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Realistic or Modern The Orange Touches All Things Around

Hvitserk frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "I'm unsure Carmen...but from what I gather she may not have known about that situation. The man she is with is working out our relationship with the Italians. Looks like she is his significant other." He explained before pressing the button up to their floor.

Max gave a small nod and frowned a bit "Yup, just peachy.." she muttered giving his hand a small squeeze "I'll be fine babe, just keep me away from that woman that passed us."
Jon frowned "Carmen Lothbrok? I don't want anywhere near her myself love. I've heard the stories from before she retired. Word around is she's still capable of all she used to be." He muttered "Plus her husband is a psycho. We felt the impact all the way down in Italy after he tore everyone apart to get revenge for what happened to her... Just this meeting then we'll go get lunch alright?" He promised.

Carmen frowned and shook her head "Bullshit. Bill shared everything with her. And he never made any moves without her go ahead." She muttered. "I still wonder what he did to fall out of favor with Ivar though." She sighed, not going into further detail with Rhaena in the elevator, soon stepping out and letting her go get some work done, heading to Aemond's office and knocked "Love, the Italian is here to see you." She told him gently, walking over to him at his desk.
Max frowned deeply and nodded "We used to be close....she was a good friend, so was Aemond." She said quietly before letting him going to the conference room once it was ready.

Aemond gave Carmen a small smile and nodded "Thank you love, everything go good with shopping?" He asked happily seeing Rhaena standing out in his waiting area.
She nodded and smiled a little, “she’s excited for this. I told her they’re not as fun as she probably thinks but at least the food was good.” She smiled again. “Oh. Did you know Maxine was with this guy?” She asked, sitting down on the couch in there.

Jon nodded and frowned. “I’ll be back alright? Try to relax a little.” He coaxed, giving her hand a squeeze and heading up there.
Max nodded a bit and let him go staying put and frowning when she saw Carmen come out again from Aemond's office.

Aemond chuckled some and gave a small nod "She'll have a decent time." He murmured before frowning at the mention of Max "What? No I did not...make sure security sees her out." He muttered shaking his head a bit.
Carmen nodded and stood up, making the decision to do it herself as she headed down to the lobby. “You got some fuckin nerve showing up here on his arm.” She snapped at her.

Jon stepped inside the office and closed the door behind him once he saw aemond sat down. He’d met with him a few times. Many years ago now. “You got old.” He chuckled. “Word on the grapevine is you’re not doing too hot either and you’ll be retired soon.”
Max frowned deeply at her comments and shook her head "I didn't much want to come up here, but here I am. Not I want to be here with how your family disposed of mine so carelessly." She spat back at her

Aemond frowned as he watched Jon come in "My health is not of your concern at the moment." He muttered before sitting up a bit straighter "I heard you were in talks with my brother in law Ivar?"
He held his hands up to show he meant no harm before taking a seat. “Aemond word travels fast in our circles.” He told him. “And yes. Your shipments into Sicily are starting to cause problems for us. And I’ve travelled all this way to resolve this before a war begins. I don’t want that.” He assured him. “But Ivar is… not the easiest to work with.”

She saw red at that last statement and just shook her head. “Why don’t you call Ivar for help then. If that’s not an option you like then you can get out. Do not make me use force Maxine.” She spat at her.
Aemond frowned deeply and sighed heavily "No a war would not be good right now...." he muttered pinching the bridge of his nose "I suggest you leave Ivar out of the final decision making, he will start war." He spat

Max looked at her confused before standing up "I don't know why I would need to speak with your psychotic brother, but I'll gladly step out." She spat grabbing her purse and making her way out of the building.
Jon frowned and watched him carefully, using the next ten minutes to explain the entire situation to him and go over what they could before he noticed aemond becoming somehow paler. “Aemond I’m going to leave you to it for now. Here’s my card. Let me know when you’re ready to discuss the decision your people will be taking but I should leave you. I’m in the country for another three days.” He smiled before standing and leaving to go back to the hotel, finding max outside looking furious. “Let’s go. We can talk back at the hotel.”

Carmen waited, keeping an eye out that she didn’t come back in until she saw the Italian guy leave, heading up to go ask aemond if they could go home yet, frowning as she found him sat in the chair holding his face.
Max left with him staying quiet their entire ride back. She took a deep breath letting a few tears fall as they got inside "Everything work out okay?" She asked him quietly while she went to sit on the bed looking out the window.

Aemond looked at Carmen as she came in sighing heavily "Hey beautiful....you any pain meds? I need to restock here." He mumbled putting his head back in his hands.
She nodded and moved over to him, "Here." She murmured, reaching into her hand bag and pulling out some ibuprofen. "It's not much but it should take the edge off for now." She told him, "Are you ready to go home?"

Jon frowned and watched her while he got changed into something more comfortable, undoing his tie, "Aemond is far more reasonable than his brother-in-law. No decisions have been made yet but.... He's very ill. He didn't say it but he didn't have to. Something's going on with him." He sighed "What happened with you?" He asked, stepping over and gently rubbing her shoulders as he held her closer
Aemond took the medicine quickly before nodding to her "I need to finish paperwork, but I can't do it right now." He admits as he took deep breaths to get through the pain his hands starting to shake badly as well.

Max gave a small nod and sighed heavily "He had a brain tumor years ago, before Bill and I had our son....maybe it has come back." She murmured before relaxing a bit as he rubbed at her shoulders "I had the pleasure of speaking to Carmen." She said sarcastically giving a shake of her head "She was pissed at me for being there...told me to go call Ivar for help. Which confused the shit out of me, I don't know why I'd need to talk with him."
Jon frowned a little as he listened before things began to click for him. “I’m uh…. I need to go make a phone call and have a cigarette.” He muttered. “I’ll be back up in a little bit.” He told her, kissing her head and left the hotel room to go outside for this phone call. He lit the cigarette, starting to inhale the smoke as he dialled the number he had for Aemond but there was a screeching of tires and a horribly familiar clicking sound before three shots were let off, two of them hitting Jon in the chest.

She frowned but nodded, helping him up and keeping an arm around his waist to help him out to the car, “you know maybe the gala isn’t going to be a good idea for you. Erik isn’t going. You could stay at home and have a boys evening?” She suggested.
Max stayed in the room for a bit waiting for him to come back. Though when ten minutes passed she began to worry a bit and decided to head down to the lobby. She frowned as she saw a crowd of people along with an ambulance outside "Whats going on?" She asked the receptionist.

Aemond frowned deeply and shook his head "Word is already spreading about me. The Italian knew something was wrong. If I don't go, it will only cause more suspision. I'll be okay." He explained quietly to her.
She frowned and bit her tongue from telling him she didn’t care what other people think. At the end of the day he was still an adult and he could make his own decisions even if she thought they were stupid. She took him straight home though and got him set up in their room. “You are as handsome as the day I met you.” She smiked, just sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at him.

The receptionist looked up and quickly moved around the desk. “There was… someone’s been shot just outside… ma’am I think it may have been your partner.” She told her, taking her out there so she could see who it was while Jon was on the ground already passed out and they were trying to get him loaded up
Aemond chuckled softly as he sat in bed once they got home "Mmm I doubt it, I had two eyes back then. Probably much better than a hole." He murmured before kissing her lovingly "I love you so much beautiful."

Max frowned deeply and rushed out to the front with the receptionist. She went wide eyed when she saw the paramedics lifting Jon up "Jon?!" She yelled as she rushed to his side frowning as the police man held her back "I'm his partner please let me through to him!"
She shook her head and reached over, taking the patch off for him, gently cupping the left side of his face. “I have spent twenty years telling you that it changes nothing for me and still you don’t believe me?” She smiled a little.

he let her through after the hotel staff confirmed it and the medic let her get in the back with them, not hardly acknowledging her while he worked to slow the bleeding until they arrived, sending her to a waiting room
Aemond gave a small smile at her and chuckled a bit "Mmm I do, but I like to say I don't so that you can remind me." He teased.

Max thanked the officer before getting in the ambulance. She stayed quiet on the ride and took deep breaths as she stayed seated in the waiting room.
Carmen just smiled at him and shook her head, moving to answer her phone when it rang “Hey baby yiu okay?” She asked seeing Erik’s name come up, hearing him tell her he was gonna stay at his brothers. “Alright. I want you home tomorrow night though.” She spoke with him a little longer and finally hung up. “We have the house to ourselves.” She smiled at him.

It was hours before anyone came to speak to her and finally told her to come follow them. “Sorry to keep you waiting. It’s been very touch and go. Your partner has been shot twice. One of those wounds was lucky, straight through, soft tissue damage. The other I’m afraid wasn’t so lucky. Straight through his lung. He’s lost a lot of blood as well. We’ve managed to stabilise him for now but it’s going to be tricky.” The doctor explained, taking her through to his room
Aemond smiled widely and pulled her close to him "Oh yeah? Well then, I think we should have some time to fool around in bed, then take a nice hot relaxing bubble bath with wine." He murmured while kissing all over her neck ans exposed parts of her chest.

Max listened intently to the doctor and took a deep breath before going into his room "Is he in a medical coma or will he wake up?" She asked quietly as she sat beside Jon taking his hand in hers.
She smiled and nodded. Glad he was in the mood for the first time in weeks. “I have no objections.” She murmured. Laying next to him after and trying to catch her breath she rolled in closer, rubbing soothing circles in his chest but frowned seeing his phone. “Aemond you have ten missed calls from Ubbe.” She told him, going to get dressed and get them a drink so he could call him back.

“We’re hoping he’s going to wake up on his own. See how he’s doing. We don’t want to keep him sedated unless we have to.” He told her before leaving her to some privacy with him.
Aemond panted heavily after they had finished up thinking he may have pushed it a little too far this time. He picked up his phone as he started to ring again but stayed laying in bed "Whats wrong Ubbe?" He asked

Max gave a small nod and thanked the doctor quietly. She took a shaky breath before letting a few tears fall starting to feel major deja vu.
He frowned hearing the heavy breathing, assuming only that he wasn’t well. “I’m sorry to bother but this isn’t something I want to involve Rhaena with just yet. Bert hall got shot outside the hotel. I didn’t authorise it. Hvitserk didn’t either and I know you don’t want a war so that leaves one person.” He muttered.

It was a couple hours later that he finally started coming around, not feeling good at all and not remembering much but he glanced over to see max there, managing a smile. “I don’t wanna… hear… an I told you so.” He grunted, reaching for her hand.
Aemond sat up and frowned "Shit....get someone down there to explain the situation. We need to get this situated quickly." He said quietly before looking at Carmen as she came in with drinks "Keep me updated on his status and if need be I'll go down there myself."

Max gave Jon's hand a squeeze and smiled sadly "I'm just glad you're alive." She said quietly before kissing his hand repeatedly "As soon as you're okay though, we're leaving."

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