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Realistic or Modern The Orange Touches All Things Around

She sighed a little but nodded. “I’m aware. I’ll see you tomorrow if I come up to the office with aemond though. Give torvi my love.” She told him and hung up, going to wait for aemond to get up again

He chuckled a little and shook his head. “I think you may be the end of me yknow.” He teased her some, eventually driving up to their building in the city and parking up to go inside
Aemond woke up a few hours later and groabed softly "Hey..." he said quietly as he saw Carmen readding one of her books in their little seating area "Sorry I fell asleep.."

Max laughed lightly and nodded some "I think the same of you." She said before kissing his hand whule he drove off. As they got to the office she made her way inside with him smiling "So where do I need to go?"
He raised a hand at the security guy, wrapping his arm around maxs shoulders as he headed to the elevator. “My office birdie.” He told her happily. “I hope I’m not gonna be king.”

Carmen smiled and got to a stopping point, putting it down and went to sit on the edge of the bed. “You wanna go to get lunch still? Alyssa is getting the groceries for this evening so I still have time.” She murmured. They’d got a housekeeper after Erik was born as it had all become a little too much for Carmen to keep on top of and she refused to have a nanny for the kids.
Max gave him a small smile and nodded some "But you'd be a good one." She said while they continued to walk to his office "Everyone knows you're the one keeping things together these days, Tony sure as hell isn't." She murmured

Aemond smiled some at her and gave a nod "Yeah, let me get dressed and my hair fixed." He said softly before going to the restroom to freshen up.
She smiled a little and watched him carefully. He’d cut his hair short not long after Eivor was born and although he’d allowed it to grow out a little he had never gone back to the length it once was.

He smiled a little and pecked her cheek. “Keep your voice down when you’re here.” He reminded her “I’ll be out soon as I can okay? Go make yourself comfy.”
Aemond placed his eyepatch on last before turning to look at Carmen giving a small smile "Ready love?" He asked softly as he watched her. He still had no idea how he'd gotten so lucky with how their relationship ended up being versus when it had started.

Max nodded softly and kissed his cheek before going to sit in his office while he went off to a conference room.
She nodded and headed out to the car with him, driving into town in peaceful silence with him until she parked. "While we're here do you need anything from the pharmacy? Any painkillers or cream or anything?" She asked, getting out the car with him and taking his hand. Their running joke had always been how he looked far more Scandinavian than she ever had and people had always asssumed that he was the one from around here.

Jon leaned back when he finally got a chance to give his two cents "I'm going to meet with the Lothbrok family. Get things cleared up whether in a good or bad way. The two who run the place up there are sensible enough. Just depends if I end up having to speak to Ivar or not." He muttered
Aemond shook his head some "No I've got some already packed." He said kissing her hand gently as they walked "You ever wonder if you're fully Scandinavian? I think maybe you got some Italian in there." He chuckled when he notices people looking at them.

Tony gave a small nod to him and frowned "And is your woman going to make things work? Wasn't she apart of them? There won't be issues right?" He questioned his cousin.
He shook his head and sighed "She's only going up with me so we can go through her old place while we're there. I'm not going to force her to see them." He pointed out.

Carmen shook her head and rolled her eyes "Watch it. Your father's people were probably northern originally and it's not my fault my brothers took all the height they had to give." She muttered, walking to their favorite place for lunch, getting a table quickly despite the line inside and went to sit down with him. "When's your next appointment?" She asked him
Tony frowned a bit and rolled his eyes "Not sure what she's good for then." He muttered before looking over his papers "And the Russians...how are things on that end? Everything squared away?" He asked trying to progress the meeting and get away from Jon's glare.

Aemond chuckled in amusement before giving her a nod before heading inside the restaurant. He sat with her and gave a small sigh when she brought up appointments, something he'd like to forget about right then, "In two weeks, on Thursday."
She nodded a little and took his hand across the table, gently rubbing her thumb across his knuckles. “Ubbe isn’t sure if Rhaena is gonna be ready.” She sighed alittke.

He paused for a minute, staring at him before responding. “Yeah. All sorted. They’ve made the agreement and we’re just waiting on the wire transfer before we send the product.” He told him. “If that’s all I’m gonna go have lunch. With a girlfriend who doesn’t almost get me arrested on a monthly basis.” He pointed out after recent events tony had had with his wife.
Aemond shook his head a bit and gave a heavy sigh "She isn't...still too hot headed." He said quietly giving a small chuckle when she made a comment saying it sounded like someone she used to know.

Max gave Jon a small smile as he came back into the room. She sighed softly though seeing the anger in his face "What happened babe?" She asked softly placing her hands on his chest as she got up and made her way to him.
She raised an eyebrow and shook her head. “I mean… she is your daughter.” She teased him a little. “Then we help her get ready.” She told him

“I’m fine. Let’s just go.” He muttered, taking her hand and heading down to the car with her, still pissed off but calming now he was away from the situation
Aemond chuckled quietly and nodded softly "I will help her to the best of my abilities." He murmured before giving her hand a small squeeze "We have a charity gala soon, would you like to look for a dress while we are out?"

Max frowned gently as she took his hand while they walked giving it a gentle squeeze "They'll soon enough realize that you're better suited to run this than Tony my love. Maybe this trip will help solidify it."
She smiled a little and shook her head. “I’ve got a trip to Oslo soon so I was going to do it there.” The rest of their day was mostly uneventful through to the evening after all three kids were at the house and Carmen had dinner on the table, taking a seat and giving aemonds hand a tight squeeze.

He snorted a little. “Except that I’m a cousin not a brother.” He muttered. “That will always stop them from letting me go further.” He told her.
Aemond looked at Carmen as she came to sit down for dinner and gave a heavy sigh. He smiled some at her trying to ease her nerves when he felt her squeeze his hand "It'll be alright love. Lets eat first." He told her quietly

Max gave a small sigh and nodded a bit "I don't understand it fully; you're still blood from your grandfather." She murmured before shrugging some "What do you want to eat?"
He shook his head. “I don’t mind darling, you pick today.” He murmured, smiling tiredly at her.

She just nodded and smiled, watching the kids, the eldest two sitting as far away from each other as possible. “Oh… so Louise sent me a video of another of the litter.” She told aemond, getting her phone to show him the quick video “I was thinking I would go meet him this week. See if he’s a good fit.” She smiled. She had no less than three large Maine coon cats and this would make the fourth
Max smiled softly and gave a small nod telling him where to go before getting in the car with him. She kissed his cheek gently as they sat inside "You won't be dealing with Ivar will you?" She asked as she thought more about their trip.

Aemond chuckled as he looked at the kitten and gave a small nod "You sure you can handle four?" He teased. He wasn't the biggest on pets, but he knew the cats made Carmen happy, especially since they would have no other children.
He shrugged a little “that all depends. I don’t get much say in who they send to me.” He pointed out, driving to their usual area to get lunch.

Carmen nodded and smiled. “They’re easy love. Much lower maintenance put together than you are.” She smiled.

Eivor raised an eyebrow and shook his head at that. “You are a pushover when it comes to letting her get the animals dad.” He muttered.
Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Well if they send you to him be careful....he's a lunatic." She muttered shaking her head some. In the years she spent there around that family Ivar had always taken a liking to her. While at first she found it kind of cute, it soon turned to being a bit creepy and it caused her to do her best to stay away from them.

Aemond shrugged some and gave a small chuckle "They make her happy and she takes good care of them. Besides, doesn't matter if I agreed or not because she would still get them. So might as well just agree." He explained
Carmen smiled and nodded. “He’s gotten smarter over the years he’s been with me Eivor.” She told him, enjoying the rest of dinner and eventually had Erik help to clear plates, going to sit back down, giving aemonds hand a squeeze again

He smirked a little and nodded. “Trust me I’m aware. I’ve had dealings with him in the past. He’s gotten worse with age though.” He muttered.
Aemond continued a nice dinner with his family, thankful that the kids were getting along. He gave a small sigh as Carmen came back and gave a small nod "Everyone sit down for a minute please, there is something your mother and I need to speak with you all on." He said gently as he looked to Carmen.

Max nodded and frowned a bit "Yeah he has, just please be careful." She said quietly
He rolled his eyes a little but smiled at her. “My love, you worry far too much.” He told her, heading into the restaurant with her and got them a table.

Carmen frowned and sat back a bit more, never letting go of aemonds hand and waited until they were all sat and listening. “Your father… before any of you were born your father was unwell. He had the surgery and despite admitting to betraying my trust… was absolutely fine afterwards. Unfortunately…. We’ve found out that the mass has come back. And this time… for now they’re telling us there’s nothing they can do for him.” She muttered.
Max gave a small humorless laugh and nodded some "Unfortunately I do." Shw said quietly before getting out with him once they parked.

Aemond gave a heavy sigh as he let Carmen speak. Once she was done he sat forward a bit never taking his eyes off of their kids "We are looking into all options on how to get things to where we can extend my time as much as possible. But for now, the biggest thing is that I will be stepping away from the business." He explained.
Erik scoffed and shook his head, standing up. “That’s the biggest thing is it?” He muttered, heading upstairs to his room, closely followed by Eivor assuring his parents he’d talk to him.

Carmen frowned a little and looked over at aemond with a sigh. “Rhaena darling… you okay?” She asked her quietly.

Jon sighed a little but dropped the topic and tried to have a nice afternoon with her, eventually taking her home. As soon as they were through the front door he pulled her back towards him, placing kisses all along the side of her neck and shoulder

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