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Fantasy The Old Age of Avaria

Leofric stopping, looking towards him. 'Well, how much you got...?' He'd ask, a rebel running at him, beingbeheaded by him.
Vorkaysus said:
The mercenaries would go throughout the camp, telling the soldiers to get up and ready, after about 15 minutes the rebels would finally realize what they were doing, charging out of the trees, telling and shooting arrows into the camp, Leofric running to Cutain, taking her arm and pulling her away from the battle with his companions behind him.
'alright, we need to push through their ranks... Then get em' from the back.' The men nodding as the rebels would be about to collide with the camp, only to meet a shield wall with spears and pikes lowered, impaling themselves, but nonetheless continuing the assault
"You didn't have to do this, I'm already dead so it's not like they'll kill me again!" Cutain said
The Rebels at the camp however finally breaking past the shield wall with amassed casualties, the battle raging throughout the camp now, the lord riding forwards on his horse, cutting down soldiers as he went.
'Yeah, well, I may or may not have taken a liking to your presence, and I don't leave people behind...' He'd say to her, seeming to have a softer voice than before.
Vorkaysus said:
The Rebels at the camp however finally breaking past the shield wall with amassed casualties, the battle raging throughout the camp now, the lord riding forwards on his horse, cutting down soldiers as he went.
Locust glared at the solder "it's not a offer of money" as he threw his second short sword at the lords horse "it's the question of how much you value not being killed by rebles.
Leofric would shrug 'well, seems you had a change of heart...' He'd say, a rebel yelling 'over here!' Pointing to them, a large group of them charging at his mercenary group, the two colliding in a bloody flurry of blades
Curtain rolled herself in some dirt to look like she's a vacant skeleton that's been rotting for a while.
The lord would fall off his horse, seeming struck by its death, getting out from under it and holding it closely, finally getting up and cutting his way through the rebels, the soldiers numbers starting to dwindle.
Leofric would pat Locusts' shoulder 'well, now that I'm done with these ones, I'll just finish up the rest of them, then we'll see who's being killed be rebels... Or rather, who's killing them...' He'd say, the mercs snickering as they'd walk past him, flanking the rebels attacking the camp.
Vorkaysus said:
The lord would fall off his horse, seeming struck by its death, getting out from under it and holding it closely, finally getting up and cutting his way through the rebels, the soldiers numbers starting to dwindle.
As much commotion as there was, Cutain laid limp to appear as a vacant corpse
After a while the kingdom soldiers would be the last ones standing, bodies loitering the ground, small 'rivers' of blood flowing from the battleground. The lord and maybe a hundred men still standing, yelling 'victory' and such, the mercenaries seeming to still be standing with them, Leofric walking up to Locust. 'Well now, what did we learn?' He'd say, smirking beneath his helmet
Locust gave the mercs a stare and he sighed as he took out his syth, he jumped on a solder's back lept behind the Lord and grabbed him by the throat. He said "I tried being fair but you lead to this. We can play this two ways. Either I get your prisoners and you leave, or you and the lord die. Locust grinned, for you never fight him at night.
'You want our prisoners... Alright... Alright...' He'd look around. 'Well, they're gone... We only had one.' He'd say, smirking
Nexion said:
Locust gave the mercs a stare and he sighed as he took out his syth, he jumped on a solder's back lept behind the Lord and grabbed him by the throat. He said "I tried being fair but you lead to this. We can play this two ways. Either I get your prisoners and you leave, or you and the lord die. Locust grinned, for you never fight him at night.
'If only I was out of these bounds and had my bow & quiver' Cutain thought
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One of the mercenaries going back to her, being behind the trees he was out of sight, cutting her bonds. 'He's insane making me do this, and even thinking this, but... What weapon do you wield?' The mercenary would say, just so happening to be... An archer...
Vorkaysus said:
One of the mercenaries going back to her, being behind the trees he was out of sight, cutting her bonds. 'He's insane making me do this, and even thinking this, but... What weapon do you wield?' The mercenary would say, just so happening to be... An archer...
"A bow & arrow" Cutain said "it's with my maiden skin!"
'Well, just use mine for now...' He'd say, taking his bow and quiver off of his back, giving it to her. '... Leofric trusts you... Know that.' He'd say, getting up
Vorkaysus said:
'Well, just use mine for now...' He'd say, taking his bow and quiver off of his back, giving it to her. '... Leofric trusts you... Know that.' He'd say, getting up
"Thank you!" Cutane said
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Locust grinned well what's that noise I hear. Talking between a human and something not human, I can tell by the tone mercs working for the king would only have humans. But I know you're hiding someone, or something. So give it up. And leave, your Lord will be freed when you leave. If you do what I say.
Vorkaysus said:
'Alright... If you say so...' Leofric would say, walking away
Cutane got up, bent the bow & started sneaking around the woods
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I know you have a fallen prisoner hand them over. Locust said. I'm trying to get this done peacefully.
Nexion said:
I know you have a fallen prisoner hand them over. Locust said. I'm trying to get this done peacefully.
Cutaine sneaks up a good three meters behind Locust with a bent bow & an arrow aimed at his neck
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