asa.” She told him.
Max shook her head giving him a soft smile "No I guess not." She murmured before kissing him gently "I love you handsome."

Aemond gave a small nod and smiled as he swayed with her "Mmm alright then, sounds fine to me." He said softly before kissing her gently "I adore you...and your father says he misses you, but that he is doing well in Valhalla." He murmured softly not even thinkinf about what he was saying
She she lowered her head and buried her face into his chest, squeezing her eyes shut and biting down hard on her lip to stop from showing him how much it upset her. “That’s good love. That’s good… are you sure you want to go tomorrow? We can always stay home.” She murmured,

He smiled and kissed her chewing “love you too beautiful… get some rest. Please. Or neither of us will be okay enough to make the trip home.” He pointed out after noticing the dark circles under her eyes
Aemond frowned and shook his head "No no, I'll be fine to go. If I don't go they'll think of me as weak, and completely unable." He muttered

Max gave a small nod and placed her head on his hospital bed falling asleep almost instantly.
She nodded and glanced back up at him frowning. “Okay. Go pick a tv show love I’m gonna get pizza ordered.” She told him, pecking his lips and heading to go get the menu.

He smiled and watched her, managing to reach the controls for the tv in the Erik but soon gave up when he realised it was all in Norwegian, opting to get some more sleep instead as well
Aemond made his way to the living room but only got half way to the couch before collapsing on the floor. He came to shortly after and frowned hearing Carmen faintly. He groaned softly as he opened his eyes finding her above him "What happened?"

Max woke up a few hours later when she heard some one shuffling about. She frowned softly but gave a small smile seeing one of Hvitserk's security details bringing in their things from the hotel "Thank you for bringing that in."
He nodded and frowned. “No problem.” He told her, stepping out toeivor in who was bringing the last bag.

He set it down and frowned some. “Listen… maybe not right now. But soon you should call my mother. It would do you both some good.” He told her frowning

She had been halfway through the order when she heard him hit the floor, calling for Erik to come help her and got him moved to where if anything happened he wouldn’t hit his head, eventually seeing him waking up and frowned. “Hey, hey don’t move okay… how you feeling?” She asked him slowly, “Erik can you get me some water?”
Max looked at the eldest Targaryen boy and gave a small nod "Is her number still the same?" She asked as she sat up better in her chair and stretching some.

Aemond frowned some and groaned holding his head "I'm fine...just headache.." he said quietly "What happened?"
He nodded and frowned deeper, a true mix of both his parents but the constant look of disdain on his face was no doubt from Carmen. He went to say something else but there was a sharp noise from one of Jon’s monitors, followed by a couple alarms going off and Eivor stepped out to go find someone to help them as Jon flatlined

She frowned and gently checked where he was holding. “I think you hit it when you fell. I don’t know love, I was ordering food and I heard you hit the ground. You passed out.” She told him quietly
Max went wide eyed when she heard the monitors going off "Jon?! Jon?!" She screamed starting to feel all too familiar in this situation. She moved out of the way as the nurses rushed in glaring at Eivor "Call your uncle Hvitserk and tell him if Jon dies I will have the entire italian mafia here by the end of the night." She growled.

Aemond gave a frown and nodded softly "Oh....well shit.." he muttered giving a heavy sigh
She smiled a little then and took the water from Erik, handing him her phone. “Can you finish ordering dinner?” She asked him, helping aemond with the glass and eventually set it down. “I love you yknow. Even when you’re stressing me out.” She told him, nudging him gently. “You feel like you can stand or you wanna just sit for a bit longer?”

Eivor stepped out and made a couple phone calls, eventually seeing the staff coming out an hour later and he stepped back in seeing he was now on more support and catching the conversation his doctor was having with max

“The good news is he’s still here and he’s still fighting. The bad news is in doing so it’s putting more strain on his body than it’s capable of right now. I would encourage you to talk to him still but we will keep him sedated for the next 24 hours.”
Max took deep breaths as she listened to the doctor and gave a small nod "Thank you for saving him." She said quietly before sitting down and crying quietly. This was all too familiar. Bill had lasted two days before passing and she blamed herself constantly for it. He had been doing well until she told him their son didn't make it, afterwards it was like his fight left him and he was gone the next morning.

Aemond shook his head some as he started to sip the water "Sit, I need to relax just a second." He murmured before frowning when his phone started to ring "Babe, can you talk to your brother please?" He asked handing her the phone.
She shook her head and hung up on him. “Ubbe can wait til the morning.” She frowned, setting the phone on their coffee table and just sat with him, rubbing his back.

Eivor stepped out again and left for the night, going home.

His nurse had come to check on him a short while later, smiling sympathetically at max. “He’s doing as well as we can hope for right now. You should make sure you’re getting food and drink though.” She told her seriously.
Max gave a small nod and thanked the nurse before going out to the cafeteria and grabbing food taking it straight back to Jon's room. She frowned deeply when she saw Ivar standing there "What are you doing here?!"

Aemond gave a small nod and sighed softly leaning his head on her shoulder "I love you Carmen. So very much." He murmured quietly.
She smiled and kissed his head. “I love you too sweetheart. You ready to move yet?” She asked quietly, hearing the front door open and saw Eivor walking through. “I didn’t know you were coming over.” She smiked a little.

He smirked a little and glanced over at her. “I came to give my condolences but it seems I was a little too early.” He chuckled. “Just because you ran across the continent doesn’t mean you’ve left me behind.” He told her, “I’ll be back once the job is finished.” He smirked and just stared at her a little longer before turning to leave
Eivor got into the room frowning deeply seeing how bad his dad looked "Yeah I uh...I just wanted to talk to Dad, but it can wait." He told them.

Aemond shook his head and stood up with Carmen's help "Don't be silly, what do you need?" He asked giving a small smile.

Max took a deep breath and shook her head "You're never going to have me Ivar.." she muttered before going to Jon's room and immediately dialing Hvitserk "Hvitserk, I need you here not just guards. Ivar just paid me a visit, he said he'd be back once the job was finished..."
Carmen frowned a little, seeing how uncomfortable he looked. “He’s okay, you wanna help him up to our room so you two can talk?” She asked. “I’ve just ordered pizza as well if you wanted to stay for dinner.” She smiled at him.

Hvitserk groaned a little, turning his bedside lamp on, gently rubbing Ammas back as she stirred. “Right now is not the time. But what I can do is have a couple of my men corral Ivar to keep track of his whereabouts. Stop him from coming near you.” He told her.
Aemond smiled when he agreed to stay and soon got to his study with their help. He sat down and sighed softly "So what is it you need to talk with me about? Is everything okay?"

Max took a deep breath to calm down and nodded "Okay, thank you Hvitserk....I'm sorry to bother you." She said quietly before hanging up the phone.
Eivor frowned and waited til the door shut before sitting down. “I don’t think you should let Rhaena do any kind of takeover. At any point. Not because I’m jealous. Because it’s too dangerous for her… she’s smart but she’s not violent. She’s not mom. She’s never going to be. And she will get killed in the business if she gets out in that kind of position.” He muttered. His own situation having to work for both hvitserk and ivar had shown him just how dangerous the life could get.

He frowned and sighed a little, sending the message out and finally turning the light off to go back to bed with his wife

Jon spent the whole night teetering on the edge, his body threatening to give up but no one else bothered them and by early morning there was a knock at the door, tony stepping in and frowning. “What the fuck happened?”
Aemond frowned deeply and gave a small nod "She won't be taking over, she knows this as well. I know she is not ready, everyone does." He explained before sighing softly "Eivor its going to be okay, she'll do fine."

Max looked over at Tony as he came in and frowned deeply "Ivar Lothbrok happened." She muttered before pinching the bridge of her nose."Hvitserk has promised that he will be dealt with soon."
Tiny frowned more, taking a seat and watching his cousin. “Right. And you honestly think you can trust that lot?”

Eivor frowned and went to press it further but he saw how badly aemonds hands were shaking so he left it, helping his dad up to bed and left for the night, not in the mood to stay for pizza.
Max gave a heavy sigh and shook her head "I'm unsure anymore, but I know that Ivar has always done what he wants and never for the family." She explained while watching Jon.

Aemond looked up at Carmen as she came in and gave a small sigh "Eivor didn't stay my love. I think I've upset him."
Tony nodded and frowned some, about to ask her another question when Jon’s nurse stepped in and he kept quiet while she did her checks, waiting for her to be done until halfway through, just a couple minutes after she’d given him what they thought was the meds they’d put him on, the monitors started sending off alarms again and showed him flatlining again.

She frowned but nodded and sighed. “That’s alright. I saved you some pizza if you get hungry in the middle of the night.” She smiked, pecking his cheek and going to get ready for bed.
Max frowned deeply when she heard his monitors starting to flatline "No no no no! Goddamn it no!" She yelled trying to get to him while the doctors ran in and Tony held her back "That son of a bitch!" She sobbed as she stopped fightimg against the bigger man.

Aemond gave a small smile and nodded some "Thanks love." He whispered before sighing softly thinking over what Eivor had said to him.

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