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Realistic or Modern The Orange Touches All Things Around

She nodded and smiled. “It was good. Our baby of the family is all grown up now though.” She pouted, moving to sit with him. “How you feeling?” She asked quietly.

He frowned and shook his head. “Babe stop. This isn’t helping you or anyone else to be stressing over this. It’s gonna be fine.” He told her seriously.
Aemond chuckled softly and gave a small nod "We knew this day would eventually come." He murmured before pulling her in close to him "I'm okay, headache finally died down about an hour ago."

Max nodded a bit and stayed quiet. His words didn't help her though, she knew Ivar and his games and thats what scared her most. She knew when he was playing around and when he was serious, and that voicemail was very serious.
She nodded, gently running her fingers through his hair. “That’s good. You feel up to coming down for dinner later?” She asked him quietly. As much as she wanted desperately to believe that they had years left, the way he was going already was worrying her that they may only have one.

He sighed and just turned his light off. “Listen. It’s been a long ass day. Go to sleep. We’re gonna be fine babe alright?” He muttered
Aemond nodded giving her a small smile "Yeah I think I can do that." He murmured happily before kissing the top of her head "You get yourself anything while you were out?"

Max slept horribly that night and by the next morning she was exhausted. Thankfully she had a prepacked travel suitcase for any time she went off with Jon. She stayed quiet even on the plane ride there just trying to keep calm.
She shook her head. “Not this time. We have the charity dinner coming up fairly soon so I thought maybe I could take Rhaena to find something for it as it’s her first one.” She told him, noticing the way his hand was shaking a little even while it lay on the bed but she said nothing for now.

Jon smiled a little as they landed, giving her hand a squeeze, “we’ll check in at the hotel before we go to the house.” He told her quietly. They were getting that done first or at least started seeing as Jon had been given a meeting time for the following morning
Aemond gave a small nod and smiled "Sounds good, I know she'll love doing that with you." He murmured kissing her gently reaching for her hand trying to steady his shaking the best he could.

Max gave a small nod and held his hand while they made their way to the hotel. "Since the meeting is tomorrow should we do the house today?"
He frowned and rolled his eyes a little. “Do you listen to a thing I say sometimes? I already said that.” He muttered, shaking his head some as he drove. “I just wanna freshen up then we can head over there.”

She smiled and took it gently, kissing his palm. “Erik would appreciate some time with his father when you’re up for it too.” She told him gently.
Max frowned deeply and shook her head some "Sorry, my head was somewhere else." She said softly before kissing his hand gently "I love you."

Aemond nodded and smiled "I think I can make arrangements for that too." He said quietly before pulling away and slowly getting out of bed.
She watched him carefully before rolling over and frowned. “Im gonna take a nap love. I’ll come down for dinner though.” She told him quietly as sleep was currently the only time she wasn’t worrying about him.

He sighed and gave her hand a squeeze frowning. “I know this trip is stressful love I understand that but I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere okay?”
Aemond nodded before making his way out. He went downstairs and smiled a bit seeing Erik sitting in the lounge watching TV. He made his way over and sat beside him "What are you watching?" He asked trying to to strike up some form of conversation.

Max nodded and gave him a small toothless smile "I know baby...I'll be okay." She said softly
He shrugged a little and glanced up from his computer. “You can change it. I’m just using it for background noise.” He told him. “Eivor sent me a text to say he’s gonna come pick me up to go to dinner with his friends tonight so I’ll stay over at his.” He told him.

He nodded and sighed a little, enjoying the quiet until they arrived at the hotel and he pulled up to let the valet take the car round, going to check them in.
Aemond gave a small frown but nodded some "Well alright then, tomorrow I'd like to spend some time with you just us." He s before giving him a smile "Your mother said you both had a good time today. She is sad her baby is all grown up now." He chuckled while petting one of the cats as they came brushing against his legs.

Max was a nervous wreck by the time they pulled up to the house later that day. She gulped quietly as she stared at its looming frame through the windshield. She hadn't been there since the funerals and everything was starting to hit her again.
He nodded slowly and finally closed down his homework pages, leaning back some. "I don't know how she tells them apart." He mumbled seeing another come over and get themselves settled on Aemond's lap.

Jon parked up and sighed a little, "You want me to come in or you want me to wait and give you a few minutes first?" He asked her gently. He knew she was still hurting and probably always would. Sometimes he even felt like she was thinking of Bill when they were having time together but he'd never brought it up to her.
Aemond chuckled and gave a small nod "I question it too, she tried explaining it to me once, but I was still confused." He explained before petting the cat more.

Max took a shaky breath and nodded some "Yeah just give me a few minutes." She said quietly before getting out and making her way to the door. She loved Jon, she really did, but he could never take Bill's place in her heart. She opened the door and stepped inside taking a shaky breath before she finally broke down seeing the photos on the walls. She expected to hear their son yelling at his video games from his room and Bill calling to her to say welcome home, but all she received was silence.
He smiled some and stood up to go up to his room and shower before going out for the evening, frowning a little seeing how his dads hand was shaking but didn’t say a word and just left.

Jon waited a good twenty minutes before heading inside, finding her sat in the living room and sighed a little, crouching in front of her. “You wanna leave this for another day? We can wait and come back.” He told her gently
Aemond stayed on the couch unable to move for the time. He gave Carmen a small smile when he saw her come down "Hey there, Eivor took Erik out for dinner." He explained quietly taking deep breaths

Max looked up at him with a tear stained face "No....no I can do it." She whispered clutching her son's sweater tight in her hand "I just....I expect to hear them." She admits before standing up.
She sighed and shook her head a little. “We should keep an eye on that. Hvitserk was telling me that Eivor has been hanging around a lot of the associates recently. I worry what trouble he’ll drag Erik into.” She muttered, shaking her head a little. “You okay?” She asked him quietly seeing how stiff he was sitting.

He nodded and frowned, reaching up to cup her face. “Then let’s just do a couple rooms at a time alright?” He coaxed, standing up and going to get the boxes he’d had delivered to start sorting things downstairs. He’d already organised for a storage locker for her to keep everything in that she wanted to but it was time for her to let go of the house. He knew all it did was upset her with it standing here empty.
Aemond frowned deeply and gave a small nod "I will make sure to speak with him on it." He murmured before taking a deep breath "I need your help....I can barely move." He admits quietly while staring straight ahead of him.

Max nodded some and took a deep breath before kissing him gently "I would go mad without you." She said quietly before grabbing a box with him and started packing up the photos from the living area.
He smiled a little and just stayed quiet, trying to give her whatever space she needed while still being there.

Carmen frowned but nodded and went to get him some ibuprofen, getting him up and slowly helping him back up to bed. “They did say that some days were gonna be really rough and others absolutely fine. We just have to go day by day love.” She murmured, “I’ll get dinner sorted and we can eat up here.” She smiled.
Max packed as much as she could before coming across her son's room. She gulped taking a shaky breath and shut the door quickly unable to go in just yet.

Aemond nodded some and gave a heavy sigh as he took the medicine "I just wish I was alright." He muttered
eventually he went to find her upstairs and rubbed her shoulder. “Hey, we should head back to the hotel and get some rest love. It’s getting late.” He murmured, kissing her head. “We can do some more in a couple days. You’ve done well though.” He smiled, gently guiding her down to the car.

Carmen smiled a little and nodded. “I know love. But unfortunately there’s not much we can do to fix it. We just have to do what we can with what we’ve got.” She murmured, kissing his cheek.
As the days passed they made good progress on the house and Jon had also made good progress with Ivar. He had another meeting today with them to finalize everything, it would also be the first time Max made her way into their offices as well.

Rhaena held her bags as she walked down the street with her mom smiling happily "So we'll be back in a few days to pick up the gowns?" She asked while they made their way to starbucks.
She nodded and smiled at her “I’ll have Alyssa pick them up on Friday. I just don’t want them in my little car.” She told her. “Right we better be quick and go rescue your uncle from your father. He’s been very patient with him but they’re both grumpy old men these days.” She smiled. She’d enjoyed having one on one time with all three of the kids the last week and it wasn’t long before they were finishing up their coffee and heading back to the office so Rhaena could get whatever work done she needed to. She had to do a double take though as she stepped inside, seeing a familiar face stood with an Italian guy, her fury kicking in before anything else. She simply walked past them, not remotely looking in her direction on her way to the elevators.

Jon had been getting increasingly frustrated with trying to get through to them and finally got a chance to talk to a more reasonable lothbrok the previous evening, scheduling a meeting with aemond and Hvitserk for today. It had taken some convincing but he’s finally managed to get max to join him and they’d only been there five minutes, talking to hvitserk in the lobby when he caught a glimpse of who he guessed was Carmen and one of her children judging by the level of blonde. “Listen, I’m not here to cause issues but I’m just glad you would hear me out. Your brother certainly deserves his reputation as difficult.” He told him honestly
Rhaena frowned deeply when she saw Max standing with a man and her uncle "Was that Maxine? I thought she left the country?" She murmured quietly. While she didn't know the entire story, she was still sad about the loss of her childhood friend when their son died.

Hvitserk gave a small chuckle and nodded some "I do apologize about Ivar." He said quietly before shaking hands with Jon "I look forward to doing business with you. Maxine, it was good to see you again." He said before excusing himself and making his way to the elevators to catch Carmen.

Max wasn't thrilled to be there with Jon. She still held a grudge towards them all for the way everything had been handled but she had finally agreed to go after the hundreth time Jon asked. She frowned deeply though when not even five minutes had passed and she saw Carmen walking in with her daughter.
She held the door for him and frowned "What the hell is she doing here?" She spat. "After everything we did for her and Bill and they throw it in our face by working for Ivar." She muttered.

Jon thanked him and took a seat in the lobby to wait to be allowed up for the meeting "You okay?" He asked Max quietly.

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