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Realistic or Modern The Orange Touches All Things Around

She frowned as she set his glass on the nightstand, soon sitting down and picking up one of the cats, running her fingers through his fur. "What was that about?" She asked him quietly, "The kids okay?" She asked

Jon frowned but nodded "I don't..... I don't remember what they looked like." He mumbled "It happened... so fast." He told her, resting his head back and closing his eyes "I'm so sleepy." He mumbled, drifting off with how little energy he currently had.
Aemond gave a small nod "Kids are fine, that italian from earlier, Jon Bernthal, he got shot today. Your goddamn brother is most likely the culprit, trying to start a goddamn war." He explained before taking a sip of his drink.

Max kissed his hand repeatedly giving a small nod "Rest love." She murmured softly before sitting back in her chair once he fell asleep. She took a deep breath and let a few tears fall as she started to remember everything from when Bill had been in there.
She cursed under her breath and ran a hand through her hair. “Honestly I’m surprised he’s even still trying to disrupt everything. But then again my mother raised him to believe he was better than everybody.” She muttered.

Ubbe had hung up on aemond as he was walking into the hospital anyway, asking for directions and finally making it up to Jon’s room, knocking on the door and frowning. “This wasn’t us.” He told max straight away. “Before you speak to any of his people we did not put a hit on him. What happened?” He asked her, not really caring whether or not she even wanted him there
Aemond nodded a bit and took a deep breath "We can't have a war right now....I just hope we get to them in time to explain." He said quietly

Max frowned deeply when she saw Ubbe come into the room "And how am I supposed to believe that hm? Not even an hour after your meeting he is shot twice outside of our hotel." She said in a cold tone to him.
He shook his head. “Because as much as our families have a history of disdain nobody wants a war right now. It wouldn’t be good for anybody.” He muttered. “There is one person who wants it though. So how exactly did Jon piss off ivar? I thought their partnership was solid?”

She sighed a little and sat back, resting her head on his shoulder. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” She muttered.
Max frowned deeply at the mention of Ivar and gave a heavy sigh "I honestly don't know...Jon hadn't said anything to me other than Ivar was difficult to work with." She explained before letting a tear fall and wiping it quickly "I had told him about my confrontation with Carmen, how she had told me to ask Ivar for help and that I didn't understand why. He then got up and went to make a phone call...I went to check on him and well you know the rest."

Aemond gave a small nod and handed her the remote before wrapping his arm around her "Want to watch some TV and cuddle? Not sure I've got the energy after our previous activities for a long bath."
Ubbe frowned and shook his head. “Wait… back up… why would you not go to Ivar? Bill spent a good twelve years working for him.” He told her seriously.

She nodded and moved to snuggle in closer, turning on some reality show while she got comfy, eventually falling asleep against him.
Max frowned deeply and shook her head immediately "What? No....no Bill couldn't stand Ivar. He'd never work directly for him!" She said starting to get a bit worked up "Why would he work for him?!"

Aemond smiled softly and sat confortably with her before he too eventually fell asleep.
Ubbe sighed and glanced back at hvitserk, nodding for him to go get water. “Because Ivar never does a dann thing for anyone else without expecting something in return. He saved bills life… in return he expected bill to work for him and only him. you really didn’t know?” He asked frowning.
Max shook her head and frowned more "No....saved his life?" She said before going a bit wide eyed "When he got shot....I remember Bill got shot one night, Ivar came to see him said it had been a real close call." She explained before letting more tears fall "Bill never mentioned any of that to me...I had no clue.."
Ubbe shook his head. “No when…. When he was dying. Because he was being stubborn and he didn’t want the surgery. When Ivar organised for him to skip the waiting list and get his lungs sorted.” He told her. “Listen.,.. I’m gonna organise some security from my men. They will only answer to me and we will handle his family. Get some rest though and I’ll be by tomorrow to go through things with you more okay?” He assured her, leaving her so she could process what he had just told her, gettin people to guard the door and finally went home
Max was unable to say anything else after all of that. She stared at the ground taking shaky breaths trying to process everything. By the next morning she was exhausted having not been able to sleep at all. She glanced over at Jon when she heard him groan and gave a small smile "Mornin..." she whispered

Aemond woke up early that next morning groaning softly. He picked up his phone letting out a small sigh of relief seeing a text from Ubbe saying he had calmed the waters at least. He looked over at Carmen and gave a soft smile seeing her sleeping soundly for once.
He frowned over at her, coughing a little and groaned again "Hurts." He muttered, reaching towards her

The door went downstairs and soon Erik was knocking on their bedroom door, sticking his head and waving "I'm home... Eivor just dropped me off. I'm going to bed." He told his Dad, accidentally slamming the door on the way out of there, waking Carmen up who groaned loud.

She jumped a little and frowned up at Aemond, "What time is it?" She mumbled, stretching out then moving to wrap her arms around his waist tightly.
Max went over and took his hand in hers kissing his knuckles repeatedly "Its okay baby, the nurse will be in soon to help." She murmured before pressing the call button "I love you."

Aemond smiled softly at her "Hey beautiful, a little past ten. Erik is home now." He murmured kissing the top of her head repeatedly
Carmen grumbled a little and rolled closer, glancing up at him, "I gotta get going then. I got a nail and a hair appointment. You boys have no idea how lucky you are with these events." She muttered, getting out of bed and stretched, "You gonna be okay on your own today?" She asked him

He smiled a little over at her and gave her hand a squeeze "Mmm.. Love you." He mumbled. "You've been crying." He groaned a little, shutting his eyes against the pain going through his shoulder,
Aemond chuckled softly and gave a nod "Yes I'll be okay, plus I have Erik here." He explained before pecking her lips gently "Love you darling."

Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "I have, but thats not important at this point in time." She murmured quietly
He frowned a little and just watched her, starting to struggle to breathe, "Did you call... Tony yet?" He asked her, closing his eyes and trying to calm down.

She nodded and smiled, "Love you too, behave. Don't bother him too much if he doesn't want company." She warned him, getting ready quickly and heading out of the house.
Max shook her head and sighed heavily "No, Ubbe came by and said it was not them. It had to be Ivar, they wanted to talk to you when your energy was up.

Aemond chuckled softly and nodded "I promise." He said quietly before letting her go off. He made his way downstairs a while later smiling as he saw Erik coming down at the same time "Have a good time with your brother?"
Erik nodded and frowned. “Yeah… well… no. Cause he left after I got there. And he didn’t come home til like four in the morning… so I just hung out with his dog.” He muttered, “hey there was a box on the porch. I brought it inside. I think it’s that came you ordered.” He told him frowning a little. He knew that his dad was going to get worse but it still made him uncomfortable watching it happen. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” He mumbled.

He frowned and just nodded slowly, starting to fall asleep again. He’d only been out five minutes when there was a knock on the door and hvitserk walked in, Eivor right behind him and he smiled sympathetically at her. “How’s he doing? Is he being looked after well? I’ve made a call to Tony. He’s not coming up but it’s now my head on the chopping block if something happens…. For what it’s worth I am sorry for what trouble my brother has caused.
Aemond gave a small frown and nodded some "I'm sorry to hear that, come down when you're done and we can order some food alright?" He said before going to grab the package he had brought in.

Max gave a small nod and sighed heavily "Yes, he is being taken care of just fine. He has no energy, which is to be expected. I just hope the damage heals." She said quietly as she glanced their way "Your brother has now killed my family and tried to kill my new one....he needs to be dealt with."
Hvitserk nodded and frowned "Believe me, I know." He muttered, glancing back towards his nephew "Eivor why don't you go grab me a drink, and one for Max as well." He told him, sending him off before turning back to her "He is being dealt with after tonight. But you didn't hear that from me. We are doing it without consulting Aemond and neither I nor Ubbe need to be risking anything right now. Eivor has grown up well but he'd run squealing to his father the first chance he got." He muttered. "Do you need me to have anything collected for you from your hotel?" He asked.

Erik nodded and went up to get showered. Part of why he had been distancing himself from his parents was because of his brother. Something fishy was going on with him but Erik didn't have enough proof to have any one of his theories stick. Add to this that Erik was the worst liar around and the last thing he wanted to do was get his older brother in deep shit without meaning to. Especially if there wasn't actually anything going on.
Max frowned deeper and gave him a small nod "Our suitcases, we didn't really unpack." She muttered before glancing over at Jon "I want to be the one to kill him....however you need it done." She said seriously as she looked back at Hvitserk

Aemond gave a small sigh wanting to know what was holding his son back. He had usually been pretty open with them, but now he was closed off, he only hoped it was only teenage angst.
He nodded and frowned but soon paused at her next statement. “I can’t make any promises. Ubbe will be the deciding factor in that. Plus we have to know for sure that it was definitely him that sent out the hit.” He explained. “I’ll get someone to get your suitcases. Call me if you need anything else.” He told her, waiting for Eivor to return then left with him.

Jon woke up not long after they had left and just stared at max frowning some, “careful love. Keep your face that way too long and it will get stuck.” He mumbled, coughing a little bit smiled at her, reaching for her to come closer. “We should go home as soon as we can.”

Carmen eventually made it home, stepping inside quietly after the long day, smiling as she heard aemonds voice in the kitchen but she froze when it sounded like he was talking to her father. Ragnar had died going on ten years ago now, albeit a little unexpectedly, and the more she listened the more she realised he was talking to him and her heart sank, leaving him be for now and going to check on Erik. “Hey, what do you want for dinner sweetheart?”
Max gave a nod to Hvitserk and thanked him quietly before he left. She looked over at Jon when she heard his voice and gave a small smile "We definitely will. Hvitserk reached out to Tony and explained that it wasn't them, so war isn't going to break out thankfully." She said softly as she moved to sit right by his side.

Erik looked up at his mom as she came into the room frowning some "Uh pizza I guess? I'm not super picky." He said before biting his bottom lip "Mom I think Dad is going crazy....he's been talking to Grandpa for going on an hour now..." he said worriedly.
She frowned and sat down on the edge of his bed, sighing a little. “I think he’s starting to hallucinate.” She told him quietly. “He’s gotta go in for some more stuff after the gala so I’m hoping we can talk him into trying to slow the process down.” She explained. “I’ll go get some pizza ordered.” She smiled, kissing his head and left him to it, going down to aemond and stepping into the kitchen. “Hey, I’m gonna order some pizza, you want anything specific?”

He nodded slowly and just smiled again. “Now that you know what happened… do you want to try and talk to Carmen?” He asked her quietly, gently rubbing her arm

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