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Realistic or Modern The Orange Touches All Things Around

Aemond gave a heavy sigh as Erik stormed off and soon looked at his daughter. They had the closest relationship out of him and the children and he knew this would hit her the hardest. He got up and made his way to her giving a comforting hug "Talk to me princess, don't hold it in."

Max smiled widely as they got home from their time out "Mmm what do you think you're doing?" She teased as she felt Jon place kisses along her neck and shoulder.
She frowned and shook her head. “I don’t… did they say how long?” She asked him quietly. She’d always been a daddy’s girl and it had only become more apparent as her brothers were born that although they were adored, she was the favourite.

He smiled a little and let his hands fall to her hips. “Giving you some loving…. Hoping you’ll let me take you to bed.” He murmured against her skin.
Aemond gave a heavy sigh and shook his head some "No, they said it could be years or months...they just don't know fully yet. I've got more appointments with tests they have to run." He explained quietly to her.

Max smiled some and let out a small laugh "Mmmm I think I can allow it." She said before squealing as he picked her up and quickly took them to their room.
She just nodded and frowned, talking things through with him until Eivor came back down and the both of them left the house. It was much later that Carmen managed to get in bed with him and get snuggled in close. “They took it better than I thought they would.” She mumbled

He grinned and took her straight to bed, treating her like his most prized possession until they were both sticky and hot and catching their breath, pulling her in close
Aemond held her tightly and nodded some "Yeah...I got a feeling it'll blow up though.." he said quietly as he gave a small sigh. "Erik was displeased...he always has been of our business."

Max panted as she held him after their time. She smiled and traced patterns on his chest "You are really good at that...especially that last trick." She murmured with a small smirk playing on her lips
She frowned and watched him, shaking her head a little. “Erik doesn’t like that work has you away so much.” She pointed out. “Which isn’t the case anymore. He’s still young love and he will just take some time to process.” She pointed out.

He chuckled a little and nodded, reaching for his smokes and lit one up. “Years of practice.” He teased her. “I’m going to book our flights this evening. We will leave tomorrow afternoon.” He told her.
Aemond nodded and gave a heavy sigh "Yes you have a point." He said softly before holding her "I just hope I have atleast a few years left." He whispered

Max gave a small nod and took the cigarette from his lips and took a drag herself before handing it back. She let the smoke out of her lungs and gave a small sigh. She wasn't normally a smoker, but when she was stressed to the max she would take a few drags when Jon had one lit.
She smiled sadly at him and shook her head. “I never agreed to you leaving me here alone yknow.” She mumbled, already halfway asleep and soon was quiet except for the occasional loud snore.

Jon frowned and looked at it once she gave it back. “Damn you took like half of that.” He muttered, finishing it before holding her in close. “I love you.” He murmured, “it’s gonna be alright. You got me there the whole time with you okay?” He coaxed
Aemond woke up the next morning groaning quietly feeling pain radiating through his head. He took deep steady breaths and reached to the other side of the bed shaking Carmen gently "Carmen.....love wake up.." he murmured

Max gave a small nod and sighed heavily "Yeah....but the Targaryen's may not take too kindly to me being with you." She muttered quietly
He shrugged. “And at the same time they may not mind. What’s the point in stressing before we get there?” He asked her quietly.

She groaned but eventually stirred and sat up, looking around confused before nodding and getting up to get him some painkillers, “here. I gotta take Erik out today, you gonna be okay on your own here?” She asked him, helping him get laid down again and settled.
Max gave a small sigh and nodded some "You have a point." She murmured before kissing him gently "What do you want for dinner? I can make us something."

Aemond gave her a small nod and quickly took the medicine when she handed it to him "Yeah I should be fine." He murmured quietly
She nodded and frowned, pausing for a moment, "Call if you need anything okay?" She murmured, leaning down to kiss his cheek then went to get ready for the day having promised Erik she would take him to go get some new clothes now he had again outgrown most of what he owned

He smiled and shook his head. "I'm good love, not very hungry right now to be honest." He told her, pulling her in close again "I'm gonna go sort our flights out and get some work done then come to bed." He murmured
Erik looked up at his mom when she came down and sighed "Ready to go?" He asked her still in a bit of a bad mood from the news they received last night.

Max nodded softly and kissed him gently "Alright sounds good." She murmured letting him go when he started to pull away.
She nodded and smiled some “let’s go. Just you and me, your dads in bed.” She told him, heading out to her SUV, getting in and glancing over at him. “No headphones for now. Talk to me. What are you thinking about?” She asked him.

He headed up to his study, getting a few bits done and before he knew it it was gone midnight so he headed to bed as quiet as he could, trying to not wake up max.
Max groaned quietly as he came to bed abd curled up close to him in her sleep. She woke up the next morning and sighed softly feeling the empty space beside her. She sat up when she heard their bathroom door open and gave a soft smile "Mornin...when are the flights?" She asked her voice still full of sleep.

Erik frowned and gave a small dramatic sigh as he put his headphones away "Nothing...just the fact my dad is dying, and there is nothing we can do." He said as he crossed his arms and took a deep breath "Its not fair." He muttered trying to do his best to keep up the tough guy act.
She frowned and sighed a little. “No. It’s not fair. It’s really not. But you’re right. There is nothing we can do to make it stop. We’re trying to find ways to slow it down. Help him still be okay for as long as possible.” She told him. “I know I’ve done a lot of crying already over this.” She murmured.

He smiled over at her and nodded. “Morning. Yes… it was morning this morning.” He teased her, glancing at the clock on the wall that read 12:30. “We leave tomorrow evening.” He smiled, going to get dressed and chuckling as he watched her scramble out of bed. “I figure you could do with the lie in.”
Erik gave a small nod and frowned deeply "But he is still putting the business first isn't he?" He muttered as he looked out the window

Max frowned deeply as she turned to see the time "Oh goodness...I slept way too late." She murmured while running a hand through her hair "Thank you though....I definitely needed it."
“He’s doing what he needs to do so that it’s smooth as possible for your sister to take over for him. Erik your uncle Ivar is…. Put simply he’s a piece of work. The last thing any of us want is him trying to undermine her or pull some kind of bullshit because that is what he does best.” She muttered.

He smiled and nodded, “you did which is why I left you to it.” He smiled. “I’m going up to the office. Gonna be a late one so don’t wait up for me okay?” He smiled.
Erik frowned deeper and gave a small nod "Why did you marry Dad? Why not try to get away from the business?" He asked her seriously. Out of the children he had no idea that she really had no choice in the matter.

Max gave a small frown but nodded and let him go while she checked over her phone. She frowned deeply though seeing she had a voicemail from an unknown number. She pressed dial and nearly dropped the phone as she heard Ivar's voice come through telling her how he couldn't wait to see her when she got back.
She frowned and shook her head. “I didn’t exactly choose your father. In fact when we married I hardly knew him. We were at each others throats a lot in the beginning. And I did in fact slice your uncle and I threw a knife at your grandmother.” She smiled. “It took your father losing his eye for him to learn to trust me.”

Jon got home just after midnight, locking the door behind him and just made his way up to bed quietly sssuming she would be asleep by now, heading into their room and frowning at all the lights on.
Erik gave a small laugh when she mentioned slicing his uncle "You...you guys won't do that to us will you?" He asked worriedly giving a sigh of relief when she said no.

Max had been cooped up in the room all day scared to death. She looked at Jon with blood shot eyes taking deep breaths "You're back." She whispered reaching out for him needing his comfort "I thought you said it was a late one?" She murmured not knowing the time was past midnight.
He frowned and went round turning lights off until it was just their bedside lamps. “Hey, yeah I’m home. It’s gone midnight love. Why are you still up?” He asked her, stripping off and getting a pair of joggers on before climbing into bed and pulling f her in close

She shook her head and smiled. “We will be approving your matches though. I’m serious Erik I’m not having my children married off to people who have tried to harm this family.” She told him, eventually parking and turned to face him. “But I’m hoping that it’s gonna be at least ten years before I have to worry about that with you. Or twenty. Or even thirty would be fine with me.” She teased him.
Max went to protest him turning off the lights but when he proceed anyways she stayed quiet. She frowned deeply pulling out her phone and dialing the voicemail "Ivar....he...he knows we're coming." She said quietly before playing the voicemail of him basically threatening her death if she arrived with Jon.

Erik nodded and gave a small laugh "Don't worry, I'm not looking for a wife. Girls around here are too much." He said smiling a bit as he got out with her starting to head towards the store with her.
He frowned and shook his head. “Ignore it. He’s playing games and he knows how to get in peoples heads. He’s not gonna do anything.” He assured her.

She spent the day with him getting him sorted with everything he needed and grabbing lunch before finally heading home, leaving him to go unwind wherever he wanted while she went to check on aemond.
Max frowned deeply and shook her head "No Jon....he likes to play games with others, but he has always had a thing for me. He's up to something and it scares me." She muttered taking deep breaths to keeo herself calm.

Aemond looked up from his book when he heard Carmen come in and gave a small smile. He placed it down and reached out for her "Hey beautiful, how was your day?"

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